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BB Camberwell

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Posts posted by BB Camberwell

  1. Dear Supporter of the "STOP 700 MORE" flights a day group

    At the time of joining our mailing list many of you asked "What can we do to help?" Well this could be your chance as a very important event, a peaceful media opportunity, is approaching soon.

    Thursday the 17th of October is the first day of the appeal of the Judicial Review at the High Court (Royal Courts of Justice) on The Strand in London. Climate groups, 5 local Councils and the Mayor of London are delighted to have been allowed an appeal, challenging the government's decision for a third runway at Heathrow.

    It is our aim to have a substantial body of people gather outside the court at 8.45am for media photographs at 9am. This will only take an hour.

    With increasing public awareness of Climate Change and the health ill-effects of noise and pollution, we are hopeful that we can get the government's decision reviewed and reversed. But it will take our ongoing legal and media campaigns and the help of our supporters to achieve this. The more people who come and help, the better the message for the press.

    If you (and your friends) can attend, this would be amazing and really helpful. The nearest tube station is Temple.

    For our planning for the day, it would be really helpful if you could let us know if you "Plan to Attend", by emailing us at:- [email protected] We have the T-shirts, so please come and put one on and defend your quality of life.

    Thank you, Neil

    Posted on behalf of STOP 700 More by Bridget Bell / Plane Hell Action https://planehellaction.org.uk/

  2. Heathrow Consultation - lack of acknowledgement - further information

    Plane Hell Action has been advised that anyone who would like to retrieve their online responses to the Heathrow consultation which closed 4 March 2019 should write to the engagement team at Heathrow - [email protected]

    - who will look into whether your response has been received and whether they can send you a copy.

    Disgracefully [PHA's comment]: They thought the latter may be difficult to do as the website pages haven?t been built to allow this function. However, they (and the web designers) do recognise this something that should have been done and that people do need reassurance that their response has been received and that people should expect to get a copy of what they have submitted

    Copy your request to your MP: https://www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices/mps/

    and to Anna O'Rourke: [email protected]

    Anna is Chief of Strategy, Heathrow Community Engagement Board

    When you receive your response we urge you to send it to your MP and to your Council's Environment Department.

    We all need to make sure that our democratic representatives at national and local level know what we feel about so-called modernatisation of flight paths and how we will be affected.

    Meanwhile, a commercial pilot sent his analysis of the third runway proposals to his local paper, The Richmond & Twickenham Times, reproduced here on TAG's website:


    Best wishes

    Plane Hell Action


  3. 11.55pm to be precise. The online form is hideous to handle, hard to save and come back to, and does not allow you to copy your finished response. If you wish to keep a copy, or to send a copy to your MP, your Council's Environment Dept, and Grant Shapps MP (and Chair of the APPG for General Aviation [[email protected]]/ proposing to put CAA under the spotlight for their lack of working within the democratic process and no accountability to Parliament) we suggest that you write your answers in a Word document and cut and paste your replies into the online form. Otherwise write an email to [email protected]

    Meanwhile, today's Sunday Times has a report on the proposed flightpaths. No mention of SE London in any part of it. Too large to attach and suggest you look at Plane Hell Action's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Plane-Hell-458079924532695/ where it has been posted.

  4. HUNDREDS & THOUSANDS many at the decibel level of an industrial hoover from 4.30am - 11/11.30pm - Have you responded to the Heathrow Consultation?

    This is a quick reminder to respond to Heathrow's Future Airspace Operations consultation, if you have not already done so. The deadline is Monday 4 March,one week away.

    Make sure you have your say - otherwise we could have 25,000 more planes coming over us every year in a constant line.

    Some key points to put in your own words

    ? Protect our quality of life: enjoyment of our homes, gardens and health is paramount above economic benefits to airlines.

