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Posts posted by H

  1. I gave up my membership this week, got fed up of trying to swim there. I too had filled in forms with my comments and received no response. I just wish they had some nights where lane swimming started earlier than 8. I know they need to balance the needs of everyone but as someone else has pointed out above there doesn't seem to be much priority given to people who want to go there to actually swim rather than float aimlessly. An 8 o'clock swim just isn't compatabile with having dinner at a reasonable time if you work and can't eat before you go. Sad really to give it up, I love swimming and the pool was nice when it reopened. Will have to go elsewhere.
  2. We came across a tabby cat which has been run over on Underhill Road tonight. Doesn't have a collar. Someone has already covered it up with a tea towel and moved it onto the pavement (side of the road with houses rather than cemetary side). I am posting on here in case anyone is aware of a missing cat in the area. Hoping the owner can be found so that they know what has happened to it.
  3. From my basic knowledge gathered from studying an insurance claims handling module at the moment, I think that they are within their rights to decline to pay for the rest of the undamaged tiles to be replaced. I know it seems unfair, but that is a sets and pairs clause you have quoted and it does allow them to only pay for the damaged section and if the rest doesn't match then unfortunately that is down to you to sort out. I could be wrong, but pretty sure they are within their rights to decline. You can appeal to the Financial Ombudsman, but you need to write to your insurer and get their final reponse first before taking it further.
  4. Does anyone know Benjamin Joseph? Suddenly started getting post addressed to him delivered to our address and was wondering if he lived around here and maybe was filling in forms with our address by mistake(our post code has a few options that could get confused on the automated post code systems...) or if someone is trying to set up broadband and mobile phone accounts at our address who doesn't live here! Rang one of the companies in question to ask if someone was setting up stuff at our address and got quoted the data protection act as a reason why they can't tell me. Most unhelpful.
  5. It was rife at my uni. I used to keep anything that could not be kept in a fridge in my wardrobe instead of the kitchen and everything else I used to only buy what I needed for the day, which was a pain but at least it limited what could go missing (which it still did).
  6. I think the speedbumps mentioned by randombloke on Underhill near Overhill are scratched because people seem to drive down there like they are on a race course. If they took it a bit slower I doubt so much damage would happen. I know it's not James Barbers area so he can't help, but the speed some people drive at along Underhill is very alarming (I know it is a hill and the tempatation must be too much for some to resist to floor it, but someone will get hurt at some point). I would personally love to see more effective measures along there to slow everyone down.
  7. To all the people on here who think the police shouldn't pay, would you like it if I came onto your property without your permission (as it sounds happened here as the neighbour was the one who granted permission), damaged your property and then refused to pay for it? I don't think so. Yes damage is going to be caused in these circumstances, but why should an innocent party in all this have to fork out for it? This kind of damage should be factored into the policing budget as a cost of fighting crime. I don't mind if my taxes go towards this as I don't think Rockets should have to pay when it was nothing to do with them. Say they had caused worse damage, for example smashed a green house and a few windows as well as the fence. Should Rockets pay for that too? If it happened to me I would be demanding my costs to be paid. And now I shall duck as I prepare for you all to shoot me down...

    P.s. good luck Rockets.

  8. Hi Lizzie,

    We stayed in the Ramada last year and it was not too expensive and was very nice and that was just for 1 night. I have stayed in the Ship Inn before, would not recommend there, the rooms were damp and not very nice!


  9. Not that this helps now as it is after the event, but why don't you get a PAYG Oyster Card? Then you wouldn't have to queue for a ticket and this whole situation would have been avoided... not much help now, but could prevent it happening again.
  10. They will react if required. I reported someone who tried rather feebably to nick my bike once on that number and they then referred it to Peckham Police station to see if they could find the person.

    Pearson Wrote:


    > ^hmmm cool, that seems very handy number to have.

    > Will give it a go.


