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Posts posted by jellybellypt

  1. Using a mixture of standing, seated and floor work, Pregnancy Fit aims to work the whole body using light resistance and props. This class will pay special attention to posture, core and breathing and allow you to become more in tune with your changing body. A lot of women are unsure of what they can and can?t do when it comes to exercise during pregnancy so this class aims to give women the confidence to keep active by doing exercise that will support the body and prepare you for birth and beyond.

    Exercises are chosen specially for the pregnant woman and will prepare the body for the physical challenges of each trimester, promote good posture minimising back pain, maintain pelvic floor function, manage pelvic discomfort, maintain muscle strength and tone, release tightness and promote relaxation through breathing.

    You can join this class at any stage of pregnancy so long as you have clearance by your midwife or GP to exercise.

    Courses are run in blocks of 5 weeks at Push Studios, drop in classes are also available. This course is also streamed live online and recorded, if you are not local to Dulwich.

    Course: Pregnancy Fit

    Start date: Wednesday 10th November 2021

    Time: 7pm to 8pm

    Location: Push Studios 17-19 Blackwater Court Blackwater Street East Dulwich Se22 8SD

    Duration: 5 weeks

    Cost: ?70.00

    Cost on Zoom: ?55.00

    Cost Zoom Dropin: ?12.00

    BOOK NOW: [jellybellypt.com]

  2. This course is all about reconnecting with your body after having a baby. We will work from the inside out activating your core and pelvic floor to restore function and strength using breathing, movement and resistance using thera bands.

    Exercises are chosen to address posture, function and strength so the intensity is dependent on where you are at in your recovery. Being small classes we can give more individual attention ensuring you are doing the correct exercises at the right level for you. We use a mix of exercises including Pilates but also like to ensure we cover exercises that are going to restore your body for daily function so you can move more freely and become more active.

    Babies are welcome along too. We set the room up to include bouncy chairs and mats so you can have your little one beside you.


    Start Date: Thursday 21st November 2019

    Time: 12.45pm to 1.45pm

    Location: Push Studios 21 Blackwater Street East Dulwich SE22 8RS

    Duration: 5 weeks

    Cost: ?65.00

    Book now: http://jellybellypt.com/services/post-natal-restore/

  3. Having a baby is no walk in the park! You may be feeling quite battered and bruised and unsure of the recovery process. Is my pelvic floor ok? Are my abdominals ?split?? It feels tight around my c-section scar, is this normal? These are just some of the concerns that you may have. When starting exercise it can be daunting trying to know what you should or shouldn?t do and which type of exercise is right for you.

    Physio + Restore is a course that begins with a one-to-one full post-natal assessment with a Women?s Health Physiotherapist. By doing this first, we can then prescribe the right exercise for you to ensure that we address your physical needs from the get go, creating a good foundation to build on.

    How does it work?

    Book your course


    We will then put you in touch with Emma Hunter, our Women?s Health Physiotherapist, to make your 45 minute appointment for your full post-natal check. The assessment can include a musculoskeletal and postural assessment, measurement of your rectus diastasis abdominis (RDA) and vaginal examination. The vaginal examination will help determine any pelvic floor prolapse, pelvic floor function and help in the prescription of an individualised pelvic floor exercise programme and/or Hypopressive programme. The positive outcome of this service can be life changing, whether this includes taking control of your bladder symptoms, reducing pelvic organ prolapse, rehabilitation of RDA, returning to higher level exercise or relieving your pain.

    Your results will then be shared with your Jelly Belly instructor who will then create a bespoke 5 week exercise plan to ensure that the exercises done in class are targeting your specific needs, optimising your treatment plan.


    Attend your 5 weekly classes where there will be a maximum of 4 people, giving you more individual attention throughout the session and allowing you to progress at your own pace. The exercises will be functional using a mixture of standing and mat work following the treatment plan set out by your Physio and Instructor.


