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Posts posted by Viciam

  1. 4 minutes ago, HeadNun said:

    Nowhere have I said that what is happening in Palestine is right and nowhere have I denied what is happening.  You're missing my point. 

    And no, not because they are Muslims. I studied Islam at uni (and Judaism), was raised in my early years in a Muslim country (very happily), have Muslim friends, so don't even try going there...

    But one kind of apartheid is no worse than another and if you're inclined to compare and rate them against eachother, then you're the one who needs to have a think about whether race has anything to do with it. 

    Please go out and open your mind by talking to people rather than staying locked in your house and letting the dark corners of your mind convince you otherwise. Kids got bombed and murdered. Its simple to understand. There's no ifs and buts in this situation and there is no justification.

    On a basic fundamental human level...wrong was done for whatever reason. The reason doesn't matter. All that matters is that it was indeed done and is being done now.

    Evil prevails because the good are silent. There's no neutral stance on this issue. You're either with the truth or the wrong. Oh and btw, staying neutral is siding with the wrong, just in case you're a politician and think you can play both sides.

    • Like 3
  2. On 16/11/2023 at 17:56, HeadNun said:

    Mal, I would never, ever go on a march like this. Not in a million years. Firstly, I don't want to be on a march where there is one single Hamas / Jihad sympathiser, or an ignorant, left wing student wearing a keffiyeh, who's just jumped on a righteous bandwagon. I don't want to go on a march, the very idea of which, might scare the living daylights of a Jewish child who suffers from generational trauma and doesn't understand why everyone suddenly hates them (I know there are Jews on these marches too). 

    It is my opinion that many people go on marches to feel better about themselves and boost their own saviour complex. A lot of them are angry about other things and these marches just provide a channel for that anger. Maybe I'm wrong. I prefer to stay at home, dig out my history books and reflect on how these situations came to be.

    I've seen the aftermath of ethnic cleansing, famine, abject poverty, disease, the fallout from violent inter-tribal clashes. One thing I've learnt is that there is nothing I can do about it, other than to be grateful. 

    As for apartheid in SA, yes I would have marched against that. But it was a completely different situation. 

    "It is my opinion that many people go on marches to feel better about themselves and boost their own saviour complex. A lot of them are angry about other things and these marches just provide a channel for that anger. Maybe I'm wrong. I prefer to stay at home, dig out my history books and reflect on how these situations came to be. "

    So you base your decisions and thoughts on books and things you've read (thats where you'll mostly find propadanda in the firtst place) rather than going out, meeting and talking to people and getting to know their side of the story so you can discover the truth. You've made up your mind and you're 100% convinved you're right by staying locked indoors and reading things online and in books.

    The fact is, 13,000 people have been killed, more than half are children. And I also read one of your posts say, this is not genocide. Who are you kidding?

    • Like 2
  3. On 16/11/2023 at 17:10, HeadNun said:

    I think Mal is saying that I'm the one doing the mocking. 

    I just think that picking a side with something like this is not only futile, but displays some level of privileged, Western grandiosity, I'm afraid. It's very easy to pick a 'right side of history' when it really doesn't directly affect you, and brush aside all the ugly, gnarly undercurrents that come with any subject like this. 

    People die in war and genocide all the time, and have done for time immemorial. I just don't understand why white, middle class Londoners choose to identify with the Palestinian struggle over any other. 

    Why? Because innocent children are being bombed and killed. Whether you like it or not, whats happening is wrong and majority of people around the world deep down know it. Hence the massive protests. You can say or think what you want but there are some fundamentals truths in life that can't be changed by man. Wrong is wrong and truth is truth. Its simple. The voice of the people is the voice of god.

    "As for apartheid in SA, yes I would have marched against that. But it was a completely different situation" Completely different as in they were not muslims you mean?

    • Like 1
  4. These days London is so overcrowded that crime has to rise. Its un-natural for so many people to live in overcrowded places.

    Theres no point even buying a nice car, its just a matter of time before something happens to it. My brothers range rover got stolen few months ago and sisters lexus hybrid got jacked few weeks later from different addresses.

    Its a bit nuts out there these days.

