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Selclene Southeast

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Everything posted by Selclene Southeast

  1. No I do not. But I hope you know you are hurting my feelings and making me quite sad. I hope you are happy.
  2. No. We have been posting quite safely, honestly and openly without trolling others with abusive comments and snide remarks. You are not as anonymous as you think. :) Have a great day- Trolling others I presume.
  3. If people like Loz ( who uses a fake name to hide behind) are going to use this forum I would prefer it, if they would not troll every post with acidic and trollish remarks. Atleast read the previous posts before commenting. I should of guessed you was an avid Viz reader who never really grew up and probably still lives at home with his mother, or is married with a wife who hardley notices him at all, as he plays video games constantly and ignores her when he's with his mates. I can see that your pseudonym ''Loz'' sounds like slang for ''loss'' or ''lost''- either way get a life.
  4. If you would pay it little more attention to previous posts instead of trolling you would have read that I personally delivered leaflets into households 500 to be exact. And it was then I realised how much rubbish was being thrown into bins and into the streets. Get a life. I still propose a leaflet fine. Regards, Danny.
  5. >That's possibly the silliest argument I've seen in a while. Silly? maybe...But it does get under your skin don't it? When you actually think about it. :)
  6. All of the following are contributing factors to the modern day violence in our society today- Violent adverts all around us- Buses, Billboards, TV, Music and Computer Games have taken it to a different level of violent imagery. When we were young and played with toy guns we were not also bombarded with violent images, even on the news. All I am saying that the London Bus is as iconic as the Union Jack, the Beefeater, the Crown and as British as the Lion and the Unicorn. You wouldn't adorn any of those with images of violence would you? - NO.
  7. Personally, and it is my personal view, sometimes you have to read between the lines and take a really good look at our surroundings. We are, subconsciously being trained to live in fear and told 'not to fear or be afraid'- That we have nothing to fear, but fear itself! Seriously, I for one do not appreciate having to explain to my children 'why can't I play with a gun' as we do our food or clothing shopping as plastic guns are on the shelves as 'toys'. Really disturbing, truly.
  8. I do agree. But I still do not understand as to why we have an increasing problem with gun crime and violence- Why do we promote it on the side of public transport?
  9. As a Londoner through and through and a parent, I have noticed recently that our lives are changing for the better in terms of how we are bombarded with advertisements and images in our daily lives. Gone are the 30foot billboards on every corner which promoted smoking and drinking, yet I believe we can go one step further and ban movie advertisements which show guns and knives and explosions on billboards, posters and BUSES!. I for one feel that our daily lives do not need images on the sides of the London Bus of actors waving machine guns, shooting others and explosions of cars and buildings, simply because it 'sells'. What kind of message does it send to communities when buses are covered with acts of violence and gore? I think that we should look at this subject very carefully-If we can ban smoking and drinking ads, we can surely ban guns being advertised and promoted? Any thoughts on this subject would be most appreciated.
  10. I hope there was another way to stop companies littering our streets and wasting paper. We are talking about millions of tonnes of rubbish which cost millions to clean up overall and hardly any of the paper used is recycled or from sustainable practices. I still think a 'leaflet tax' is the way forward- And for all your information we stopped leafletting years ago, untill last month when we thought that we would just give it a try for old clients and we posted 100 leaflets into previous clients homes offeing them deals. Companies should pay for thier leaflets if they are found lying on the streets. It's almost as if they can get away with a minor form of fly tipping. Just because it does not create an eyesore, pile of rubbish does not make it acceptable. It does not matter who dropped the leaflet, or who didn't post it- All that matters is that the company who bears the logo pays the fine- thank you.
  11. >Why sgould a company pay for the laziness of individuals? Weell, my whole point is that the companies should be more responsible on who delivers, how and where they deliver. If they were fined then they would make damn sure those leaflets would only, end up in letter boxes and not in the streets. I think it's a brilliant idea to fine offenders who don't care a tot about our streets and our enviroment. They should atleast pay some way to have it cleaned when it's thier rubbish advertising thier business in the streets!
  12. 'It's not the companies fault' Well, I suppose that is like saying that if you buy a car and it pollutes the enviroment because it was fitted with a bad catalytic converter it's your fault, where in fact it's the companies fault. Companies need to take better responsibility with who they hire to deliver leaflets. It's much easier to ensure that the company pays for the clean up, at least they would be more responsible.
  13. I have over the years, recieved hundreds, if not thousands of leaflets through my letter box advertising everything from fast food to fast selling, all which find thier way into the rubbish bin without reading. On occasion, I do find leaflets strewn accross the street and they are an eyesore and a nuisance to say the least, and what bothers me is that we, 'the tax payers' fork out thousands in tax for keeping our streets clean. I propose a 'Leaflet Fine' on leafletters - Period. If you find a leaflet on the street, cluttering the communal area of a flat, or even unceremoniously dumped behind the bins (they usually are) the company whose leaflet it is, should be fined per leaflet. I'm sure this would make a great proposal-any body else think this is a good idea. www.selclenesoutheast.co.uk/
  14. Classic The CodFather and photo attached: Hand Job- Nails shop!
  15. Lol.. I was wondering when they were going to show ''Terror by Fake News'' ???
  16. As I cuddled the porcupine He said I had none to blame, but me. Held my heart, deep in hair. Time to shave, shave it off, it off. No time for romantic escape, When your fluffy heart is ready for rape. No Crap lyrics but possibly one of the best songs ever written! Genesis "Back in New York City" 1974
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