    PLUS you will receive 2 x customised home workout videos just for you to do at home

    PLUS we will have a Bubble nanny to help with your little one during the classes to enable you to focus on the exercises

    START DATE: Wednesday 11th September 2019

    TIME: 10AM TO 11AM

    LOCATION: Goose Green Clinic 57 East Dulwich Road East Dulwich SE22 9AP

    DURATION: 5 Weeks

    COST: ?195.00

    BOOOK NOW: http://jellybellypt.com/services/physio-core-restore/

  4. Using a mixture of standing, seated and floor work, Pregnancy Fit aims to work the whole body using light resistance and props. This class will pay special attention to posture, core and breathing and allow you to become more in tune with your changing body. A lot of women are unsure of what they can and can?t do when it comes to exercise during pregnancy so this class aims to give women the confidence to keep active by doing exercise that will support the body and prepare you for birth and beyond.

    Exercises are chosen specially for the pregnant woman and will prepare the body for the physical challenges of each trimester, promote good posture minimising back pain, maintain pelvic floor function, manage pelvic discomfort, maintain muscle strength and tone, release tightness and promote relaxation through breathing.

    You can join this class at any stage of pregnancy so long as you have clearance by your midwife or GP to exercise.

    START DATE: Sunday 1st September 2019

    TIME: 9.30am to 10.30am

    LOCATION: Goose Green Clinic 57 East Dulwich Road East Dulwich SE22 9AP

    DURATION: 5 weeks

    COST: ?65.00

    BOOK NOW: http://jellybellypt.com/services/pregnancy-fit/

  5. Pregnancy Fit at the Goose Green Clinic

    Using a mixture of standing and floor work, Pregnancy Fit aims to work the whole body using light resistance and props. This class will pay special attention to posture, core and breathing and allow you to become more in tune with your changing body. A lot of women are unsure of what they can and can?t do when it comes to exercise during pregnancy so this class aims to give women the confidence to keep active by doing exercise that will support the body and prepare you for birth and beyond.

    Exercises are chosen specially for the pregnant woman and will prepare the body for the physical challenges of each trimester, promote good posture minimising back pain, maintain pelvic floor function, manage any pelvic discomfort, maintain muscle strength and tone, release tightness and promote relaxation through breathing.

    You will receive a Jelly Belly Kit Bag to bring along to class and so you can do workouts at home.

    You can join this class at any stage of pregnancy as long as you have clearance by your midwife or GP to exercise.

    We have a couple of spaces left on the next block...

    Start date: Wednesday 2nd December

    When: 7pm - 8pm

    Where: Goose Green Clinic, 57 East Dulwich Road, SE22 9AP

    Duration: 5 weeks

    Cost: ?65

    To book, please go to our website [www.jellybellypt.com]

  6. Launched last year and proving to be very successful, Jelly Belly PT are delighted to be able to offer both evening and weekend Pregnancy Fit classes! Our Wednesday block for August is fully booked but we have a few spaces left on our Sunday morning block so book now!!

    Sunday mornings 9.30-10.30am, starts 16th August until 13th September 2015.

    Location: Goose Green Clinic, 57 East Dulwich Road, SE22 9AP

    Duration: 5 weeks

    Cost: ?65

    Using a mixture of standing, seated and floor work, Pregnancy Fit aims to work the whole body using light resistance and props. This class will pay special attention to posture, core and breathing and allow you to become more in tune with your changing body. A lot of women are unsure of what they can and can?t do when it comes to exercise during pregnancy so this class aims to give women the confidence to keep active by doing exercise that will support the body and prepare you for birth and beyond.

    Exercises are chosen specially for the pregnant woman and will prepare the body for the physical challenges of each trimester, promote good posture minimising back pain, maintain pelvic floor function, manage pelvic discomfort, maintain muscle strength and tone, release tightness and promote relaxation through breathing.

    You will also receive a kit bag as part of the course so you can practice at home.

    For more info or to book your place now, log onto: www.jellybellypt.com/services/pregnancy-fit/

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Zoe & Kellie


  7. NEW! Post-natal + toddler outdoor class

    This is a circuit style class that will address the needs of the post-natal woman at any stage where your baby/toddler/ pre-schooler can come too. We use the dog free picnic area so that your child can play freely whilst you exercise!

