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Posts posted by kkhh

  1. Surrey Gravel Explorer ... discover some of the best off-road cycling on offer in the South East.

    Starting/finishing at the HERNE HILL VELODROME you have the choice of riding the 110 km challenge or the shorter 80km challenge, all at your own pace.

    A timed event that can be ridden equally enjoyable on a Gravel, cyclocross or mountain bike, includes a midway feed station, celebratory drink at the finish and all entrants will be entered into a prize draw for 1 pair of bespoke orthotic insoles from Foot Factor (value ?369).

    BOOK NOW - www.hiddentrackscycling.co.uk


  2. HOW TO ... use hypnosis for FERTILITY

    Want to get pregnant? Or know someone who does?

    Then join me to discover the power of your mind - 30mins of FREE info, tips and a wonderful guided fertility visualisation.

    Remember ... relax + de-stress = more success :)

    No cost, everyone welcome - please share this and spread the word for others to benefit too.

    Next session: Sat 30th Jan at 6pm UTC (UK time)

    Book on Eventbrite 'HypnoFERTILITY:Release Stress & Relax', links below. Hope to see you there,


    I'm a hypnotherapist, specialised in fertility, pregnancy, birth for 20yrs working with leading fertility clinics in London and clients from around the world. The results clients achieve with hypnotherapy are simply amazing and everyone can benefit.

    Do call me on 07963 046456 for more info,

    Kristin x

  3. Stressful times ... and even more stressful if you're planning a family and it's not happening as hoped :/

    Hypnotherapy offers highly effective support for both natural and assisted conception. Reducing stress and developing a positive mindset are vital to create the optimum environment for a baby(for women and men). When there's stress we go into flight/flight/freeze mode and it can literally stop everything that's superfluous to basic survival.

    Hypnotherapy enables couples needing assisted conception to embrace the journey feeling calm and confident, this can have a profound effect on how their bodies respond to treatment.

    I'm a Clinical Hypnotherapist and have specialised in fertility/pregnancy/birth for the past 18 years. You're welcome to come and find out how HypnoFERTILITY can help your own experience and outcomes ... discover the power of your mind.

    Sat 16th + 23rd Jan at 11am HypnoFertility: Release Stress & Relax

    Book on https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/free-hypnofertility-release-stress-relax-zoom-tickets-135135434723?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch or email [email protected] for your free Zoom link.

    Simply 30mins to relax, release stress, enjoy a wonderful guided visualisation and find out more. Everyone is welcome, everyone will benefit.

    These sessions are free with no obligations. For those who?d like to/can afford to there?s an option to buy me an online coffee, this helps me continue my free/low cost support during Covid times. Please share and spread the word!

    I also run free Zooms for general Stress Release and for Pregnancy/Birth, next sessions on

    Sat 16th Jan at 10am Release Stress & Re-Energise

    Mon 18th Jan at 10am + 8pm HypnoBirthing: Release Stress & Relax for pregnancy/birth

    Hope you'll join me, any questions please email [email protected] or call 07963 046456.

    Thanks :)

  4. Feeling stressed by 2020? Anxious about 2021?

    Then do come to my free Zoom at 10am this morning to 'Release Stress & Re-Energise'.

    Simply 30mins of wonderful visualisation, relaxation and hypno techniques to feel calm, confident and positive.

    Book on Eventbritehttps://www.eventbrite.co.uk/d/online/kristin-hayward/

    or email me to book - [email protected]

    More dates:

    Wed 6th Jan,10am + 8pm - Release Stress & Relax ... for pregnancy/birth

    Sat 9th Jan,10am - Release Stree & Re-Energise ... for everyone

    Sat 16th Jan,10am - Hypno-Fertility: Positive and Stress Free

    ... for everyone planning parenthood and possible treatment

    If you can't come today and are interested in how hypnosis and hypnotherapy work to address issues, boost confidence and improve wellbeing at all levels, for all ages, in every situation then I'll be delighted to tell you more. Please email or call me on 07963 046 456.

    Thanks, Kristin :)

    Kristin Hayward

    Clinical Hypnotherapist

  5. 2020 - what a year of stress and uncertainty!

    And perhaps you're feeling anxious about the future too.

    Come and discover how hypno-skills can change your life.

    My New Year's 'Release Stress & Re-Energise' free Zoom on SAT 2nd JAN is your chance to ditch the old, eliminate stress and get ready to enjoy 2021 to the full, feeling calm and confident.

    Simply 30mins of wonderful relaxation and effective stress release with guided visualisation + useful tips to make your life better. Discover how to use the power of your mind to transform your experience of life. It really can be life changing!

    To book your place email [email protected] or book on


    This is a free session, no strings attached. There's an option to make a small donation should you wish to but no obligation of course ๐Ÿ™‚ All that matters is for as many people as possible to discover the power of their mind. Please share the link!

    I'm a Clinical Hypnotherapist with 20 years of experience, supporting clients from all walks of life for a wide range of issues. I'm particularly known for my work with fertility, pregnancy and birth and also work a lot with anxiety and stress release in schools, corporates and in my private practice.

