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Posts posted by Claribel

  1. The coming months look set to be pretty challenging. I know that my two would be bouncing off the walls after a day of being stuck inside, especially as the weather improves.

    If anyone is able to escape the city for some space in the countryside, this 2 bed cottage is available, get in touch if you would like more information on Grove Buttery, Booton, Norfolk:


  2. As we have these until kids are 12, I want to make sure I get the right one ...

    Can anyone provide any feedback on booster / stage 3 car seats that they have liked / disliked, and suggestions of models gratefully received! We do do quite regular long trips at bedtime, so I want to make sure that we choose one that my daughter can safely and comfortably sleep in.

    Unfortunately our car does not have Isofix, so I am also anxious about the fact that if the child isn't in the car seat that it will rattle around, any clever tricks for this other than having to remember to strap it in each time? Or do we have to investigate getting isofix fittings (seems a bit crazy to at this stage ... ).

    Thanks in advance.

  3. I'm toying with the idea of keeping my August born daughter on at her preschool (where she is very happy) for an extra year, so that she will effectively miss reception at school and go straight in to year 1. I see this as having a couple of advantages: perhaps spaces will become available at better schools when not starting at the most popular time and also we are likely to be moving out of London at some point during that first year of her being at school so rather than settle her into one school here and then move her, we could delay the whole 'starting school' date until we are relocated.

    I would really appreciate anyone's views on this plan and any experiences you or friends might have had.

    Also, is it worth applying to our 6 dream schools this year, just on the off chance we got offered one, or once we register for the system does that jeopardise our ability to delay?

    Thanks in advance

  4. My daughter has recently got really into listening to stories and nursery rhymes on CD. We have a reasonably good separates system which we play them on, but of course she wants to do it herself and we'd rather not let her as the risk of it breaking is pretty high.

    Does anyone have a recommendation for a robust CD player (or should I convert onto MP3) or what is the best solution for playing music and stories to children? She is 2 and a half.

    Thanks a lot

  5. To be honest, I really hated ECV the first time (and it didn't work for me) so even if it was offered to me, I would think very hard about whether or not I would go with it. I feel quite relieved that at least that decision has been taken out of my hands! But thanks very much for the post, it is so easy to slip into agreeing with what they tell you, it's often only when I get home and reflect on it and get advice from places like this that I realise it isn't quite so black and white.
  6. Thanks everyone, there is really helpful advice here. I've been throwing myself off the sofa in the style of the Spinning Babies website, unfortunately I'm away from home at the moment, so haven't been around to take advantage of local acupuncturists etc. but that sounds like a sensible next step once back. Fingers crossed my baby is just very laid back, and waiting for a bit of Christmas indulgence to turn it over.
  7. I'm 35 weeks and my baby is transverse. I've already had a c-section because my previous pregnancy was breech, so ECV and the like are out of the question. But I'm hoping that someone might be able to reassure me that a transverse baby might still turn at this stage, and if anyone has any tips for how to encourage it then I am all ears! Thanks a lot.
  8. I'm trying to avoid getting a double buggy, but my toddler is only semi-reliable at walking. I plan to wear the new baby most of the time, but as an alternative way of getting out and about I like the idea of getting a seat for my toddler so that the baby can be in the pram -- especially if it is going to be a cold winter, the new baby might have a chance of lying flat and being toasty warm.

    Reviews are pretty mixed, and I just wondered whether anyone has any first hand experience of using one (what I have in mind is something along the lines of this http://www.kiddicare.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/productdisplay0_10751_-1_9917_10001#ReviewHeader), or even better ... does anyone have one they no longer use and would like to sell on?

