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Posts posted by shellbear

  1. Stephen came to ours on Friday and fitted the stairs, hallway and kids room with new carpet. He also spent a while explaining the difference of the styles, was straightforward about fees and there was no hard sell at all. The job he has done is brilliant. We are really happy with the colour we picked and how quickly it was done.

    Big recommendation from me.

  2. Late to this but just to add that my daughter attended this nursery (although over 2 years ago now) and I thought the garden was great, and that the care was good enough, but far from perfect, and I have been far happier with subsequent nurseries I have chosen for my son. It is a personal thing but I agree with Kam1 I thought the way management communicated with parents was totally unprofessional. I think this trickled down to staff as as soon as my daughter got to know and love somebody they would leave. Also for me the settling in policy was not conducive to a happy child or parent, so it felt like it got off to a wonky start. There felt like their lacked a desire to have a parent community in the way that I have found elsewhere. They have home cooking, it's convenient for station and it may well have improved but that was my experience and I wish I had had some honest feedback when I put my first in nursery as I felt a bit lost.
  3. Honor Oak park is lovely - little high street with gorgeous deli, cafes and great tapas. The best indian in london -Babur (Zagat 2013), great sardinian - Le Querce. good local pubs. Proper community feeling. Several excellent primary schools. Lovely parks, great local festivals at Blythe Hill and Hilly Fields and St Hildas carnival. Orange line means 20 minutes to get up east plus regular trains to London Bridge. I really like Crofton Park too that links Honor Oak to Brockley. It is great with small kids. Weve been here for 2 years after moving from Bellenden road area and I really love it. Be quick though, its a best kept secret but soon won't be.
  4. Hi all,

    I work at Battersea Arts Centre in Clapham Junction and we currently have a hit show running for 0-5's/6-12's and 13+ called "The Good Neighbour" its Time Out number one thing to do in half term - more info here:


    Dulwich forum users can get HALF PRICE tickets (?4) to celebrate the beggining of half term on Sat 17th at 6.30pm and Sunday 28th at 10.30am - you just need to enter the code "Dulwich" when booking online or over the phone.

    The 6-12's version is an adventure around the building with loads of micro performances (BAC is a massive old town hall) -for this show parents don't have to go with their children as they will be chaperoned but its great fun even for adults.

    If you are into theatre or want to do something different on a rainy day its cheap even without the special offer. All info and dates on website


  5. My 3 yr old keeps getting out of bed at night. She has been in a big girls bed for nearly 9 months and it's like she has had a sudden realisation it'as not her cot and started getting up and paying us night time visits. Weve had a few early evening get ups too but nothing too bad - its the night time thats worse. We are being as consistant as we can putting her straight back down, being firm but not over reacting either, trying to make it as boring as possible for her. I don't want to put a gate on the door yet - that feels like a last resort. It's about 3 nights out of 7 at the moment so not every night. A couple of times it has gone on for hours and my partner has eventually made a bed next to her in her room so everyone can sleep. When I ask her about it the next day she just says I get up because I want my mummy and daddy. What to do?! Has anyone had the same experience and got some magic advice?!
  6. I am now in Honor Oak with a new 4 month old boy - I already have a 2.5 yr old toddler so didn't do all the classes this time round. She is in nursery some of the week and it would be great to meet some local mums with similar age babies - all his pals are too old! I am around mid week and plan to start taking him to some baby groups now his colic has faded.. shell.
  7. My newborn is almost 3 weeks and sleeps and feeds ok but spends most waking hours crying. Sometimes worse after a feed but can be anytime. I think some of it is wind etc but releasing this doesnt always stop the crying - reading about reflux I think he might have some heartburn but he isnt throwing up that much, just a little now and again. He is relieved by sitting up, bicycle legs, hanging over back of shoulder, sounds of hairdryer, running water, sometimes sucking on my little finger, but all this is only for a few minutes before he gets very upset again. or the hairdryer conks out etc etc.

    It was a fairly difficult birth ending in an emergency c section and then he had jaundice and was poked and prodded lots of blood tests and antibiotics, and put in an incubator for first few days under light therapy which I know left him (and me) unsettled.

    I know its early days and he might just be growing into his body but its so hard to not be able to help. I also have 2yr old who is being amazing but obviously it is making it a lot harder to manage both.

    Thinking about cranial osteopathy has anyone got any personal recommendations? Any other thoughts? using infacol but dont think its touching it really. Just hanging in there by a thread at the moment...