    I'd love you to come and find out more, enjoy some time out and discover a new experience.

    Any questions please email [email protected] or call 07963 046456, I'll be happy to chat.

    Hope to connect soon,

    thanks Kristin :)

  6. Do join me this evening, 6-7pm, to learn about hypnobirthing ...

    Thank you MoKee Online Birth School for inviting me to talk about Hypnobirthing.

    It's exciting to be part of this amazing programme (all free of charge) - I'll share insights into Hypnobirthing, include a beautiful visualisation and answer questions about how to have the easiest birth possible.

    MoKee Birth School sessions cover a wide range of pregnancy/birth/baby topics, all presented by experts - they're definitely worth checking out.

    Book your FREE place through https://en.mokee.eu/pages/mokee-birth-school-online

    Hope to see you there,

    Kristin ๐Ÿ’•


    07963 046456

  7. Pregnancy brings lots of new emotions, situations and challenges but Covid has added a whole new layer of stress.

    Your baby needs a calm, confident, positive mum. Your wellbeing has a direct impact on your baby so it's vital to learn effective techniques and create the best mindset for your pregnancy and birth, particularly in these challenging times.

    HB BREATHING FOR BIRTH WORKSHOP with the experts?Tues 1st December, 7-8.30pm

    ? ? ?This workshop teaches you those all important hypnobirthing breathing techniques which are key to easier labour with far less pain (some say no pain!). It's packed with useful hypnobirthing tips and techniques which are so useful to keep you calm and confident during pregnancy and once baby is here too. They're Life Skills!

    LEARN how to step away from the stress with ease - your baby's definitely worth it ...

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??Only ?35 per couple or ?25 with our online home study or live course.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? [email protected]?for more info.

    Did you know your baby will also benefit from this workshop - when mum is stressed then baby stresses too. There are reports of more baby reflux, morning sickness, longer labour and interventions needed since Covid stress has hit the world.

    I'm a hypnobirthing expert, having taught countless couples techniques for an easier pregnancy and birth for the past 20yrs, with amazing results. I'm always happy to chat if you have questions about hypnobirthing, hypnofertility and hypnotherapy ... sometimes just a chat can help! Feel free to give me a call.

    wishing you and your baby all the best, hope to connect soon.

    Kristin x


    07963 046456

  8. Congratulations on your pregnancy, exciting times! Perhaps you've started preparing for your baby's arrival or perhaps it's still early days. Whatever stage you're at you'll find hypnobirthing techniques invaluable, especially in these uncertain times.

    I'd love you to join my short, practical Hypnobirthing Workshop tomorrow evening, there are a couple of places left. I'll teach you highly effective breathing and stress release techniques, show you how to use visualisation and of course include beautiful deep relaxation for you and your baby to enjoy.

    When: Tues 3rd Nov 7-8.30pm on Zoom

    Cost: only ?30 or ?20 for those who have our online home study courses (from ?29.99)

    Please email [email protected] to book your place or email/call 07963 046456 for more info.

    And if you're interested in a full 5hrs (2x2.5hrs) live hypnobirthing course I have 2 spaces on my November evening course - again please email or call for info.

    My free Zooms are now alternate weeks - next sessions on 11th Nov, 10am and 8pm. Booking on www.thehypnobirthingexperts.com or email me for the links.

    Hope to connect soon,

    Kristin :)

  9. Are you pregnant? Feeling anxious? With too many uncertainties?

    And how's your baby feeling with all that?

    It's vital to look after your emotional health for your baby's wellbeing and to give your baby the best start in life.?

    These FREE Zooms will help you to create a positive mindset for you and your baby to feel?relaxed and calm and confident. They were originally started to support women/couples/unborn babies during Covid times .... feedback has been amazing so I'm continuing to offer this free resource for now. Please spread the word!

    Simply 30mins of relaxation, stress release and hypnobirthing tips and techniques.?

    No cost, no obligations, everyone is welcome and everyone will benefit :)

    Booking on www.thehypnobirthingexperts.com or message me directly. NEXT SESSIONS: WED 30th SEPT


    I can also offer 1-1 hypnotherapy when personalised support is useful and my group or private hypnobirthing courses are always popular too.

    Hope to connect soon, I'll be delighted to support you,

    Kristin :)

    The Hypnobirthing Experts

    Clinical Hypnotherapist - fertility/pregnancy/birth

    [email protected]

  10. A last minute post to say that my free Zoom tomorrow, Thursday at 10am still has some spaces so you're welcome to join me for 30mins of relaxation, stress release, time with your baby and some hypnobirthing techniques.

    No cost, no obligation, everyone welcome and everyone will benefit:)

    Hope you'll join me, your baby will love it too.

    Please email [email protected] or sign up via www.hypnobirthingdownloads.com.

    See you soon,

    Kristin / The Hypnobirthing Experts

    07963 046456

  11. Are you pregnant or know someone who is?

    Then do come to my free Zooms to Release Stress & Relax for pregnancy/birth.

