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Posts posted by nymom

  1. I had an underground leak which was identified by at Thames water. But we could not locate the source. It was actually underground outside of the house but within the border of my property. I had to pay to have the paving stones taken up and different areas dug up until the leak was found. I then had to pay to have new water pipes brought from the area which was Thames waters responsibility to my home all the way down my driveway. It was expensive.
  2. Last year I rejected my offer in place of a private place. I wrote to the council and followed up with a phone call. I then got a letter from the school two months later with my sons class teacher etc. I called and wrote to thecouncil again. A week into the term the school was leaving me messages wondering where my son was. I explained to the school what happened, sent them a letter in writing,along with another email and call to the council. This was to a sought after school that many people were on the waiting list for. I felt badly but I had tried everything to opt outofthe place.
  3. Hi. I am highly allergic to dust mites and have had issues with this since early childhood. I would agree the reason he got worse is because you probably unsettled a lot of dust in your clean up. Definitely get rid of the carpet. They are dust magnets. Even constant deep cleaning wont help. Use a damp mop on wood floors so the dust doesn't fly inthe air. Soft toys and piles of books get very dusty. I would eliminate as much as possible in his room. Wash sheets and bedding in the hottest temperature you can. You could consider an air purifier. Look on the allergy uk website for reviews. They do make a difference.
  4. I worked in an exclusive private school. The primary years are not an issue in that regard. Secondary can be an issue, but only if you let it. For me, the major factor was the proximity to my house and the playdates etc. Also, forming relationships with parents takes on a different angle if you work at the school, and that can be tricky to navigate.

    If you at happy with the commute to school and the distance you may have to travel for play etc, then I would go for it. Also remember that other parents may not be as keen as you to travel for play dates so a lot will come down to you.

    If th quality of education your children will receive is substantially better, then I would highly consider it. The private school I worked in had amazing art, music, theatre and physical education facilities that could not be matched by a state primary. There was a lot of emphasis on being well rounded and no emphasis on test taking which I also found as a positive.

  5. I am having twins and they share a placenta which makes it a high risk. I am with the Lanes. I do have scans every two weeks at kings and also see consultant every three to four weeks. However my lanes midwife has been wonderful, we have all of my regualr appointments at home etc. she has provided me with lots of support and info about the c section I need to have and has said that she will make every effort to be there with me on the day. She has never made me feel like I am wasting her time or resources. I did find out about the twins at 8 weeks and told the midwife at my first appointment and she was still very eager to keep me in her caseload. She has also told me there are a few other women currently on their books carrying twins.
  6. I have a four year old and a two year old. We went for number three and I found out I was pregnant with identical twins! My husband has always wanted four so maybe I am saving myself another pregnancy:). Not having the babies for a few more weeks so can give more of an update on how it's going later on. Good luck with your decision. I only had one sibling growing up and wished for more which played a part in my decision to try for another one. I am sure the dynamic will change but I am sure it will mostly be positive.
  7. Since I had started the thread I thought I would offer an update. We ended up choosing Dulwich Prep. My son absolutely loves it. He is really thriving and the atmosphere is nurturing and supportive. He is excited to go to school everyday, and he is very shy so I had been worried. My daughter goes to the Ducks kindergarten and she really loves it there, so I can understand the dilemma. It would have been easier for me to drop off at one school, but I don't regret the decision. I didn't want him to deal with the 7+ if he didn't have to. I didn't dislike the Ducks reception at all, in fact I liked it. But overall I am so happy he is in Dulwich Prep and if you want to know more please feel free to pm me.
  8. Hi. I think there are different surgical procedures. The one discussed with me was minor and didn't involve a hysterectomy. I was told it is minimally invasive and had a very good success rate assuming you have no further children

    As if you have a second procedure the effectiveness drops dramatically. I am sure each person will have a unique situation and treatment plan, however there are options that are less invasive than others.

  9. I have major problems in this area. Even squatting down is an issue. Jumping, running, going down staris quickly, youname it. I have been through all of the physio at kings. Consultant urogyn said I would need surgery if I want any improvement. But I want a third child. So everything on hold until then. I find it frustrating and dont know anyone else with this issue.
  10. Just for information purposes. I got through at 8:01 this morning on the phone and there was one person ahead of me. I was offered a morning appt but elected for an afternoon as I actually wanted a double appointment for my daughter and I. Normally I have rang for 20 min or more so maybe today I was lucky. I think there is someone in the back on the phones and someone in the front simultaneously. I will also say that I used the Lanes based at DMC and they book their own appts.
  11. My son who is 4 did the one week class in the summer. He is very shy and I thought it would be a good way to get used to being left for reception. He loved it! So much so that I have signed him up for the Saturday morning classes. There is a waiting list for the Tuesday afternoon but Thursday may have some free places. We just couldt go on Thursdays. It is expensive but well organised.
  12. I am 610 meters away. Was 26th on the waiting list on the first day and have only moved to 24th. Other families that live around me have children at the school. The "catchment" has definitely gotten much smaller. This year I believe there were 32 siblings admitted.
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