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Posts posted by marigold

  1. Barcelona: has no one else noticed they have a mummified pigs leg on a fake spit right in the middle of the restaurant? not a good look for attracting non-meat eaters...

    lacks atmosphere. pricey. food is nothing special at all.

    the bar in Herne Hill (next door to the new Oxfam) does really good tapas and has good ambiance. a much better bet.

  2. you are all lemmings. spoonfed non-individuals. what's wrong with you all? Crocs, Orla Kiely bags. children named Euphonism & Ploy. Break out of the mould. you are all doing what Chavs did to Burberry. do it moderation. individualise it.
  3. i really cannot see the positives of Petit Choux. Microwaved pastries with the biggest flies you've ever seen. Noisy (& just plainly awful furniture). Cramped. You sit ontop of your neighbour. impossible to go in there to have a private or even semi-private conversation. Staff chat amongst themselves.... nah, not many positives that I can see. its a shame, because its right in the middle of the Lane - a prime position. Please Mr Petit Choux - a comfortable refit please? You could be SO much better! It tops 'the most uncomfortable and un-aesthetically pleasing eating place in ED'.

    and another thing, how about the ladies at Moo Too keeping their door 'open' ?? I am sure they are alienating an awful lot of potential customers just by keeping their very heavy and hard to open door closed. and Be happy! they all seem so desperate for sales, they look so worried and stressed. Cheer up ladies!

    oh, yes, and one more thing (gripe?). Congratulations on Filmnight/Apollo for saving themselves from closure - but.... how about a policy of No Smoking in the back room ?! It filters out onto the shop floor and is quite disgusting!

    if I am deviating a bit from the Award Ceremony that this Thread is following - I apologise.

  4. Remember how absolutely amazing the Alleyns School Car Boot Sale was? Fab quality goods, loads of pitches, masses of stuff. I used to clothe my entire family out there. It was particularly brilliant for kids toys. It was twice a year if I remember correctly. Does anyone know why this came to an end? Does anyone out there know of another quality boot sale close to Dulwich? Would anyone be interested in perhaps starting one up? I wonder if Dulwich College might be interested in having their turf driven on and temporarily turned into a mire for the benefit of the local community?
  5. Its all very well this voting for the Best Customer Service blady blagh - but really guys, Ralon?!? the guy in there is a notoriously miserable, stingy sourpuss. Never lets you touch ANYTHING, even if its wrapped. Cant remember EVER being smiled at in there at all!!! Probably could take the award for Worst Customer Service.

    Roullier White staff are ALWAYS cheerful, and very helpful. I was in there last weekend feeling miserable and came out smiling, after a very helpful and entertaining chat with their lovely staff - Brilliant. Hope and Greenwood - fab and always patient with children. Mr Pretty and staff - relentlessly amazing. Health Matters are good too, although sometimes look at one with an air of superiority. SMBS - those boys are just gorgeous. Somerfield need to give their staff free deodorant. Not the most fragrant of places. Cafe Nero staff are nice too.

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