    NEXT SESSION TONIGHT -there's still space at 8pm or check my weekly dates on www.hypnobirthingdownloads.com.

    Simply 30mins of hypnobirthing breathing, relaxation, stress release and time to switch off and connect to your baby. No cost, no obligations, every welcome and everyone will benefit - baby and partner too.

    Learn some highly effective techniques and discover how to have an amazing birth to give your baby the best start in life!

    Please email [email protected], message @thehypnobirthingexperts on fb or book your free place on www.hypnobirthingdownloads.com.

    Hope to connect soon,

    Kristin :)

  12. I'm delighted that so many of you have enjoyed my free 'Release Stress & Relax Zoom for pregnancy/birth' sessions in the past few weeks, the feedback has been amazing.

    There's still time to book onto this week's sessions

    - this evening, Wednesday, at 8pm BST

    - tomorrow morning, Thursday, at 10am BST

    Simply 30mins of hypnobirthing breathing, relaxation, stress release and time to connect to your baby.

    No cost, no obligations, everyone welcome and everyone will benefit ... baby and partner too!

    I'd love you to give this a go, just come if you can :)

    Please book your free place on www.hypnobirthingdownloads.com, email [email protected] or contact me through The Hypnobirthing Experts fb page.

    If you have any questions about birth preparation I'll be pleased to help, do call me on 07963 046456 for a chat.

    With warm wishes,


    The Hypnobirthing Experts / www.hypnobirthingdownloads.com

  13. Are you pregnant and keen to have the easiest, calmest, safest, most comfortable birth possible?

    Hypnobirthing will teach you proven techniques and visualisations to relax, release stress, and embrace your birth with confidence. Partners learn how to best help the birthing mother and baby gets the best start in life.

    Countless couples have used these techniques to have the birth of their dreams.

    I have 1 space left on my hypnobirthing course tomorrow, Sat 27th June + Sat 4th July, 9.30am-12pm via Zoom. If you'd like details, either for this course or other options, please call me on 07963 046 456 or email [email protected]. I'll be delighted if you can join me.

    You're also welcome to come to my free, weekly 'Release Stress & Relax for pregnancy/birth' zooms - no cost, no obligations ... simply 30mins of hypnobirthing breathing, relaxation, stress release and time with your baby.

    Book your free place on www.hypnobirthingdownloads.com

    I'd love to help you prepare, whichever option suits you best. Feel free to call with any questions.


    Kristin (The Hypnobirthing Experts)

    07963 046456

    I'll be delighted to help you prepare.

  14. Are you feeling stressed and under pressure with all the uncertainties of lockdown ? and coming out of lockdown?

    Then this 30mins Zoom session, ?Hypno Stress Release & Feel Great' visualisation can help!

    Join me, Kristin, to benefit from effective breathing, hypnosis visualisation and stress release techniques to relax and feel great.

    I'm delighted that Oru Space have invited me to run these empowering sessions to support people in these strange times.

    Time: Tuesday 16th June, 7.45 - 8.15pm. Cost: ?3 charity donation (Stand Up to Racism)

    Booking on www.oruspace.co/wellness - scroll down to Find a Class and book.

    As a fully qualified hypnotherapist with 20years experience, I've created these short sessions to offer everyone the chance to switch off the stress and re-connect with what's really important - feeling good, feelng confident and enjoying the moment.

    Discover useful techniques that you can use alone, benefit from a beautiful visualisation to create your own stress-free zone and simply learn more about how to empower your mind to make your life easier.

    Any questions before you sign up please PM me or email [email protected].

    Thanks, Kristin :)

    07963 046 456

  15. Would you like to Release Stress & Relax with your baby for 30mins?

    No cost, no commitments, simply pure relaxation with hypnobirthing breathing, relaxation, stress release and some special time with your baby.

    Everyone is welcome, everyone will benefit, your baby too :)

    Next sessions are tonight, Wed at 8pm and tomorrow, Thurs 4th June at 10am - still a few places left.

    Please book your free place on www.hypnobirthingdownloads.com, I'll be delighted to see you.

    With warm wishes,


    07963 046 456

  16. Next FREE 30mins Zoom sessions - Thurs 28th May,10am / Wed 3rd June,8pm.

    'Release Stress & Relax for pregnancy and birth'

    Join these lovely 30mins FREE sessions to switch off, relax, release stress and connect to your baby.

    Discover the power of your mind with beautiful hypnobirthing breathing and visualisation techniques to feel calm, confident and to give your baby the best start in life.

    Everyone is welcome, everyone will benefit ? your baby too!

    Book your place on www.hypnobirthingdownloads.com. No cost, no strings attached, simply come and enjoy :)

    If you're pregnant you may feel anxious and stressed due to the unknown factors and uncertainties that Covid-19 has created. I'm offering these free sessions to help women/couples feel calm, confident and supported despite these strange times.

    Any questions please email [email protected].

    I hope we'll meet online soon,

    thanks, Kristin

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