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Posts posted by ernesto

  1. this seems have gone well.

    I cant wait for the reation to my follow up, wich takes on both the libertarian ethos and a curt dismssal of Fukayamas end of history, with some snide comments aimed at the Randits on here

  2. Looking through the threads, dontcha feel its about time to have a busybody section ?

    A place where curtain twitchers, backward looking reargarders, reactionaries and people who think rickets was a cool period piece, can bleat in comfort.

    Starting topics could be

    Why did they get rid of the Foresters? it was the best place in the world

    The South East regional Crime squad- they may have been corrupt and violent bullies, but at least you could leave your doors open .sometimes

    I miss being sneered at and overcharged in the East Dulwich Deli

  3. much of the ED 19c housing stock is a pretty poor example of the era - you may be fond of your 750K semi with side return , but the chances are it has virtually no foundation & some well flimsy internal stuff going on eg crap joist fitment & no tying in. the stock in the area was virtually no different in concept than any other large scale speculative design of later times.
  4. if you want to see free enterprise and pure markets at work, then I would suggest a fuck off one way ticket to somalia or haiti where you can see how it works without the meddling of the state messing up the markets
  5. it is interesting that pretty much all markets are regulated with regards to pricing and racketeering (some more than others blates), yet housing is totes outside the remit. I pay say ?200 a month for leccy & gas and it is regulated, yet I would pay ?1500 for a gaff, but outside basic landlord safety requirements, its a free for all

    Is Housing the last bastion of rapacious gerrmandery capitalism left in blates broken brittan?

    discuss/ argue amongst yerselves/ rely in a typically condescending manner to show how clever you is

  6. rahrahrah Wrote:


    > Quids, you're being a bit patronising to be

    > honest. The fact is that there are a lot of

    > reasons why property prices have soared over the

    > last few decades and they're far more complicated

    > than just supply and demand. Of course, the

    > population of London has increased and supply has

    > not kept pace - but that is not the whole story.


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