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Posts posted by paulu1973

  1. We had some Labour party muppets door knock and they somehow didn't understand 'we don't have time to answer as we are heading out and could you please not come back as we aren't going to be influenced by door knockers regardless of party'. Four hours later the same chap turned up and knocked on the door and had totally forgotten that we had told him this. sounds like a politician in the making - agrees to a promise and then reneges
  2. at the pool near my work (Cally Pool), there is only one changeroom but there are private cubicles to get changed in which are of sufficient size as well as family sized changerooms. At the same time what happens if you get a sick unit who says they identify as a female and go in the female changeroom - how can you prove that they don't. Let's just use biology for changerooms
  3. Exactly, i've worked hard to be in a position where I can justify spending that amount occasionally to bless my wife and kids. I wasn't born with a silver spoon either. TO see the look on my families faces when we go out is awesome as it is a novelty. Yes I know I'm fortunate but I'm not going to feel guilty for splurging. in fact one of the best parts about going out to places like this is when you tip the waiting staff, the look of joy is also fantastic.
  4. Firstly sorry for calling you an idiot and closing the door on you but when you buzz a door on a set of flats I want you to think the following a) what happens if they are the parents of a ten month old who hasn't slept and only now just fell asleep only to be woken by the buzzer and whose parents haven't slept for a long time and b) read a. Again sorry for calling you an idiot am sure you meant well-built please reconsider the Sunday morning door knock on flats
  5. It's quite easy to blame the landlord for wanting to make more money. My thoughts are that if tenants aren't replaced then the landlord will be bearing the costs until filled. So in essence the person that owns the cookware shop is now losing money.

    I agree with peterstorm, if you don't want your favourite independent to go go, then make sure you are a regular patron to them rather than whinging about bas$tard landlords. The onus isn't on the landlord but the consumer. If you don't want a costa or a chain then don't visit. At the same time please remember that these faceless high st chains employ local residents too. just because they are a chain doesn't mean they aren't helping the community

  6. Helicopters aren't allowed to fly lower than 150m near structures. Also in the time I've lived near jarvis road/Melbourne Grove, helicopters don't fly this close to the ground. Even with the establishment of the heliport at King, helicopters don't fly that low or use that flight path. Secondly the reference to battersea is obsolete as you are talking about a crane in excess of 60 floors vs the four floors at the building site
  7. I'm sick of this gentrification label. It assumes that the 'rich' move into an area and get rid of the so called 'soul' of the community. You'll find a lot of people move into areas because they see a future and want to be part of the tapestry, yet the very thing that attracts them they get ostracised by muppets such as dulwich fox wishing for the good old days. Stores come and go all the time...even in the 'good old days' there were always favourites that close down.

    Rather than just blaming gentrification, why not shop more in those stores you love

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