    > Is it the kind of number where they can react

    > immediately to a situation if they feel it's

    > appropriate, or do they just record incidents?


    > Thanks Sandperson

  11. dbboy Wrote:


    > H Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > dbboy Wrote:

    > >

    > --------------------------------------------------


    > > -----

    > > > All you need to do is walk from Forest Hill

    > > Tavern

    > > > (Forest Hill Road), or the first bus stop in

    > > > Woodvale to Brenchley Gardens, it takes a few

    > > > minutes either way even with kids and heavy

    > > bags.


    > >

    > >

    > > Great, except for those with mobility problems.


    > >

    > > For those with PAYG on Oyster they need to pay

    > > twice having to change buses. I personally

    > would

    > > like to see the 63 extended and have signed the

    > > petition. Thank you to everyone who has raised

    > > this issue, I hope you succeed.


    > Unlikely to be an issue as if the intention is to

    > travel from Honor Oak Park station as its very

    > probable Oyster PAYG would be used for the forward

    > or return journey.


    > The issue of sorting out traffic issues at cabrini

    > school is not going to work without police

    > intervention. Parents park up both sides of Forest

    > Hill Road, into Honor Oak Road and the sround the

    > bend into Honor Oak Park, on the pavements plus

    > the bottom of Netherby and Canonbie Roads causing

    > traffic chaos especially in term time. This in

    > turn delays both buses and cars trying to proceed

    > along these routes. Adding a further or extending

    > a current bus route will further compound the

    > congestion. The roads were not desighed for this

    > level of traffic. Lets stick with what we've got

    > (which in effect is not a bad service with two bus

    > routes serving this stretch of road.

    Return journey to London Bridge from Honor Oak using one bus and one train journey on peak would be 2 lots of ?2.60 on the train and 2 lots of ?1.20 on the bus, making ?7.60 in total. With two buses involved for each leg of the journey you will be capping at the daily rate of ?8.60. So that is ?1 difference each day during peak hours. Multiply this over the year and I think you will find it adds up. For off peak journeys there is no difference as the cap is at ?6.30.

  12. dbboy Wrote:


    > All you need to do is walk from Forest Hill Tavern

    > (Forest Hill Road), or the first bus stop in

    > Woodvale to Brenchley Gardens, it takes a few

    > minutes either way even with kids and heavy bags.

    Great, except for those with mobility problems.

    For those with PAYG on Oyster they need to pay twice having to change buses. I personally would like to see the 63 extended and have signed the petition. Thank you to everyone who has raised this issue, I hope you succeed.

  13. sniffy Wrote:


    > This is a great step forward if somewhat futile,

    > can't see the point myself.

    > I question how up-to-date this is? I have checked

    > on the locations of some of last years fatal

    > incidents yet they don't appear on this map at

    > all!!!???!!!. Really what is the point of

    > this!!!????

    > Some random cyclists/fatal accidents from last

    > year, NOT SHOWN ON THIS MAP:

    > Whitechapel/Valance rd/ female/ September 2009.

    > Elephant & castle/ Female/ mid 2009.

    > Holborn Viaduct/ Female/ early 2009.

    > Peckham/ Female/ June 2009.

    > Embankment nr Westminster/ Female/ Nov 2009

    > Goswell Road/ Female/ April 2009

    > etc etc


    > So, 6 fatal accidents last year in London and

    > they're not on this map.....

    > *who's wasting who's time....*

    It maps accidents from 2000-2008 so the ones you have listed above wouldn't show up on it. I agree with Ruffers, if it makes someone think about an area which has a high accident rate and they then take it more carefully around there then job done.

  14. NickW Wrote:


    > @ryedalema - you are a neurotic, patronizing, over

    > protective mother who is let me guess?.. never

    > wrong. Your comment epitomizes everything that is

    > wrong with East Dulwich. You have so much and yet

    > you still have a go at those that have so little.

    > You are self righteous and far more offensive and

    > undesirable than the leaflet dropper.


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