  5. internal fan maybe needs replacing


    Mine did that recently and the hard drive had failed 😭

    Try Christian at Netquest Consulting in Pellatt Road:



    Is he well to do though?


    Lol I think that came out wrong. What I meant was someone reliable and well to do in their intentions...you know honest and good at repairing pcs....not so much as in the way you might be thinking what I meant. Lol

  6. Hi guys,

    Does anyone know a reliable and well to do person who can help with computer issues? My PC's CPU is running very hot so would like someone to take a look at it.

    Thanks in advance.

  7. > I did put in the meter reading and still its around £500.

    You've not mentioned anything about the stated amounts of gas consumed, or whether the readings given on the latest bill tally with those on the preceding one(s), or how today's meter reading compares. I'm wondering if this is a new account that you've taken over and there's been an admin error; or whether you've misread the meter. If it's an old style one, like mine, the relevant reading (hundreds of cubic feet) is just the leftmost four digits.


    Hi thanks for your reply. I just posted these above. I moved into this property in Feb 26th 2021 and it was a new account I set up.

  8. Initial reading was probably wrong. Or something else using the supply.


    Something else? I'm keeping an eye on the meter every 1 hour to see what its doing.

  9. There's pretty much no reason to be using more than the tiniest amount of gas at any time but especially since February. It's been a very hot year which should mean minimal/ zero central heating, food that doesn't require cooking, and cold showers. Or at least cool showers given the water from the cold tap is so warm. Our central heating went off in January, we've used one or two hobs on occasions. Our behaviour is much improved since (obviously) early February and our bills (for two adults with very strong appetites) are minimal. Our electricity bill combined with gas comes to about 85 pounds per month. Switch provider or turn it off. Or both.


    Yeh I'm just worried what's going on. I just know that it can't be £400-£500 for 2.5 months for just a one bedroom flat. We haven't used central heating in this period at all.

  10. So that's around £200 a month. Seems very high for that time of year.

    Even with today's in prices, I'd expect a 1 bed in this area to spend around £30-£60 on gas a month during the spring/summer. Maybe a bit more if you both have multiple showers a day and use a gas hob regularly.

    Are you sure your boiler isn't running 24/7?

    Do you have a combi boiler? If so can you hear it 'on' only when you actually use hot water?


    I dont think its running 24/7. I hear it start up when we turn on hot water etc.

  11. Hi guys, really appreciate your replies thank you so much. These below are 3 seperate quarterly bills I recieved. The kwh usage is so high in the april - june period. Thats in the summer when we haven't used to the central heating at all.

    10 Nov 2021 - 14 Jan 2022

    397.80kWh at 4.200p per kWh

    01685 - estimated meter reading

    01721 - estimated meter reading

    36 gas units at 38.9 calorific value


    15 Jan 2022 - 31 Mar 2022

    518.02kWh at 4.200p per kWh

    01721 - estimated meter reading

    01768 - estimated meter reading

    47 gas units at 38.8 calorific value


    15 Apr 2022 - 30 Jun 2022

    5797.85kWh at 7.541p per kWh

    01775 - estimated meter reading

    02297 - we read your meter

    522 gas units at 39.1 calorific value


    I did call British Gas and they said they will look into it. I'm worried that I get my bills quarterly and next time its going to be around £500 again. Thats too much. I'm just renting a small 1 bedroom flat with a kitchen and a bathroom.

  12. Hi guys,

    I have a question. I rent a 1 bedroom flat on Lordship Lane and I received a gas bill of £500 for period between 15th April - 30th June. There are 2 of us that live here. It seems incredibly high to me or is this normal now with the price increases that have happened?

    I did put in the meter reading and still its around £500.

    Any feedback would be helpful.

    Thank you.

  13. Hello everyone

    A native French speaker, fluent in English..


    Bachelor's Degree in Education

    Certificate in TEFL/TESOL

    I worked as a Proctor for the US embassy in Mauritius and have taught language at primary and secondary school level.

    I will provide tailored lessons to suit individual needs.

    ? French Language: Any age group

    I also help anyone wanting to learn French for business/corporate or leisure purposes.


    ? Arabic: up to 12 years old

    ? English language and literature: up to A level.


    Please do feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

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