    ? Cease the Westerly Preference that results in even noisier arrivals over London, especially SE London that should be having a break from the nose-to-tail noise of concentrated queues of arrivals;

    ? 'No' to Managed Preference

    ? Ban night flights in accordance with World Health Organisation's report that 8 hours minimum sleep is required for good health

    ? Do not introduce Performance Based Navigation (PBN = satnav for planes) which will drive all planes along just a very few flight paths for all operational hours, currently 19 hours: unethical, unjust and bad for health as well as increasing emissions.

    ? No plane arriving 13 - 18 miles from Heathrow (Southwark/Lambeth/Lewisham/Greenwich/Wandsworth/Clapham) should fly below 4000 ft.

    ? Keep noise levels within latest WHO guidelines: 40dB at night/shoulder (11pm ? 6am); & 45dB during the day (6am ? 11pm)

    ? Stop double overflight from Heathrow and London City; no community should be affected by air traffic below 5000ft to more than one airport

    ? Do not lift the cap on flights (25,000 more on top of the current capped 480,000).

    Let your MP and councillors know what you think.

    Copy your views to your MP - https://www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices/mps/

    And your Council's Environment Department whose remit covers noise & emissions pollution - https://www.directory.londoncouncils.gov.uk

    And your Ward Councillor - see above, directory.londoncouncils.

    This is the only way our representatives will know what we feel about the proposed changes and will be better able to support our local environment and community, if necessary challenging Government policy and/or Heathrow

    Our easy-to-follow guidance, advice and the link to the consultation can be found here: https://planehellaction.org.uk/heathrow-airspace-future-operations-response-guide/

    If completing the online consultation fills you with dread you can write up your own response, covering all the sections of Noise, Night Flights, Flight Paths, More Flights and all other comments you would like to make and

    email it to: [email protected] or post it to: FREEPOST LHR AFO CONSULTATION

    We encourage you to respond now.

  5. Dear Fellow Campaigners and Plane Counters

    Heathrow is consulting on changing its flight paths - we need to act

    Please read this and respond by Monday 4th March

    Make sure you have your say - otherwise we could have 25,000 more planes coming over us every year in a constant line.

    Heathrow is changing its flight paths, whether or not it gets a third runway. These changes could make life even worse for residents across South East London or bring some improvement to the unrelenting plane noise we face every day and night.

    Plane Hell Action has produced a guide to help you navigate the consultation

    The consultation covers 4 things:


    More flights

    Night Flights

    Airport Expansion

    How to respond

    1. email your comments to: [email protected]

    2. complete the online survey: https://www.heathrowconsultation.com/

    The consultation can be confusing, so use our guide, which takes you through the questions


    Some key points to put in your own words

    ? Protect our quality of life: enjoyment of our homes, gardens and health is paramount above economic benefits to airlines.

    ? Keep noise levels within latest WHO guidelines: 40dB at night/shoulder (11pm - 6am); & 45dB during the day (6am - 11pm)

    ? Do not concentrate flight paths- spread the effects of aviation noise, not concentrate them as is currently wrongly interpreted by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), Air Traffic Controllers (NATS) and, in this consultation, Heathrow.

    ? Ban night flights in accordance with World Health Organisation's report that 8 hours minimum sleep is required for good health

    ? Stop double overflight from Heathrow and London City; no community should be affected by air traffic below 5000ft to more than one airport

    ? Do not lift the interim proposed cap on flights (25,000 more on top of the current capped 480,000).

    Let your MP and councillors know what you think

    Copy your views to your MP - https://www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices/mps/

    And your Council's Environment Department - https://www.directory.londoncouncils.gov.uk

    and your Ward Councillor - this is the only way your representatives will know what you feel about the proposed changes and will be better able to support your local environment and community, if necessary challenging Government policy and/or Heathrow.

    Deadline for returning your response is 11.55pm on Monday 4 March 2019

    Please share this message and, for those not aware of how the effects of living under a flight path, ask them to watch this short video:

    With best wishes

    Bridget Bell

  6. For those affected by overflight to Heathrow: the newish Heathrow Community Engagement Board canvassing our views:

    'If Heathrow Airport affects you, we're here to help. To effectively challenge Heathrow Airport and deliver for you, we need to know what matters to you. Take 5 minutes to complete our survey.' https://www.hceb.org.uk/survey

    Plane Hell Action draws your attention to HCEB's use of the word 'respite' - breaks from being immediately overflown but noise still within loud earshot i.e. concentrated flight paths. We are campaigning for 'relief and widely distributed flight paths to spread the noise fairly'. To make this clear we suggest that you make use of the 'Other' option to respond and to emphasise 'relief'.