    When: Tuesdays 9:45am - 10:45am

    Where: Peckham Rye, meet at the cafe (we'll then go to the picnic area together. If it's your first time at a Jelly Belly class please arrive 5 minutes early. Dress for exercise, bring water and a mat.

    ?7.50 pay as you go

    ?35 for a 5 class pass

    ?65 for a 10 class pass

    (class passes can be used at all of our outdoor classes)

    For more information please go to www.jellybellypt.com/index.php/home/jelly-belly-outdoors/

  8. This is a circuit class that will address the needs of the post-natal woman at any stage where your toddler can come too. We will use the dog free picnic area so that your toddler can play freely whilst you exercise. We will supply some equipment for the little ones but we advise you bring some toys too.

    Please bring water, a mat and make sure you are dressed to work out.

    Starting June 16th, Tuesdays @ 9:45am Peckham Rye, meet Zoe at the cafe.

    For more info, call Zoe on 07803031986 or email: [email protected]


  9. Hello

    Jelly Belly Pilates and Training currently run outdoor exercise classes for mums and babies in Dulwich Park and Peckham Rye. We know how tricky it can be when baby gets older and wants out the pram but can't be trusted to stay where mum can see them! Sometimes that is when the good intentions are defeated by the practicalities of having a toddler.

    Is there any interest in having an exercise class in an enclosed area where mums can keep an eye on their little explorers while participating in a circuit style exercise class? We are looking at the picnic area on Peckham Rye which is fenced in and we would provide bats and balls and other equipment to keep the kids entertained or they can join mum in the exercises!

    Classes would most likely be on a Tuesday morning after the school drop off is finished. We would really appreciate your input if you are a local mum and are looking for an exercise option that you can bring your toddler along to. Please feel free to PM me or reply to this message.

    Many thanks,



  10. Hello

    Jelly Belly Pilates and Training currently run outdoor exercise classes for mums and babies in Dulwich Park and Peckham Rye. We know how tricky it can be when baby gets older and wants out the pram but can't be trusted to stay where mum can see them! Sometimes that is when the good intentions are defeated by the practicalities of having a toddler.

    Is there any interest in having an exercise class in an enclosed area where mums can keep an eye on their little explorers while participating in a circuit style exercise class? We are looking at the picnic area on Peckham Rye which is fenced in and we would provide bats and balls and other equipment to keep the kids entertained or they can join mum in the exercises!

    Classes would most likely be on a Tuesday morning after the school drop off is finished. We would really appreciate your input if you are a local mum and are looking for an exercise option that you can bring your toddler along to. Please feel free to PM me or reply to this message.

    Many thanks,



  11. Hello

    Jelly Belly Pilates and Training currently run outdoor exercise classes for mums and babies in Dulwich Park and Peckham Rye. We know how tricky it can be when baby gets older and wants out the pram but can't be trusted to stay where mum can see them! Sometimes that is when the good intentions are defeated by the practicalities of having a toddler.

    Is there any interest in having an exercise class in an enclosed area where mums can keep an eye on their little explorers while participating in a circuit style exercise class? We are looking at the picnic area on Peckham Rye which is fenced in and we would provide bats and balls and other equipment to keep the kids entertained or they can join mum in the exercises!

    Classes would most likely be on a Tuesday morning after the school drop off is finished. We would really appreciate your input if you are a local mum and are looking for an exercise option that you can bring your toddler along to. Please feel free to PM me or reply to this message.

    Many thanks,



  12. Launched last year and proving to be very successful, Jelly Belly PT are delighted to be able to offer both evening and weekend Pregnancy Fit classes! We still have a few spaces available for our May blocks.

    Using a mixture of standing, seated and floor work, Pregnancy Fit aims to work the whole body using light resistance and props. This class will pay special attention to posture, core and breathing and allow you to become more in tune with your changing body. A lot of women are unsure of what they can and can?t do when it comes to exercise during pregnancy so this class aims to give women the confidence to keep active by doing exercise that will support the body and prepare you for birth and beyond.

    Exercises are chosen specially for the pregnant woman and will prepare the body for the physical challenges of each trimester, promote good posture minimising back pain, maintain pelvic floor function, manage pelvic discomfort, maintain muscle strength and tone, release tightness and promote relaxation through breathing.

