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Posts posted by ruthief

  1. If you are considering the midwife-led suite, have you thought about a homebirth? We just had an amazing homebirth through the Lewisham community midwives (our first was born at Kings) and I would totally recommend it. As someone posted above, the midwifery unit has strict criteria for use, but homebirth is a bit more relaxed (we wouldn't have been able to use the midwifery unit for example, as I was 'overdue' at 42+1 and outside hospital policy, but still able to have a wonderful homebirth in the pool). You also benefit from caseloading midwife care for homebirth at kings and they are moving to this at Lewisham too which means continuity of care through 0regnancy and postnatal.
  2. JohnL Wrote:


    > First time buyers are OK (they get relief up to

    > 500K) - it's 2nd home owners and expensive

    > properties that are hit.


    > 2nd home owners have been hit hard - and the

    > government is looking for money for the NHS this

    > autumn too.

    Having been a first time buyer recently i can say with certainty this is not true in my experience - it is harder than ever for people in our situation. Firstly, the government scheme only allows up to 450k which, although a huge amount for first timers, will buy you virtually nothing in most of London. Certainly not in ED. Secondly, without the benefit of the huge increase in property values over recent years providing equity for a deposit you have to save incredibly hard to afford the outlay (even with the current sluggish market, assuming you didnt buy here very recently there will have been a significant increase in your property value). Finally, with the absurdly expensive and largely unregulated private rental sector, where does the disposable income come from for first time buyers to save a deposit plus stamp duty, as well as afford increasing cost of living in london?

    I appreciate its hard for everyone, but to say first time buyers are okay is a bit of a stretch

  3. A friend of ours runs Rubicon - they rub residential skateboarding and scooter camps (some specially for girls) and also do loads of work with schools.

    I think the children have to be 10, so maybe for when your little one is a bit older.

    They have a website http://www.camprubicon.com/girls/ and also are on Facebook if you search for Camp Rubicon...I'm sure they would be happy to give advice for getting your daughter into boarding, and what equipment would be best

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