  8. gawd I know you can spend a fortune and I agree they come when they are ready - but because of my previous emergency c/s then they won't induce me - I will just get booked in for a planned c/s - I think at about 41+4. I also think they have my dates wrong - by a week too early - I have raised this several times but the size on the graph from the scan says this sat so there you go...had some back pain in the garden this morning... come on!!
  9. I am 40 weeks this Sat and wanting to be on the front foot about bringing this one on. My previous was an emergency c-section after going to 42+3 and being induced (double contracting, no breaks argh). No induction allowed this time though. I have some acupuncture booked this week - which I did try before but trying again. Eating pineapple,drinking raspberry leaf tea. Have this balloon thing booked at the hospital, plus usual sweeps. Can anyone recommend a good reflexologist? Or any other tips?!
  10. Thanks everyone for all of your advice and thoughts. Reading all this I definately think that I want to push for being allowed to give birth in the birth centre - although as you say snowboarder - they have a general policy of no VBAC. I did call and talk to a midwife there who said she would support me if the hospital let me try for the birth centre. I have also tried to sign up a bit late on in the day for the Lanes and Oakwood - who I know are far more like Albany. I think this being my second I didn't have the energy to try and sort out anything better than what the Jenna offered and I thought I was strong enough to stand up for what I wanted the birth to be. But actually after that appointment with a patronizing midwife who dismissed my wishes I just crumbled a bit and realised I just need some kindness, understanding and a level approach to the risks involved - and crucially a respect for the decision then made. Fingers crossed.
  11. Had a horrible appointment with the midwife today at the Jenna - it's a world away from The Albany who were incredible last time but of course now closed down. I had planned a homebirth for my 2yr old but ended up being induced and with an emergency c/s at kings. Now due with number two end of May and I would like to try for a VBAC at lewisham birth centre - its new, midwife led and attached to the hospital if anything goes wonky. It feels like a battle already with everyone I meet so far saying I need to be on a ward and constantly monitored. Next week I have an appointment with a senior obstretrician and am trying to be armed with facts instead of emotive arguments. Of course I don't want to put my baby or me at risk of scar rupture but if everything is all normal come the day I'd like to try for a birth not attached to a heart machine for hours and hours unable to move. Any previous experiences or positive facts would really help. Shell.
  12. My girl is 2 in the middle of March and the last few weeks have been impossible to get her down at her normal bedtime - 7.30. We eventually get her to sleep anytime between 8.30 to 9. She naps easily for just over an hour after lunch in the day (approx 1.30). My partner says he thinks she's not tired so yesterday we kept her up for the day, and although a little bit wired she was fine, no tantrums, and was out like a light at 7.15 sleeping through till 7 in the morning. She seems so small though to be dropping this nap, or is this about average? Great to know what others have done. s.
  13. thanks for all this.. it is reassuring to hear others situations - and pjal I hear what you are saying as well - I don't have the financial luxury to not go back to work, although its not just that - I need to go back for myself, because I love my job and I worked hard to get there. I did plan to go back at 6 months but I didnt feel it was time and my little one wasnt ready so have extended the time as far as we can make it work. So now tommorow is crunch time and talking to friends and hearing the comments on here I am sure she will be ok - she is from a loving family and has a kind and loving nanny - I think there are many more factors at play when it comes to childhood mental health problems than women who combine working with being a mum
  14. I am starting back at work this Weds and my 9m old will be looked after by a nanny we have employed between a few friends for a nannyshare. In the run up to xmas I planned some breaking in days with the nanny and my little one, 4 in total, each for two hours or so at a time, with me staying for the first hour and then the nanny looking after her for the remaining time. The last time we left her for 3 hours she cried so much she conked out on the living room floor. I expected her to be a bit unsettled but the level of stress makes me worried. The other baby she is also looking after as part of the share is really chilled out about being looked after by someone else - apparently mine crawls around the flat sobbing looking in every room for me. arrr!! Has this happened to other people? I have done a bit of reading and have been really careful to not sneak off, always say goodbye (but not make too much of a fuss either) and get her used to the idea that I will return. We haven't got any family locally so it is a shift for her - she hasn't really been looked after by anyone apart from me and my partner. The nanny is lovely and apparently she does have periods when she is not upset but then falls back into it. I am actually really looking forward to going back to work but this does make it feel difficult. Would be really great to hear anyone elses experiences.
  15. Just heard about Albany's suspension and wanted to say that my care by them was absolutely incredible - I was well informed and not pressured into any particular decision around my birth and in the end I decided I would have my baby at home in their birthing pool - unfortunately I ended up being well overdue, being induced at Kings, having a bad reaction to the hormones I was given, double contracting, and eventually having an emergency caesarean section after concerns about the heartbeat following continuous monitoring. Albany cut through the stress and all this medical intervention and made my birth feel positive through the dedicated continuous care and constantly laying out my options for me. I spent some time in water which the doctor didnt recommend, i moved about when the doctors wanted me to stay still, and my Albany midwife empowered me to make my own decisions about these things where I felt I had none and should probably just lie down and be numbed by an epidural. I actually found the care of much of the staff at kings brilliant but obviously it is a hospital and everything is geared up to be as risk averse as possible. Of course modern medicine is incredible but the choices Albany empower women to make in are important. If modern medicine hadn't intervened I may well have gone into labour and had the birth I wanted a few days later than is statistically recommended - I have no doubt that the intervention and hormones I was given led to double contraction and my caesarean - but I have a healthy baby - I am lucky, I decidied not to take the risk of waiting but I would defend totally the practice that offered me an informed choice every step of the way.
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