    Next start date: Sunday 3rd of March 2015 or Wednesday 6th May 2015

    Class time: 9.30-10.30am (Sundays) and 7pm - 8pm (Wednesdays)

    Location: Goose Green Clinic, 57 East Dulwich Road, SE22 9AP

    Duration: 5 weeks

    Cost: ?60

    Please note, you cannot alternate between Wednesdays and Sundays as these run as separate blocks.

    You will also receive a kit bag as part of the course so you can practice at home.

    For more info or to book your place now, email: [email protected] or call 07803031986, indicating which day you are interested in.


  13. Launched last year and proving to be very successful, Jelly Belly PT are delighted to be able to offer both evening and weekend Pregnancy Fit classes! We still have a few spaces available for our May blocks.

    Using a mixture of standing, seated and floor work, Pregnancy Fit aims to work the whole body using light resistance and props. This class will pay special attention to posture, core and breathing and allow you to become more in tune with your changing body. A lot of women are unsure of what they can and can?t do when it comes to exercise during pregnancy so this class aims to give women the confidence to keep active by doing exercise that will support the body and prepare you for birth and beyond.

    Exercises are chosen specially for the pregnant woman and will prepare the body for the physical challenges of each trimester, promote good posture minimising back pain, maintain pelvic floor function, manage pelvic discomfort, maintain muscle strength and tone, release tightness and promote relaxation through breathing.

    Next start date: Sunday 3rd of March 2015 or Wednesday 6th May 2015

    Class time: 9.30-10.30am (Sundays) and 7pm - 8pm (Wednesdays)

    Location: Goose Green Clinic, 57 East Dulwich Road, SE22 9AP

    Duration: 5 weeks

    Cost: ?60

    Please note, you cannot alternate between Wednesdays and Sundays as these run as separate blocks.

    You will also receive a kit bag as part of the course so you can practice at home.

    For more info or to book your place now, email: [email protected] or call 07803031986, indicating which day you are interested in.


  14. Hi Nuna and Lola,

    We (Jelly Belly Pilates and Training) currently run a Pregnancy Fit class in Goose Green Clinic which would be suitable for you if you are experiencing some pelvic pain. Please have a look on our website for a full class description and the next course dates. The classes are small and it means we can give each client tailored exercises if they are unable to do certain things and also give you advice on any issues you may be having.


    I look forward to hearing from you if you have any more questions or would like more info.

    Otherwise I hope you find some respite from your discomfort and have a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy.

    Kind Regards


  15. Launched last year and proving to be very successful, Jelly Belly PT are delighted to be able to offer both evening and weekend Pregnancy Fit classes! We still have a few spaces available for our June blocks.

    Using a mixture of standing, seated and floor work, Pregnancy Fit aims to work the whole body using light resistance and props. This class will pay special attention to posture, core and breathing and allow you to become more in tune with your changing body. A lot of women are unsure of what they can and can?t do when it comes to exercise during pregnancy so this class aims to give women the confidence to keep active by doing exercise that will support the body and prepare you for birth and beyond.

    Exercises are chosen specially for the pregnant woman and will prepare the body for the physical challenges of each trimester, promote good posture minimising back pain, maintain pelvic floor function, manage pelvic discomfort, maintain muscle strength and tone, release tightness and promote relaxation through breathing.

    Sunday mornings 9.30-10.30am, starts 7th June until Sunday 5th July 2015.

    Wednesday evenings 7pm - 8pm, starts 10th June until 8th July 2015.

    Location: Goose Green Clinic, 57 East Dulwich Road, SE22 9AP

    Duration: 5 weeks

    Cost: ?60

    Please note, you cannot alternate between Wednesdays and Sundays as these run as separate blocks.

    You will also receive a kit bag as part of the course so you can practice at home.

    For more info or to book your place now, email: [email protected] or call 07803031986, indicating which day you are interested in.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Zoe, Kellie and Joanna


  16. Hi!

    We do outdoor classes in Peckham rye on Mondays at 1:30pm. It's a post-natal class where mums come along with little ones but pregnant mums are also welcome and have joined the classes before with their toddler in tow!

