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Blah Blah

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Posts posted by Blah Blah

  1. Royal Mail is still pretty much the only postal service for letters/ cards etc. So lack of competition is why they don't care. A different matter though when it comes to tracked parcels and items for which there is a lot of other courier competition, although they manage to lose a fair few of those too. We used UPS for all our parcels before Xmas and everything arrived the next day. Haven't seen a single Xmas card through Royal Mail yet. Last year we got those during the second week of January. Clearly they dump non tracked items in a corner over xmas and sort them when they get round to it. But what can any of us do about that? Nothing.
  2. There were three people with a loudspeaker in Peckham Rye a few days handing out leaflets, which contained a mix of poor understanding of science (well no understanding to be honest), distortion of data, and an underlying motive of conspiracy 'New World Order' theories. Not really sure what they hope to achieve to be honest.
  3. Easynow Wrote:


    > Hi Blah Blah,


    > Just wanted to highlight a couple of things, those

    > of us who have been lucky enough to be able to

    > work from home during the pandemic have had to

    > endure lots of building work and children

    > screaming all day every day when the school were

    > closed. There was no opportunity to close the door

    > when the temp was 32 degrees +, yet some of us had

    > to still work our normal hours and cope with all

    > those added distractions. Many people don't want

    > to have children, as is their right, or worse

    > would love to have children yet for many reasons,

    > can't, and these people live next door to families

    > with young children and deal with them screaming,

    > laughing, crying etc. all through the night and

    > all through the day and they don't complain to

    > you.


    > I think it would be really kind if you had a think

    > about how much your children affect your

    > neighbours throughout the year, not only 3 days,

    > and perhaps thought about how they felt about

    > that. I'm sure they are very pleasant to your

    > children despite the fact that they wake them

    > up/keep them awake/ruin their relaxing time in the

    > garden and have never mentioned a gripe.


    > Perhaps a bit of the old "Do unto others as you

    > wish to be done by" is relevant here. If you're

    > certain that your children are so peaceful and

    > quiet that they never cry/scream/shout and have

    > annoyed people who have to work from home during

    > this pandemic then please accept my apologies, but

    > unless you breed robots, I sincerely doubt that is

    > possible.

    My children don't make disruptive noise for ten hours a day three days in a row. Maybe try comparing like for like next time.

  4. hpsaucey Wrote:


    > The Elusive Shadow Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > No point arguing on here, let the moaners moan.

    > If it wasnt this festival, it would be something

    > else to moan about this weekend then onto the

    > next

    > thing next week."


    > Would it? I've been following this thread and

    > really wonder where's people's empathy for others

    > has gone. 'Moaning' and struggling with the noise

    > impact are two very different things. It's evident

    > from this year and others that the sound from Gala

    > carries in strange ways; also that people's

    > personal noise tolerances also vary for many

    > reasons.


    > HP

    Quite. I would love to see where I show a track record of moaning about stuff every weekend. The truth is I don't. I expect there to be one day events and house parties etc, at various times of the year. So I really fail to understand how anyone can not see the difference between that, and 30 hours of very loud music across three consecutive days, one of which is a working weekday for most who work. There was no warning of an extra day, none whatsoever.

  5. DuncanW Wrote:


    > Gala have offered residents heavily discounted

    > tickets each year since they started.

    And they are limited to just 400 out of the 17k sold. Hardly generous. But again, the real issue here is that a two day festival was allowed a third day, a day that is a working day for most. The council changed the existing licence to allow that with no regard for or consultation with local residents seemingly.

  6. Lebanums Wrote:


    > The park is for everyone, and we are a community.

    > All of us older ones have been partying in our

    > time without a care for anyone else. Let's put

    > this in perspective, it was 3 days or 30 hours of

    > party, as previously said, that's 362 days of

    > peace and quiet, and it finished at 10, so it was

    > not keeping anyone up in the evening, sorry for

    > those on shifts. Many people have had works done

    > to their home during lockdown, which lasted way

    > more than 3 days. I'm sure we were all more

    > accommodating for our neighbours...


    > The partygoers were respectful. I get some

    > comments about weeing & bottles, but there have

    > been many groups hanging around drinking in Sexby

    > gardens for months with their nicked Borris bikes,

    > leaving their bottles on the ground, so Gala

    > cannot be held responsible for one or two ignorant

    > individuals.


    > Regarding the state of the grass, the grass at the

    > entrance of Dunstans has disappeared, but this has

    > been like this since lockdown began, so can't all

    > be blamed on the festival. The site will repair

    > itself as it has done in the past, and I'm sure I

    > will find you all on here next year with the same

    > complaints. So until then I bid you goodbye.

    No it finished at 10.30 and those with children had a terrible weekend. This is not the same as having work done on the home at all. Noise around that type of work has to finish by 7 by law. Most workmen finish by 4.30 in reality. Where I do agree is in the event being well organised. No other issues with it. The noise wasn't at a constant level either. Live bands and MCs seemed to suddenly get loud and I suspect there was some riding of the volumes. But the key thing here is that the licence granted in 2018 was for a TWO day event once a year until end of 2021. Somewhere, the council decided to change that licence, and did so without consultation. That is what I personally will be challenging with the local councillors.

