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Posts posted by zoal

  1. One further shout out for Robert & Denny's - they are very similar to Harradines (both v local). They moved us the last time (about 4-5 years ago) ...we had more stuff and Harradines gave more comprehensive package in the end (in terms of packing and price) this time.

    But last time the guys did really fabulously and very hardworking (same story - no packing done beforehand!). there was even an issue with our chain and even though they were out by 12 or so we didnt get our keys until about 4:30pm but they waited (there is a theoretical threat to take your stuff to storage overnight) and even 'threw in' a couple of extra unpackers to get the job done.

    Was very happy with them. In fact - just as i was leaving my old house - saw them pull up to move in the new guys!

  2. Just moved - we used Harradines

    competitive quote and covered everything we needed. Make sure you negotiate what you need and dont leave anything to chase or last minute in terms of request (including loft which we forgot! -they backed it but I brought the stuff down)

    Have to say these guys were very good - absolutely BLITZED a completely unpacked house like ours in a matter of hours. I mean we did NOTHING ...so it can be done. obviously its ideal if you organise a little as they just shove things in a box (nicely) - even the breakables. I could see they really knew what they were doing and packed well. They will also undo do things but not necessarily put it all back together at the other end. They did our desk and beds which was fab.

    There is some good advice on another thread on using these sorts of movers. At the end of the day its all about how much time you have and how big your property (or rather -in our case -how much cr%p you have!!).

    There is something to be said for not just letting them get on with it. they are the first to complain you are getting in their way and then say "well you didnt tell us not to/to pack this or that here or there"! We have a lot of "misclnce" or "odds" boxes - not great when looking for things! :(

    so having a good idea about labelling and briefing them would be my advice especially if your new house has a slightly different layout. Anyway got the job done and money well spent.

    Good luck

  3. Well there are things that you can assess in a 3 year old ...its just more difficult to discern BETWEEN children (i.e. very bright and bright or 'just plain average'!) except if there are specific or general learning difficulties where at 3 they might seem impaired but may grow out of it/develop at a later stage. There is actually an objective 'IQ' test (WPPSI)that just about covers this age group, but it can only be administered by a chartered clinical psychologist and they DEFINATELY wont be employing one for the entrance tests!!! Still you can google it to give you an idea of areas that can actually be objectively measured and compared.

    SO what can 3 year old do? well I'm sure you can answer this yourself when you spend time with them. Do they seem curious with new objects? Can they name a few colours? Can they relate a story about themselves or family? Can they draw at all (e.g. their family)? Can they name a few objects from pictures and perhaps identify (some)letters/numbers? Higher end might be identifying what is wrong with a picture (e..g missing leg off a chicken) or do they get the gist of a story that you have read them? (did they even listen???)

    Finally, and perhaps being slightly cynical here, but what they are really looking for: can this child sit during reading time and listen, is he interested in other children and does he listen if I talked to him one on one? This makes for a very receptive and easier class to teach. Hyperactivity is relatively normal in some children up until the age of 5 or 6 ...but can be a bit disruptive if you are not prepared to wait that long from when they are 3!

    good luck

  4. I think the biggest hidden costs are additional childcare headaches if you are 2 working parents. holidays are longer (half term for 1st term 2 weeks vs 1, summer starts 2 weeks earlier, etc.)...perhaps offset by the ability to take advantage of slightly cheaper deals if you can/have to travel (we have significant family abroad)

    After school clubs not bad from year 3 onwards when end of school day is 3:30pm, takes it to 4-4:15 (4:45pm for some sports ones).

    also fees go up ?1-2% every year.

  5. Alex - I'm sure you are aware the NHS salaries are a matter of public knowledge. they are negotiated by the national bodies and published twice a year - April and (sometimes) october or so.

    This is for every sector within the NHS, which for non-medics, was harmonised into a 'banding' system (so called Agenda for Change) from 1-9 (most clinical people 5-7, admin 3-5). The medics are subject to a separate pay circular. EVERY aspect of pay is outlined and described including locum pay (i.e. non-substantive). Pay is essentially according to experience in a given grade, so the longer you work the more your pay (slightly) until you jump up a grade (e.g. from Admin assistant to Admin manager or Registrar to Consultant), which is when pay can increase more significantly (relatively speaking).

    Here is the link:

    NHS Pay circular

    It is true that INDIVIDUAL salaries are not published - and I believe that there should be some discretionary privacy for an individual. Public servants do certainly given enough of their lives without having to have intimate details exposed. Lets face it most people would be only interested in what CEO or medical director earns and not Mr Joe Porter or Dr. X Registrar. Those figures are actually available if you look at the board meeting minutes end of year reports.


    CoI: local NHS Dr.

  6. I suspect it is as you described that there has been a new change in the guard - I would write to the head and finance and explain your situation.

    JAGS unlike many of the bigger public/independent schools (but rather like many of the little ones) run from one terms fee to the next with very little leeway. The problem is that the teacher's salarys are so high (relatively) that most of the fees go on this - I guess this is why they are playing more hard ball as they couldnt default on that could they?? ;-)

    good luck either way. I think it is important to do what you think is right by your children and not bow to any (especially dulwich) liberal (not socialist mind) agenda. Our states schools have their merits and the newer ones are on a par in terms of facilities even if the league tables dont necessarily reflect this (yet). Selection Bias will always mean that conditions are skewed in favour of one over the other (simple example is SEN pupil %).

  7. Just got a recommendation from a local business for Jack - ?Polish mobile mechanic 07886030314

    used to work on Rosendale road garage which they also recommend (but he is cheaper & more convenient!)

    let us know how you get on though for future reference please.

  8. i would highly recommend the guys off the top of Rye Lane (Nunhead Park side). Very cheap, rough and ready - cash only sort of people!! I thought they were a little dodgy but actually were very helpful when i had a problem. I was halfway to birmingham and noticed a flat. they suggested I change the tyres on them! ..in the end I just inflated it further and it worked fine.

    the vans arent exactly brand new (the earlier you get the newer the car) and they only have about 10 or so vans....but nice and easy and very cheap (ish at least).


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