    Advance notice of 2 consultations early in 2019:

    1. Heathrow Airspace and future operations consultation:https://afo.heathrowconsultation.com/

    8 Jan - 4 Mar 2019 - with public exhibitions (not reaching further than Central London i.e. no SE London venues) and LHR staff on hand to answer questions. The focus will be Independent Parallel Approaches and Design Envelopes - see Heathrow's FAQs: https://www.heathrowconsultation.com/faq/

    2. The CAA will be consulting on a new process to consider certain changes to air traffic control procedures that result in a planned and permanent redistribution of air traffic, February 2019: http://publicapps.caa.co.uk/modalapplication.aspx?appid=11&mode=detail&id=8127.

    If you need clarification or an explanation regarding these consultations the Aviation Environment Federation (https://www.aef.org.uk/)is an excellent source of information - and responsive, too. Plane Hell Action is a member.

    Finally, we have been working hard to make SE Londoners' concerns about plane noise known:

    * the GLA Environment Committee invited us to a meeting at City Hall and used much of the information gathered for

    their public meeting on 8 November 2018 with Heathrow, London City and NATS

    * the Heathrow Community Engagement Board met us in central London

    * a meeting with London City Airport is being discussed

    * we attend Heathrow Community Noise Forum and working group meetings

    * presentations have been made to the Forest Hill and Dulwich Societies by Tim Walker, one of our fellow campaigners,

    and Walworth Society has invited us in early in 2019.

    Bridget Bell for Plane Hell Action: https://planehellaction.org.uk/

  7. I use https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/forecast/gcpvj0v07#?date=2018-06-01 to check wind direction. Next week is forecast, subject to change, to be NE which is good news for those of us in SE London. The downside of easterlies is the arrivals to City Airport, flight paths concentrated in February 2016 to much outcry. CAA has yet to publish its findings, 6 months after its consultation on City flight paths.

    Planes do not have to be as low as they now are over SE London on their final approach to Heathrow. The joining point has been extended eastwards, and the flight paths altered. A map showing flight paths in 2016 is used as an illustration to a blog on Camberwell's noise monitor: https://planehellaction.org.uk/noise-monitor-study/ under the News tab.

    And while planes do, indeed, take off more steeply than the angle on landing Heathrow could force steeper take-offs which would decrease the level and extent of noise experienced by the poor souls living under or nearby the departure routes. Teddington Action Group has some excellent articles on this aspect: http://www.teddingtonactiongroup.com/

    For those interested there is (yet another) Heathrow consultation, this time on Noise,deadline for responses 26 June: https://www.heathrow.com/noise/making-heathrow-quieter/noise-action-plan. under Home / Making Heathrow quieter / Noise Action Plan. Shortly, Plane Hell Action will offer advice on how to respond if interested parties would like a steer.

  8. Many of us in Camberwell noticed a change in Heathrow flight paths in July 2016 having not experienced the level and continuity over 19 hours each day when on westerlies in previous years (in my case 30 years). Our response has been to set up the Plane Hell Action campaign to lobby our MPs to bring to halt Performance Based Navigation (PBN), the current concentration of flight paths, and think sensibly about the (one hopes unintended) consequences of airport expansion + PBN + continuing night flights: https://planehellaction.org.uk/. We post updates on Facebook (Plane Hell)and Nextdoor, our Petition is held on the SE5 Forum stand on Camberwell Green's Farmers Market every Saturday, 10 - 2, and from time to time we take a stand at Oval Farmers Market. Some of what we do may be relevant to this series of posts and the East Dulwich Forum readership who are welcome to make contact and contribute. Bridget
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