    Thanks a lot

  9. My daughter is now nearly 2 and obviously we have taken loads of photos which I am trying to be organised about printing and putting in albums, but I wondered how people remember the other stuff? I'm not really a fan of baby books that force you to put in certain memories, but I guess I am regretting not having kept a bit more of a list of funny mispronounciations, and words that are such catch phrases for a time, and that you think you will never ever forget, but that suddenly stop being used and end up slipping away, unrecorded. I guess I could annotate an album but I suspect that would just end up looking a bit naf ... if only my memory was a bit more reliable!
  10. My parents have just finished converting their barn in rural North Norfolk and as this will be their first year of having holiday lets, they are really keen for people to come so that they can iron out any teething problems -- as someone is better than noone, they are prepared to offer knock down prices, so grab yourself a bargain! It is also totally available from now on as they would rather not use an agent and haven't been organised enough to market it yet.

    It is a really remote spot, with great walking and cycling on the doorstep, and plenty of other attractions (such as the coast) within an easy drive.

    Attached is the info, which I hope might be of interest to someone.

  11. My 17 month old daughter has started being very sick on buses / cars / RAC breakdown trucks ... you name it. She is generally fit and well and a fairly sturdy robust build. There doesn't seem to be any link with what or when she has eaten before travelling, or at least nothing that I can think of.

    Has anyone got any recommendations for dealing with sickness in little ones? It is beginning to make me think twice before venturing too far from home!


  12. Also try offering him the bottle when he isn't too hungry. I don't know whether you are doing dream feeds at night, but sometimes in their sleepy state they don't seem to notice quite so much being offered a bottle then. And get the dad to feed him, I sometimes think the smell of my milk coming from another direction can be really distracting. Good luck!
  13. They like to do the c-section before you go into natural labour, so some time between 38 and 40 weeks. I was hoping they might have space on 07.08.09 as the silver lining to having to have a c-section, but unfortunately they are booked up, so I am booked for the 11th instead, which is 39+2.

    I'm glad I tried the ECV, but do prepare yourself for it to be quite painful. It is a strange feeling having spent the last 9 months being so protective of my tummy to suddenly have to surrender it to the very strong hands of the consultant, but they were really nice and kept talking to me and making sure it wasn't unbearable, and stopped when I didn't like it. They moved it about half the way, but just couldn't get it all the way round, and now it seems to have bounced back to where they started from. It isn't much fun, but the baby seemed pretty immune to it all and the heart rate was carefully monitored, and I seem to have been forgiven as it is moving around lots, as usual, again now.

    Fingers crossed for you. Keep us posted on how you get on.

  14. ECV didn't work, so I'm booked for a c-section, and secretly keeping my fingers crossed for a miraculous somersault before then. I know the c-section will be fine, but I can't help feeling sad about missing out on the more natural alternative. But I've found this thread incredibly useful and reassuring, so thanks everyone (and sorry Heidi for joining your thread, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you).
  15. I'm in exactly the same position at 37 weeks but based at Tommies. My midwife is adamant that if is still breech at 38 weeks they will book me in for a c-section at least a week before due date (a bit scary as I still haven't finished work) -- they just don't have the expertise or confidence in vaginal breech births these days and much as I would rather go for that option, I'm too scared to risk any danger to the babe.

    In the meantime I am trying all the tricks to try and get it to turn. I went to the Dulwich Therapy Centre to get Moxibustion treatment, which my partner now treats me with twice a day (heating a charcoal stick by your little toe for 20 minutes). It sounds totally crazy, but the baby really does move after or during, and anwyay, I'm prepared to try anything.

    I have a scan booked for Wednesday and if ECV is an option will have that straight afterwards. I've heard loads of success stories about ECV so am pinning my hopes on that. I think it is more distressing and/or painful for mum than baby, so I wouldn't rule it out.

    There are also lots of old wives tales which I'm giving a go ... putting frozen peas on the baby's head to make it want to move, shining a bright torch or light up from below, playing music lower down to draw it near, and of course lots of crawling around on all fours or leaning with forearms on the ground and hips in the air.

    Obviously none of this has worked for me, yet, but if I do have to go down the c-section route at least I can feel I have exhausted all the alternatives.

    Good luck!

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