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Posts posted by who_cares

  1. Get back in your box Sean, all your nasty stuff gets removed. If I could be arsed I'm sure I could find some but unlike you I don't have this obsession for endlessly quoting people, out of context or otherwise.

    This isn't really about Poppy, it's about the limp characters on here who thrash around claiming to be on some "free speech" crusade while treating anyone who thinks differently to them like a leper.

    Oh but do come to EDF drinks..., now there's a warm welcome if ever I saw one. Thanks but no thanks.

  2. Ahh the incredible quoting man is back....

    Why are you asking about her attendance at EDF drinks tonight Xena? Are you insinuating that there might be a gang of people (dare I say clique) there who might have a go at her or worse, or maybe even ignore her for not thinking like them? What would you do to her if she turned up? I'm keen to know.

  3. I have to back up Dulwichdoll here because there is a mob mentality to discredit people without legitimacy and when challenged you try and undermine that poster too, so you see you're all (and by you I think you know who you are) a bit delusional I'm afraid. If it is just for fun then fine but there have been times when it's been a serious post and the mob's turned really nasty and a mob is still ugly even when you can't see their faces (though let's be thankful for small mercies there).

    I guess knowing when to have your fun and knowing when to hold your tongue is a skill only a a few people acquire in life.

    Now if I start talking dirty will I get the bully boys on side? It seems to work wonders for some, I can crack a whip too you know. Seems it's the part of the clique initiation ritual I missed.

    If you lot prove anything it's George Orwell's theory that Sanity is not Statistical. There may be safety in numbers but there's also madness.

  4. I agree with dulwichdoll, there is a ganging up element, it's pretty obvious that there's some kind of power struggle going on. But then if it's all some people have in their lives, I'd also hate to see that taken away from them, who knows if they didn't have this, they might actually leave the house and do someone real harm.

    There was a topic but now there is no topic other than the one they decide they want to talk about, i.e what's a worthwhile post (as dictated by them) and how much crap can we throw at someone in a misguided attempt at comedy... because it's all a joke apparently... except when the joke's on them.

    The best one is that poster who quotes people's whole post back to them and then writes something "incomprehensible" at the bottom of it. Or the other poster who quotes the original post a line at a time, replying to each line in the style of some kind of free association exercise. I'm guessing the knack of grasping entire paragraphs of meaning has always eluded that one. Shame...

    Ho hum what fun.

  5. Asset, admit it, you are the thuggish dog fouler.

    I think you're uptight about allowing people a say... when did I say I didn't care? Names on here are hardly accurate, otherwise you'd be an Asset and you're clearly not.

    Don't take it all too seriously though, I'm just having a bit of fun with you.

  6. Everyone hates dog shit, it is a problem, if a Policeman or Park Warden had seen it, he would have been given a fine. I have a dog, if I see someone ignoring their dog crapping, I walk over and say "would you like a bag?" and hand it to them. I'm not as brave as Poppy and over the years I've learned that if I do it that way it means I'm less likely to have abuse hurled at me. I totally understand that at times it makes you so outraged that you have to say something, or write on a forum, simple as that. In Australia if you drop litter or allow your dog to foul a street, the level of social disgust and outrage lets you know you're a prize loser, as a result it happens less.

    What I'd like to know is, what gives with some of the posters on this thread? Dragging up previously written paragraphs by Polly and scoring her evolving bravery and language skills! And anyone who doesn't want to read, can choose not to. And what's suburban about not wanting dog shit in your street? Perhaps some of us are so above the problems of dog shit that they saintly hovver over each pile they come across.

    If you don't want your time wasted by posts that you think are beneath the forum, don't read them.

    Good for you Polly, but be careful, there are a lot of dickheads out there.

  7. You've got to admit though, the same people back each other up again and again and there are small businesses that are scared of the forum's clique. But hey let's not call you cliquey, that's just not allowed. Big deal, you're cliquey, get used to it. Be honest.

    I heard a woman shout "I'll report you to the forum" after her request to return a pair of shoes 2 years after purchasing them was refused. It upset the staff and I can see why. It also discredits the forum.

    Like I said, there's a lot of good stuff on here but woe betide anyone who pisses off the wrong people.

    I also think that if you have a gripe you should make a complaint to the business first. I think it's fine to vent if you want advice and a lot of the advice is really helpful and sometimes people are just looking for someone to listen to them, not everyone has people to talk to about this stuff but it can give rise to bullying. That's when it goes too far.

  8. Well you hold a tyranny over most of the local businesses, the same people back each other up again and again and most of the time you don't actually have an awful lot to say, it's just a slanging match.

    There are some genuine areas that are really great for the community but there's also a lot on here that brings the area down.

    I know business owners who are really wary of the forum and all it stands for. Isn't it just a way to get them to give you free stuff in return for being left alone?

    I can see how this is open to exploitation and manipulation... even if you can't.

  9. Hear hear Mikecg, very true

    TLS you know very little about the situation, maybe the bank requested she take it down? What's more your comment's really pompous, who made you moral arbiter? What a joke you are.

    I thought the whole cross examining thing was rough, there were a lot of people chipping in with a personal axe to grind about perceived time wasters, without any proof that she was, would that have justified it anyway? Not having been there it's impossible to know what happened but one thing's for sure, if some guy starts pushing a woman around in a bank I would not be looking for ways to justify his behaviour and those that do are full of it.

    Honest appraisals, more like a character assassination.. Good work TLS! Some people are just bullies, there are far too many of them on this forum as well, hide behind your forum names and stick the boot in. Luckily there are enough people with a brain on here to stop it becoming a nasty clique.

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