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Posts posted by Mischa

  1. We are starting to think about secondary school for our son and we are lucky in that we may be in the catchment for both Charters. I hear good things about Kingsdale too.

    Would anyone on here with children at the schools let know their thoughts? Are the two charters very different from one another for instance? I'm starting with close to zero knowledge really

    Thanks so much in advance...

  2. And after wasting a massive amount of money (millions?) on a crazy new road layout at dulwich village junction which made traffic far worse and seems fairly dangerous too. Shocker. I am all for people avoiding cars when they can but this does seem like a way of just fleecing money off people hoping to enjoy the park.
  3. As one of the posters said above it takes weeks if not a month or so. My son had the same thing not long ago. We put the treatments on them, then covered with plaster and sometimes duct tape, repeating the process a few times a week. What finally got them was when we started filing off some of the dead/flaking skin with a nail file (obviously don't use it for your nails afterwards!). It took time and persistence but meant that no trip was needed to get anything done professionally...
  4. I think it's really important these guys are reported to 101. We get it fairly often and it's really unpleasant to have to deal with these people being so aggressive and threatening especially when you have young kids in the house. They slammed my gate forcefully, almost knocking it off its hinges, when I declined to buy anything and you can feel quite shaken up afterwards.They seem to make a point of visiting houses in this area.
  5. Absolutely agree - it's not acceptable at all to try to initimidate/threaten people and get aggressive if they don't want to buy things at their door. I wonder what the purpose of the visits really are. Does seem like a type of scoping out. I called 101 recently and encourage others to do the same if these callers are aggressive or visit at antisocial hours.
  6. Hi there

    We want to do our loft this year as need to create a bit more space for our growing family. We are in the Dulwich Estate area so will have to abide by their rules as well as Southwark Council's. Has anyone on here used Outlook Lofts and would you recommend? Thanks very much in advance for any insider tips/knowledge!

  7. Waking up again to a long list of large companies looking to relocate out of the UK, and both the Tories and Labour in meltdown with nobody stepping up to fill the huge void, I feel I need to do something to feel less powerless and I know I'm not alone. Businesses can't wait for months, they will be filing applications to relocate as we speak.

    Does anyone know the best MPs to contact and have any email addresses?

  8. The prospect of Brexit is particularly frightening for those with children, worried about their future.

    Please sign, sign, sign - together we can do something about this result and protect them from such massive uncertainty

    It needs to be shared far and wide via email lists and so on, to reach the goal of over 17m - we're on 3m now


  9. Hi there

    Our son is starting at DPL this September and will be in the Mohicans tribe (!) - we'd love to hear from any current parents of boys who attend this school who are due to start year two in september and live locally. Please do drop me a note if you have time to chat about the school/introduce our boys. Our son is very sociable, and we'd both really love to hear from you.

    Thanks in advance!


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