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Posts posted by Tulsie

  1. Hi,

    My daughter has always had bad dreams that wake her scared and crying. She's 11 now and they're pretty infrequent these days thankfully, but when she was younger she was also scared of going to sleep and would wake often. The thing that really helped for us was a stuffed dragon toy.

    Sounds silly I know but I introduced it to her as a magic dragon that would wake at night to watch over her while she slept and protect her from bad dreams. She's slept with it just above her pillow ever since and while it hasn't stopped her having bad dreams entirely, they certainly lessened as she relaxed.

    So sorry for you and your son, hope you find something to help.

    Tulsie x

  2. Thank you so much everyone for such fantastic feedback and opinions.

    I have read it myself and kind of agree with all of you in that the girls characters are gobsmackingly passive, that the bits my daughter is too young to understand will probably go straight over her head, that she'll undoubtedly read it whatever I say and will be so much more likely to want to if I make a fuss, lastly I also read wildly unsuitable books at her age....

    Interestingly, since my original message I haven't said anything to my daughter about the book, just listened in the same way as always when she's wanted to talk about it, and already there's been a definite cooling off! I'm sure she'll finish it as she did pick up that I wasn't overly happy about her reading it but I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't bother with the sequel.

    Having said all that I'm still not convinced it's appropriate for a primary school library to stock.

    Interesting times ahead.....!!

    Thanks again everyone

    T x

  3. Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to get opinions really....

    My 10 yr old daughter skipped home gleefully this afternoon clutching the first twilight saga novel that she'd picked up from the book corner at school. I've had a look and it is indeed a school library book.....

    Here's my question to those of you who have read it...is a book like this really age appropriate for primary school??

    All opinions welcomed!



  4. Hi all,

    just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for an after school/weekend art class (or holiday workshops) for my 8year old daughter?

    She's desperate to go to one. I've asked at school if they know of any and just spent an hour checking out mumsnet and famililies mag online and can't seem to find anything............

    All suggestions gratefully received!

    Thanks guys


  5. Hi everyone,

    my daughter's school is currently the front runner in a free online competition to win 200 high visability waistcoats. Voting ends at 7.59am monday morning......

    There's no registration or anything like that, all you need to do is select the school from a drop down and click "vote". I wondered if some of you would vote (not sure if this is an allow-able request, so fully understand if this post is removed! :-$)

    The school is Streatham Wells Primary School and link is schools competition

    The cool thing is you can add your children's school for the next weeks voting (and I promise to vote for you if you do!!)

    Thank you so much

    Tulsie x

  6. Hi everyone,

    Keef, my daughter had cp about the same age and I gave her oat baths 3-4 times a day. Normal bath but then put oats in an old sock....a good 2-3heaped tablespoons, tie it up and put it in the water. Keep squidging it and all the oaty milkiness comes out. The more the better. I used to gently squidge the sock all over her, especially where she was particularly itchy.

    (good for grown up foot baths too!)

    Good luck everyone! It will pass and everything will be shiny and non itchy again soon! :)

    T xx

  7. Hi all,

    I know every now and then there's a thread on what all the levels 2a 2b etc mean and also what each key stage is all about.....

    I've just been scooting around the net trying to make sense of it as my daughter is in year 2 (end of key stage 1). Anyway, I found a site that is really helpful and thought I'd share nicely!

    key stages

    There are links (opening in new tabs) at the bottom for specific info on each subject.


    Tulsie x

  8. Hi Guys,

    I know Balham is a bit of a schlep, but just wanted to share this class......

    tues afternoons 4pm-5pm there's a great kids capoeira class at recentre on balham high road. My daughter (nearly 7) has been for the last few weeks and LOVES it! I peeked in and watched some of the class last week and I've never seen her so engaged, focused and determined for such an extended period...huge grin on her face the whole time. It's absolutely made my week to see her like that:)) so thought I'd tell you all about it!

    Their website isrecentre

    maybe see some of you there....

    Love Tulsie x

  9. Hi,

    my daughter may well be interested in that...She'll be 7 by then too. She goes trampolining on sat morn till 11 though, but please post when you know where and when the class will be.

    I'm sure you'll get lots of interest from this forum once you have a definite class....Good luck with it!

    Tulsie x

  10. Hi sweetgirl,

    my best advice is to get your friend to ring the probate office (see link for national offices).

    I spoke to an amazingly kind and patient woman there last year, who went through all my questions and sorted out all my confusion.

    Well worth a phone call I'd say!

    Probate office link

    Good luck

    T x

  11. Hi Mrs Y,

    I've got some and I love them.....they're definately not MBT's though, so if you're after a workout you'd be better off with those.

    Having said that, fitflops are soooooo comfy and mine are on their 3rd summer with no sign of giving up on me. I used to go through pairs of flipflops by the dozen! I do miss all the jewelled/different coloured/beaded and general sparkliness of normal flippies, but I figure I've probably saved enough money on just one pair nearly 3 years ago to make winter boot extravagance acceptable!

    It's a win win!

    Dulwichmum, I feel your pain.......sounds like the solution lies in cake and not shoes........... :)

  12. Hi redjam,

    As a long term big chiller, a couple of years ago I would have said absolutely go for it......But, my daughter is now 6 and last year there was a definate change in the air at the chill. It was always sooooo family friendly, but Pete Lawrence stepped down from running it 2 years ago and I think the new team are taking it into a different direction. No judgement from me on that, but it was more rave-y and less family and not really for us anymore....

    Having said all that, my new fave is Festinho......been twice now and had a gorgeous time both years. It's moving to a new location this year, but I imagine it will be the same but better.....All money raised goes to Brazilian street kids, so very family orientated and just generally lovely! Have I gushed enough?????



    Tulsie x

  13. Hi All,

    anyone know of any local kids trampolining classes suitable for a 6 year old?

    I've found 2 so far, crystal palace sports centre wens 7-8pm (too late for my daughter really) and the latchmere in clapham junction (prefer closer).

    Any info gratefully received!

    Tulsie x

  14. Hi,

    we got one of those too for our daughter.....have the instructions but we're away first thing tomorrow til the 2nd. If you haven't found any instructions by then you're more than welcome to copy ours.

    In the meantime, turn the button on her foot to "1" for on

    Once she's on you can get her to say and do stuff by pressing her front paw, the back of her neck or her chest (on the fluffy white bit) You'll feel the little buttons in all those places.

    When you put the cd on, make sure she's no more than a metre or so from the speakers (and on) and she'll do her thing to the story and songs.

    Same deal with the movie.

    If she's not joining in turn it up a bit and press one of her buttons to "wake" her up!

    that's it really....

    ....Sigh.....I'm slightly depressed that I know all this.......hmmm, maybe wine will help.......


    Tulsie x

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