    Alternatively, we run pregnancy fit classes at the goose green clinic Sunday mornings at 9:30am or Wednesdays evenings at 7pm.

    For more info www.jellybellypt.com or PM me!


  17. It will soon be Spring ladies - get yourselves out of hibernation and get lots of fresh air and exercise by joining our group of lovely local mums and little ones.

    Run by experienced postnatal instructors, Jelly Belly Outdoors is a fun, safe class designed to help new mums back into exercise. The class consists of a variety of different exercises tailored specifically for postnatal women and allows you to bring your baby along too and enjoy our lovely local parks together.

    Classes take place in Peckham Rye on Mondays at 1.30pm and Dulwich Park on Thursdays at 10am.

    They last for one hour and all you need is a good pair of trainers and some comfy workout clothes!

    Visit: www.jellybellypt.com for full class details.

  18. Jelly Belly Outdoors are postnatal exercise classes held in Dulwich and Peckham Rye parks designed specifically for mums and taught by qualified and experienced ante/ post natal instructors who are mums ourselves.

    Postnatal + is a higher intensity class than the existing Jelly Belly Outdoors Postnatal classes and with more focus on increased cardio and fat burning activities.

    You must be at least 6 months post natal, generally recovered from the birth and have been exercising already. If you are not sure whether you are ready to move up a step, please get in touch.

    Classes run every Friday, rain or shine, at 10am in Dulwich Park, meeting at Court Lane Gate.

    Please bring babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers with you - or leave them with the grandparents and and enjoy the break!

    We also run small group personal training sessions if you prefer to train at a time convenient to you and your baby and with a small group of friends. Contact us for more details.

    [email protected]


  19. Launched last year and proving to be very successful, Jelly Belly PT are delighted to be able to offer both weekend and evening classes for pregnancy.

    Using a mixture of standing, seated and floor work, Pregnancy Fit aims to work the whole body using light resistance and props. This class will pay special attention to posture, core and breathing and allow you to become more in tune with your changing body. A lot of women are unsure of what they can and can?t do when it comes to exercise during pregnancy so this class aims to give women the confidence to keep active by doing exercise that will support the body and prepare you for birth and beyond.

    Exercises are chosen specially for the pregnant woman and will prepare the body for the physical challenges of each trimester, promote good posture minimising back pain, maintain pelvic floor function, manage pelvic discomfort, maintain muscle strength and tone, release tightness and promote relaxation through breathing.

    Our Sunday morning March block is already full but we are launching a new evening class to keep up with the demand!

    Next start date: Wednesday 1st April 2015

    Class time: 7pm - 8pm

    Location: Goose Green Clinic, 57 East Dulwich Road, SE22 9AP

    Duration: 5 weeks

    Cost: ?60

    Spaces available: 5

    You will also receive a kit bag as part of the course so you can practice at home.

    For more info or to book your place now, email: [email protected]


    Our next block of Sunday morning classes will begin in May, details to follow.

  20. Launched last year and proving to be very successful, Jelly Belly Pilates and Training have now added an extra Pregnancy Fit class on Wednesday evenings.

    Using a mixture of standing, seated and floor work, Pregnancy Fit aims to work the whole body using light resistance and props. This class will pay special attention to posture, core and breathing and allow you to become more in tune with your changing body. A lot of women are unsure of what they can and can?t do when it comes to exercise during pregnancy so this class aims to give women the confidence to keep active by doing exercise that will support the body and prepare you for birth and beyond.

    Exercises are chosen specially for the pregnant woman and will prepare the body for the physical challenges of each trimester, promote good posture minimising back pain, maintain pelvic floor function, manage pelvic discomfort, maintain muscle strength and tone, release tightness and promote relaxation through breathing.

    Next start date: Wednesday 6th May 2015

    Class time: 7pm - 8pm

    Location: Goose Green Clinic, 57 East Dulwich Road, SE22 9AP

    Duration: 5 weeks

    Cost: ?60

    Spaces available: 3

    You will also receive a kit bag as part of the course so you can practice at home.

    For more info or to book your place now, email: [email protected]


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