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Posts posted by BellendenBear

  1. My daughter in Y8 also got G+T. As Hoonaloona said, they seem to get the same opportunities as those with scholarships, the only difference is that G+T doesn?t increase your chance of getting a place at the school. There are loads of sports clubs at lunchtime, after school and sometimes during lesson time, above the usual PE lessons, which are open to all kids. Those with scholarships/ G+T have an additional session each week where they rotate different sports. Last year this was after school, this year it?s at lunchtime. They also have occasional guest speakers. I don?t think there?s a requirement to play for a team if they can?t or don?t want to. My daughter does about 13 hours of sport outside of school and still benefits from school opportunities (and mostly gets her homework done!). Feel free to PM if you have more questions.
  2. rkj Wrote:


    > Good tip. I may swap to TJ. Had to make 2 written

    > formal complaints to DMC. Formal complaints get

    > recorded/declared so I now have a template letter

    > 😳 let?s not forget, these surgeries are

    > for profit?they claim a missed appoint fee if you

    > don?t get to your telephone when they call you.

    > They called me 30 mins before my appointment. I

    > was on a call. They say call can be up to an hour

    > before or after the given time. Hour after I

    > understand?.not before 🤷

    GP surgeries can?t claim a missed appointment fee.

  3. Do you think that ED parents drive their kids to Kingsdale? I don?t think that?s the case. My 12 year old daughter goes there and all her friends cycle or use public transport. Her primary school friends ended up at 6 or 7 different secondary schools and the ones at state schools all walk, cycle or use public transport.

    The LTNs, while not being perfect, make it safer for many kids to cycle to lots of schools. I have been walking and cycling through Greendale to drop kids at primary school for the past 8 years and the number of secondary school kids and families with primary school kids cycling to school has increased massively since the LTNs on Champion Hill and in Dulwich Village were introduced. I don?t live in or next to an LTN, but the benefits of them are felt more widely than for a few wealthy people in Dulwich village. Some people seem to use the idea of the LTNs only benefitting a privileged few as a worthy narrative for their cause rather than being honest that they don?t want to make changes to their behaviour.

  4. Haberdashers offer some music places. Unlike Kingsdale, if your child is offered a scholarship and you put them as first choice you are guaranteed a place, distance doesn?t come into it. The scholarship involves an aural test and a certain number of kids are then offered an audition where they play/sing 2 pieces.
  5. tomskip Wrote:


    > According to the school, "getting in" without a

    > scholarship is a pure lottery (unless of course

    > you have an older sibling in the school). So I

    > don't think you can do anything to help.

    This is correct, they use a banded lottery for non-scholarship admissions.

  6. They aren?t looking for grades or qualifications. Same at Haberdashers which has a brilliant music department. My daughter got music scholarships for both after having 1 year of saxophone lessons with her year 4 class then just over a year of private lessons. She hadn?t done any exams. She ended up at Kingsdale and so far it?s been great.
  7. Please make sure that she knows how to access professional support and advocacy. In addition to the national DV helpline mentioned above, she can contact Solace if she is based in Southwark https://www.solacewomensaid.org/get-help/other-support-services/solace-advocacy-support-service-southwark. Unfortunately risk increases rather than decreases immediately after leaving an abusive relationship, so she and her family might need advice on safety.
  8. We got our 2 guineas from Ark Rescue a few months ago. As well as the obvious reasons to rescue rather than buy, I think getting slightly older ones is better for kids as they will be less skittish and more happy to be handled. We?re really happy with ours.
  9. Metallic Wrote:


    > It occurred to me last week that many of the

    > cycling families taking their children to school

    > won't have time to do it when they have to start

    > their own work commute again. It will be back to

    > unwilling nannies and au pairs round in SE21/SE22

    > until it gets too wet and cold, and dark.

    We cycle our kids to school. If/when we have to go back to the office this will still be the best way to get kids to school and on to work. I realise this isn?t the same for everyone. It has been lovely to see more families cycling during the last few weeks. I don?t know whether this is because of the road closures or people taking up cycling when roads were quieter or both. Either way I really hope it continues. For me the biggest consideration for continuing to cycle with kids through winter isn?t the weather but safety when it gets dark.

    It seems to be in everyone?s interest, including those who really have no other option than to drive, if more people feel able to cycle safety. It would be great if this discussion could focus more on how this can be achieved and the role that we can all play in this as well as our local leaders. So far there seems to be a lot of ranting that the current changes don?t work with no alternatives being put forward. I say this as a car owner and commuter cyclist (non-Lycra wearing).

  10. I don?t know about Harris ED but just wanted to make a general point about listing your preferences 1-6 simply in the order which you like the schools. There is no such thing as a wasted 1st choice providing you have at least 1 school further down the list which is a safer option. You don?t reduce your chances of being offered your 2nd choice school by putting a wild card which you like better as 1st choice.
  11. Presumably The Charter School refers to Charter North Dulwich rather than East Dulwich? Lots of kids from Lambeth will go to Charter ND such as those living just the other side of Denmark Hill.

    I?m sure lots of people move away after getting their eldest child into secondary school and then subsequent siblings get places. I agree that this doesn?t seem fair, but I don?t think making things borough based is possible or makes sense due to the impact it would have on people living close to the borders. Wouldn?t it be better to say that the sibling rule no longer applies if you live at an address that is further from the school than when the eldest was admitted? Southwark don?t have control over this anyway as all our schools are academies or free schools.

    Having just gone through this process, I would encourage people to visit lots of schools. There are lots of other good schools and some very impressive head teachers around.

  12. Thanks for sharing this link, we also received paper copies earlier this week. That part of Peckham always feels hazardous both as a pedestrian and cyclist. The proposals look good in terms of slowing traffic and improving safety for pedestrians, but I am less clear about cyclists. It does say that they are ?working on a future scheme to explore opportunities to improve facilities for cyclists and bus services between Oval and Deptford? but this seems rather intangible so I wonder if the situation for cyclists in the short term could be worse with the loss of marked lanes. Does anyone know about the Oval-Deptford plans or can anyone reassure me that the proposals will make cycling safer?
  13. The impact on traffic and pollution for other roads needs to be considered more widely than just the South to North flow from DKH, Grove Lane to Denmark Hill. Champion Hill was also how traffic flowed from East to West from Grove Hill Road, Camberwell Grove and surrounding streets. As has been previously described, the closure of Champion Hill combined with no right turn by DKH school, means that traffic has to use Bromar, Ivanhoe, Pytchley and Quorn roads to turn right onto DKH. These are all residential roads, much narrower than Champion Hill and used by lots of children to get to DKH, Goose Green and Bessemer schools. If James Barber or one of the other residents of Champion Hill can suggest a different way of making this journey I?d be very grateful.
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