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Posts posted by ted17

  1. Starting really loud music during the working day is a joke - trying to do work calls and all people can hear is the music in the background. At least wait until 6pm when most people who WFH will have finished work. Especially when families with kids are going to have a fund weekend dealing with ratty tired children who can't sleep until whenever the music stops.
  2. I am an ED resident who regularly uses the bus to get to Peckham Rye Station. Since July 2020 buses have been diverted meaning they no longer connect. There's a petition to make this permanent, and doing so would ruin one of the only actual public transport routes we have available. I found this counter-petition, i.e. making the case to re-open Rye Lane to buses. It reads as follows and the link to sign it is below:

    "The closure of rye Lane has made it difficult, and in some cases impossible, for people with disabilities and those with impaired mobility to access shops, churches, dental and other professional services, banks and railway station. The increase in the number of bicycles and electric scooters has made it extremely difficult for people with sensory disabilities, (such as the visually impaired and people using walking frames and walking sticks). Access to bus routes will increase footfall to local businesses at a very difficult time."


  3. Thanks to most respondents. I posted this as a warning to others in case they are in similar situations, as an attempt to a) act as a reminder to people and b) flag how Southwark handle these cases.

    I wasn't looking for views on the merits of my case, or for sympathy. @jimlad48 in particular - at no point in my post did I say I wasn't at fault, nor that I was a fortnight late in updating my details. So your post is completely pointless and adds nothing to the thread, nor to the facts. If it makes you feel better though, then that's great, we all need a bit of a pep up at the moment. But even worse, not did your post add nothing, it was also incorrect. You said ""Southwark wrote to you at the correct address on the system at the time". They also then wrote to me several times at the address at the incorrect address - I believe, three times. So they got their comms right on one out of four occasions. But I do appreciate your constructive take on the situation.

    On the other point - I did have postal redirect, but found the service very patchy, this wasn't the only thing that didn't get through. In fact it would have been better if I hadn't had it - anything returned to Southwark causes them to double check the address. The fact that it didn't make its way to me - or back to them - means they assumed it had been delivered.

  4. This is a heads up for anyone who moves house having been driving in Southwark/ED (in my case, moving from one part of SE22 to another). We got a penalty charge notice (for a wrong right turn in a car) in the 2 week gap between moving house and updating our vehicle address records with the DVLA. Southwark sent the PCN to the old address (since they only use DVLA details) - fair enough. We didn't get it obviously, but within 10 days had updated our address at the DVLA to our new one. Southwark then sent every single further reminder, chaser and bit of correspondence to the wrong (old) address, for almost a year - i.e. they didn't bother checking with the DVLA if they were still posting to the correct address or not. They just relied on the initial check they did.

    A year on I get a letter from a debt collection agency that Southwark have sold my debt to. Obviously the first thing they do is check my addresss, find the new one, and send me a nasty red-topped letter. I work out how to file an appeal (via the Traffic Court in Northampton) setting out the facts, and showing a screenshot of the DVLA page showing the date I changed the address, and a utility bill proving my residence at the new address.

    I assumed Southwark might say "fair enough; we did post out all the reminders, chasers - everything but the first letter - to the wrong address" and let me pay the initial charge. But no, they go to the effort of opposing my appeal, claiming that my utility bill is not proof of address (when it is in any other context, including for proving address to the council themselves) and that the screen grab I provided of the DVLA website is insufficient (what more can I do? Why don't they check direct with the DVLA?!), and failing to mention that they had incorrectly communicated with me for almost a year. Now awaiting the court decision - I have to phone the debt collector every day to find out, because they won't let me know if/when my case has come off hold, and could turn up at any moment to try to take my stuff / clamp my car.

    Maybe I shouldn't be surprised, but I'm disappointed that Southwark are so aggressively pursuing a resident for a charge which is more than four times the initial amount, when they are partly at fault and I've given a clear explanation. If they want to squeeze more money out of residents they should be transparent about it and put council tax up.

    I also doubt that what they are doing is lawful - I believe they've found a loophole (the change of address) and are exploiting it to the full. So this is a WARNING for anyone driving in Southwark/ED - you MUST update your vehicle log book asap after moving otherwise the first thing you may know about it is a debt collector following up a case that Southwark have sold to them.

  5. I live on Glengarry Road and the bollard on the corner is a massive pain. It just takes chunks out of cars and vice versa; I can't see any possible safety benefit - if the issue is that cars routinely drive on pavements, why aren't they on more corners? The real issue with that junction is, turning right out of Glengarry, you can't see a thing because of the bus stop and six pizza bikes with massive boxes parked all over the nice big pavement. You essentially have to gamble, turning right, by nosing out into the road. I hope the nice new wide pavements on Lordship Lane don't become de facto parking spots for pizza bikes, but clearly this is a use of them that the Council is happy with.

    On Melbourne - the question simply becomes, where does the traffic go? Up Lordship Lane. The idea that progressively closing streets will discourage car use is nonsense, apart from in the very long run. In the short and medium term, i.e. the next ten years, it will just cause cars to be backed up on more and more roads. It simply isn't justifiable beyond the preferences of those few who live on the road. God forbid I had my way on everything I thought should change on my road! Or maybe I should trade the closure of Melbourne for the removal of the bollards and pizza bikes on Glengarry...

  6. Completely agree with all the frustrated people here. I don't drive often in London but when I do it's because I need to use a car - e.g. transporting something - and driving in South London is a particular nightmare, having recently moved here. People have suggested that it's a good thing, because it will encourage people to use cars less. But I want to live in a city where I can use a car or get a taxi if I need it. Trying to end driving by making it so difficult that it just isn't worth it is a ridiculous approach. Closing this particular junction will do nothing but force new rat runs and more congestion - I spent about 15 minutes re-routing around it the other day. That's 15 more minutes of my car on the road. Who's winning here?
  7. Anyone got any updates on experiences of buying a loft from the Council in the last year or so? Thinking about this and trying to work out if it will be easier to buy the freehold and do it that way, rather than extending the lease to include the loft (which it doesn't, currently). Thanks.
  8. We just moved to the area and have none of the forms of ID they want - driving licence with the right address on, utility bills etc. We took our leasehold contract in the end and the guys were fine (we did this twice over the weekend), I think they just need to see something that connects you to a Southwark postcode.
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