  7. Roachy Wrote:


    > Went to all three days and had the time of my

    > life. After 18 months of no festivals Gala was the

    > perfect comeback. Those complaining about noise,

    > buy earplugs next time.

    And that is the selfish response that typifies the average festival goer it seems. Not against the event for the last time, but think the location is too close to people's houses, which it definitely is.

  8. Okay, let's be clear here. This WAS a very noisy event. It also ran for TEN hours a day, for THREE days. Previously it was two days. If it were a one day event. I wouldn't be complaining, just as I don't complain about the occasional house party that disturbs me. But THREE days? That is 30 hours of loud bass on my doorstep. It is not a laughing matter.

    As for what young people have had to put up with etc, we have all had to put up with a lot over the last 18 months. Some people were working 90 hours a week dealing with waves of seriously ill people, so spare me the bs because kids can't party.

    Now it appears, the same company want to lease the Bowling Green to destroy the peace and quiet of the gardens that surround it on a regular basis! Where does it stop? It is a park, not a nightclub. Are there no commercial music venues this company can rent? I despair that such a proposal is even shortlisted.

  9. jazzer Wrote:


    > It was banging out loud enough even up the hill

    > last night. Are these events not governed by the

    > no. of db's and if exceeded, need to be reduced.

    > Where's the noise team???

    It is worse at night because other ambient noise drops. Not sure how they measure decibel levels to be honest. If it is loud enough to interfere with other noise, then it is too loud. And it is too warm to keep all the windows shut for three days.

  10. jazzer Wrote:


    > It was banging out loud enough even up the hill

    > last night. Are these events not governed by the

    > no. of db's and if exceeded, need to be reduced.

    > Where's the noise team???

    > I do feel very sorry for those in the midst of the

    > intolerable bass.

    > Today Hornimans Gardens are closed for the Jerk

    > music and burnt food event that they have brought

    > back, so stuck in the middle of the two.

    > It seems to be all about ?? Money at the expense

    > of local residents.

    Indeed. Right now all I can hear are drums drums drums. I have two very tired kids and and two more days of this crap. The music is audible well beyond two mins away. I worked an early shift and am now supposed to be sleeping before my early shift tm. So am in no mood for stupid people who think I am being a selfish party pooper because some council official decided it was a good idea to put a three day music festival that runs until 10.30 at night on my doorstep. There are better, less disruptive locations for this kind of event, end of.

  11. I have to disagree Spartacus. Police are expected to show due diligence. PACE clearly outlines when they can ask for ID and the process to that. We do not live in a nation where we are required to carry ID, and it matters when Police behave with an expectation that all they have to do is ask and expect people to comply.
  12. Technically, the law does say that if a Police Officer asks for ID, you must provide it. But they can only do that if they suspect an offence has been committed. Just simply asking for ID without any indication of an alleged offence by you is not the law. You were right to refuse. Police officers literally get just 12 weeks training these days, which is why their understanding of their powers under the law is often so bad. They are supposed to know PACE backwards, but often they don't. They will need a warrant if they want to search your home for any person they suspect of living there.
  13. BrandNewGuy Wrote:


    > Hmmm, I'm sympathetic to both sides, but when two

    > people sign up to the forum to have a go at a

    > regular forumite? Sling yer 'ooks, "man"!

    Ahhh well spotted.

    The troll who thinks he is clever by showing disdain for residents by engaging in class war, sounds familiar in fact. to be ignored I think.

    And yes first mate, that is it exactly.

  14. Oh look, another one who thinks city dwellers should just like it or lump it. Wanna say that to the elderly couple in a council flat down the road from me John? How about I put a PA outside of your house and subject you to boom boom boom for three days on the trot, or better still, your parents house if you still have any.

    There are plenty of regulations in place to stop people being unreasonable with noise, but for some reason, when a company is paying the council a ton of money, no-one cares about that. Music festivals are not normally sited next door to streets of residential housing for a good reason. But Southwark Council, in spite of having many more suitable and less invasive sites for an event like this, choose a small park surrounded by residential property. Bonkers.

  15. chichirara Wrote:


    > Some beautiful music lined up for this weekend.. I

    > only hope I can hear it from my garden. Some of

    > London?s finest new jazz playing.. lathe likes of

    > Alfa Mist Wayne Snow etc..

    Music is subjective, but fine if it just blends into the background ether. Not fine however when powerful bass stage systems are running none stop all day for three days. The council get loads of complaints every time.

  16. funnylookingowl Wrote:


    > Perhaps you ought to concentrate on something else

    > other than ruining thousands of peoples enjoyment

    > of a music festival. Why dont you put some music

    > on yourself in your nice house, your choice of

    > genre, and have a little bit of fun? Or is this

    > your big chance you have waiting for a while for,

    > to moan on an internet forum and rather sadly sit

    > by a telephone with pursed lips, telling the nice

    > man that the music is too loud?

    Get stuffed. I have two young kids who go to bed by 7 and my wife is working at home. A three day festival next door to a residential area is a bad idea, which is why they they usually take place in suitable spaces. We are still in the middle of a pandemic too, so I object to a super spreader event on my doorstep too as it happens.

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