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Posts posted by DiscoDex

  1. Looking at the details of the application the hours proposed for all parts (inc. new terrace at front/new decking at rear) are 9am till 11pm.

    Given the size of area indicated as 'bar' on the proposed new floorplans I also wonder if they've submitted application for change of use to a 'cafe brasserie' and down the line plan is in the evenings to have more of a 'bar' type feel?

    Either way, surely examples like Locale et al show that LL has enough restaurants/bars and show how important it is to keep units that offer retail or other services for local residents. Just walking up and down LL on the average evening shows how similar local businesses are really struggling right now to do enough covers to stay afloat.

  2. Just what Lordship needs, another restaurant and 1 less shop.....not!

    I really hope the council do the right thing and kick this application out as can't see this will help other struggling restaurant businesses in the area. Also it's such a shame to lose what was a really great little childrens shop and upstars was baby classes etc....which I know lots of mum n dads in the area had found to be such a great asset on the Lane.

    As for the out of date plans attached to the application I find that most amusing as that sight line at the back of 106LL changed over 10-12 years ago when the 110 Club was demolished and Sage Mews was constructed! A bit naughty me thinks whoever submitted this application on this basis!!

    My vote would be a definite no.

  3. Great work Mark. Think the place looks great. Fingers crossed all our other great local shops (ie. DIY shop/bookshop etc.) give the frontages of their premises a lick of paint too as would make such a difference. Happy Days! :)
  4. Can someone post pics of the place on this blog when its open as would love to see what the place looks like as this east-dulwichite unfortunately overseas away from my beloved ED at the mo. Cheers. :)
  5. I believe that is what I WAS doing?! The thing is you are exactly what I was taking about in my blog referring to your blog earlier today in saying that 'Either that or move to a hood where no one wants to live'. All I'm saying is that if you really wanted to buy your own place then perhaps you should check out fringe areas to ED which are less expensive (Peckham/Nunhead/New Cross) and not just expect to be able to buy somewhere that you like. The reality is that when I bought my first place in ED the place was a poor relative to pretty much every borough in SW london and yes, living in Chelsea/Clapham etc would have been nice but it was just not an option as it was too expensive. Now ED is the envy of SW and it seems people are flocking here from SW. Whether this is good or bad depends on the individuals and should not become a classist issue as I strongly believe everyone should be judged equally.

    This is what frustrates me in that it seems everyone believes they should be able to buy a property in the area they like most. That just does not make sense. Yes, I would like to drive a Ferrari but the reality is I can only afford a renault clio. Do I complain about this, no.

    I promise I do not make these blogs to offend and am sorry if anyone feels strongly against what I say.


  6. MadWorld74 - I've got to say I'm pretty offended by your comments...

    '...DiscoDex maybe you should be careful how you come across on this forum. To me you are aggressive and antagonistic as others say. You say what you like, just be sensistive to others.....'

    The whole point of this forum is to discuss local issues and opinions. Please can you tell me how exactly my blog was either more aggresive or antagonistic as your last post?

  7. Jeremy,

    Interesting thoughts but..........

    1. I'm not quite sure how an increase in the value of your property can be a bad thing. Fairly simple really. The portion of equity increases which enables you if you were smart to release this equity and re-invest in the area for maybe a buy-to-let investment. This has the benefit of you being able to stay in your current house/flat as well as to re-invest in the community by getting people who can afford higher rents to rent your buy-to-let who then in turn will have more money to buy grande lattes/smoked salmon baguettes from local businesses as they have more money to spend in area. Surely having people that have a higher propensity to spend living in the area can only benefit local businesses rather than be a negative influence!!??

    2. Please name all those local businesses that have been muscled out on LL in last few years that we are not glad to rid of. The Foresters????

    3. I would say that typical agent fees would be approx 1.5-2.5% (+VAT). Given the average 3 bed house selling for approx 500k in SE22 at the mo this equates to approx 10,000+ which I reckon is a fair bit of cash.

    4. I understand your views that housing is a necessity however in the UK in recent years it seems that we all think we have a god given right to own the house we live in. As mentioned by an earlier post, in many other major cities (ie. NY) it is unheard of people living so close to the City and most people rent. Why should it be any different in London??

    If people cannot afford to live in ED then they should look at living possibly in Nunhead/Honor Oak/Peckham and stop whinging that ED is too expensive. Maybe even look further out of London till then earn enought to live closer to town.

    5. On this forum people often spend too much time critisizing the gentrification of ED and forget the good it has done for the area. I think what is happening in the area is fantastic and should be both celebrated and encouraged. We live in a great place in london and the community spirit is unique and should play a key part to the improvements of LL and surrounding area. If we all happen to make a few bucks as a result of these improvements with the prices of our houses/flats increasing in value, is it wrong to be happy about that cos I don't think so????


  8. I can confirm that the plans for Foxtons in the old DSS office next to the Seacow have been around for at least 2 years now. I got shown the plans about 18 months ago and to be honest they will make a big improvement to the existing site which curently looks like a prison. The drawings show a glass frontage and LL will be far better for it.

    I know Foxtons go about the way they transact business in possbly the wrong way but to be honest all those that currently own property in ED will benefit as house prices will be pushed up (even further!).

    What will be interesting will be whether they have an introductory offer (as they do in most other locations when they open a new office) of 0% selling fees. If they do it could spark a lot of people to put houses on market. Given the major reason for people not moving home is the high costs associated with moving (20k +), this could be enough for many people to seriously consider a move.

    For those interesed in buying in ED, stand by cos this could spark the biggest influx of property on the market in area for quite a while.................watch this space!!

    For DVR, Property in Dulwich, Roy Brooks, Burnet Ware & Graves..............Cheerio!

    Disco Dex

  9. I've just moved to Sydney but have kept my house in East Dulwich as when I return in a couple of years I want to stay in the area as love it, read this subject and felt I had to chip in cos I feel v strongly about this subject!

    Alan, I agree 100% with you about the properties by Denmark station. Its a crime that they can be left there in that state. I would say that the site is prime real estate territory in Southwark given that D Hill station getting tube, ED's rise to fame and the continuing strength of C Grove prop market. I say we set up a website and start a petition for these buildings to be sold off.........what do you reckon?

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