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Posts posted by anyjoy

  1. What a scumbag, unbelievable. How do these people look at themselves in the mirror each morning. Jenny description sounds very similar to the man hovering there on Thursday too, red Hoodie under a black leather look coat that day but otherwise close match so maybe it is his current hunting ground. Horrified to hear of all the muggings. Such a shame in such a friendly area.
  2. Jenny how horrid, myself and a friend walked to sainsburys on Thursday and passed a man we both felt uncomfortable near and was just looking dodgy. It could be the same person I guess. We were both pushing prams and chatting but just had a very odd feeling about him. Guess what I am trying to say is that maybe its not a once off maybe he is praying on Mums in that area so be careful everyone. Jenny I hope you are okay and not too shaken. Take care
  3. Don't bother trying to clean a newborn bottom with cotton wool and water...the wipes that say they are kind to little bottoms really are!

    Don't worry about snuggling up with your baby on your chest as it's so lovely and they grow so fast.

    Don't freak out if they won't take a bottle, enjoy the breastfeeding as they will one day take a bottle/cup or beaker and you will miss the feeding then. After 9 months of battling our little one decided it would be okay to take a bottle after all.

    Let your partner have some things they are better at than you with the baby and witness some firsts for themselves. They need their precious memories too.

  4. You poor thing, being a woman really is tough at times. I thought I had a prolapse after having our little one as had many symptoms that the doctors ignored and wrote off. It turned out that it wasn't but was retained placenta after the birth, pulling my uterus down etc as was so full and infected. How long since you had your baby? Once operated on I got better very quickly. Just wanted to mention this as I had google diagnosed a prolapse and it turned out to be quite a different problem. Make sure you are persistent and seek out the medical care and support you need. Ask questions and be awkward. No one knows your body and it's limits like you do. Good luck
  5. Hi, definitely visit them on more than one occasion. Not sure if you saw the post that has been removed ftom

    The form from someone who works at cherry tree...it was not very complimentary about the manager. I have my little one down for excel but also have some reservations too. Do pm me if you want more details etc

    Childcare is really difficult to organise around here but I do feel that it is not always the most polished or expensive nursery that may be right for your little one. Gut instinct has a massive part to play too. Good luck

  6. Hi, I had the same due to lots of antibiotics for complications at birth. The only way I can describe the thrush was like having bee stings on my breasts. Very unpleasant indeed. My little one had thrush on his mouth and on his bottom too which resulted in me getting it. For him they gave me cream for his bottom, drops for his mouth (was so obvious as his whole mouth was full of white stuff) and cream for me that I put on after feeds. After literally a day his mouth cleared up, three days and his bottom was much less angry in appearance and my nipples were no longer sore. It was uncomfy but we were able to feed through. Even though the doctor could not see me they prescribed all the creams etc over the phone straight away.

    I hope it clears up soon and you are feeling better. Good luck

  7. Thanks everyone, feeling much more positive today. No vomiting or changing beds at 3 in the morning and LO ate well today and actually opened his mouth seeking food (unheard of for him even without a bug). I love the advice and am giving him simple non dairy meals, breads, fruits etc. He seems to know what he wants and has no interest in anything sweet at all (also unusual).

    Not sure my doctors advice to just give him milk again for 2 days was great as I now have complete oversupply but nevermind.

    I may now endeavour to catch up on the washing which until today had been defeating me. Thanks

  8. Thanks for your responses

    It's really strange as no cold or teeth issues at the moment....just lots of sick! Really can't work it out.

    Jennyh was wondering the same as the doctors advice differs from what others have told me. Today I have fed him pur?e without milk and cheese etc and give him breast milk and sips of water....so far no sick do fingers crossed. It's horrid feeling so helpless to do anything for them.

    Thanks do much for your posts it's nice just to know other people have experienced similar things!

  9. In need of some advice and ideas. Our little one is 8 months and seemed to have develop some kind of sick bug last Thursday night. The doctor recommended I stopped solids and gave him breast milk. having tried this for 2 days he was still sick but not as much. He is now back on gentle solids but not eating much but is consistently being forcefully sick at about 6 every night. Real exocist style vomiting where it appears that most of the food and milk he gas managed are coming up. It is horrid although he doesn't seem unwell otherwise and is smiling straight after like nothing happened. I have been giving him really easy to digest foods like baby rice, baby pasta with cheese sauce etc and I can't seem to find a pattern that links what he has eaten and him being poorly?

    Am going to take him back to the doctor this week but wondered if anyone else has experienced anything similar. His nappies are still wet etc so know he isn't dehydrated but am starting to get worried. Thank goodness for wooden floors in our house!

  10. Oh...was reassured that my last 6 pounds would come off when I stopped breastfeeding. Now a bit worried that I should not rely on that! I put on a massive 3 and a half stone during my pregnancy as was small before! On a slightly different note....any ideas if my belly button will ever look like a belly button again?! :(
  11. Dear all, after much deliberation we have put our son on the waiting list for excel on forest hill road. Having visited several times and read all the recent ofsted reports we decided that despite it's unappealing building that it would suit us well for collection and drop off etc and offers a secure and friendly baby room. I am suddenly 3 months away from little ones start date (he will be 11months) and am starting to get twitchy about leaving him. I would love any opinions and experiences as am sure what I am feeling is the same for everyone before leaving their bundle to return to work?!
  12. Hi,

    I am just putting my feelers out to find out what is involved in becoming a childminder. I am a Early Years trained and qualified teacher but am considering becoming a childminder as my partner and I may sadly have to leave the loveliness of ED and relocate to Essex!!! As I am not sure how I can organise a new teaching post, nursery for our little man and moving all at once, I am wondering whether I could work from our new home (wherever that may be) as a childminder.

    For all those lovely childminders out there...how did you train etc and where is a good source of course information. I am hoping to do any training whilst still off on maternity leave in order that I would be ready for an ofsted once we have relocated...phew.

    Thanks in advance wonderful people of ED

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