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Posts posted by kissthisguy

  1. thanks DR

    diable rouge Wrote:


    > kissthisguy Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > In general, ie across Southwark, or do you mean

    > in

    > > ED and or DV?

    > >

    > > diable rouge Wrote:

    > >

    > --------------------------------------------------


    > > -----

    > > > Going by postal voting, early indications are

    > > that

    > > > it will be a low turnout...


    > Nationally, it was Tweeted yesterday by some

    > journalist or polling expert.


    > Of course there could be local variations that

    > buck the national trend...

  2. Excellent point, Rockets, about the effects of a focus on the national rather than local govt. Not only does it degrade the status of local cllrs and govt (which actually have huge influence on our lives), it also has an impact on councils and cllrs' transparency and accountability. When ward councillors stand on a borough-wide platform rather than their record in their ward (good or bad) it adds a layer of obfuscation that makes it that bit harder to hold them to account.

    Rockets Wrote:


    > It does dishearten me when I see lots of Labour

    > leaflets extolling the virtues of voting for them

    > "as a vote against national Tory disgrace x, y and

    > z". By doing this Labour are degrading the office

    > of local councillor and ultimately diluting the

    > need for local elections. Local elections are not

    > about national issues they are about local issues.

    > I very much suspect this is why turnouts are

    > always much lower for local elections.

  3. From the photos on twitter the two DH cllrs seem to spend their time trying to save their Dulwich Village colleagues' bacon !

    Mabaker Wrote:


    > I'm in Dulwich Hill too. Not one leaflet, not one

    > campaigner at the door. Being a traditional Labour

    > voter, hate to say it, but very disappointed with

    > Labour councillors on replying to concerns about

    > local issues. I've voted Green this year hoping

    > that at least one will get in. Wish we had more

    > proportional representation.

  4. I thought Cllr Williams seemed quite nervous. TBF it would've made more sense for local cllrs who (whatever you think of the LTNs) did design them and cheerlead for them all the way along, to front the Labour interview. Agree on Tristan! Sincere but could do with some savvy too. Ho hum.
  5. Good idea. Whatever your views on the LTNs I would hope everyone would agree there needs to be clarity around emergency vehicle access. Couple of examples attached.

    legalalien Wrote:


    > Agree re the signage. If Living/ Healthy Streets

    > folk are allowed to put up "road open to.."

    > signage, then perhaps we could crowdfund for some

    > emergency services access signs and put them up?

    > I agree that the council should do it, but TBH I

    > think getting some signs up (and making things

    > clear to emergency services drivers) asap is more

    > important than having a prolonged argument about

    > who should pay for it?

  6. That's right @legalalien it's trying to paint a negative-by-association picture of a candidate. Pure innuendo. Again, if people were trying to do the same to Cllr Newens and her sugar trading past, it would not be on.

    @legalalien sadly I don't know anyone on this tread in irl, to my knowledge. Though you and Spartacus seem like fun!

    legalalien Wrote:


    > Is it just me or do others sometimes wonder

    > whether others on this and similar threads are

    > actually people from various political parties who

    > are well aware who each other are irl?


    > On the TH thing I feel like the casual references

    > to ?tax avoidance?, ?oligarchs?, salary levels etc

    > are trying to paint a picture (surprised someone

    > hasn?t mentioned the reference to Russian language

    > skills that appears on Linked In given the tone).

    > I only picked up on the pro bono thing because

    > someone raised it flippantly - and it reality

    > junior lawyers do get loads of this stuff dumped

    > in them in addition to their billable workload.


    > I really don?t miss a life denominated in six

    > minute units.

  7. Having looked up TH's blurb, https://www.macfarlanes.com/who-we-are/people/honeyborne-tristan/ is private client chancery work (estates, wills, inheritance planning etc) any better or worse than being an ex sugar trader (Cllr Newens)? It's all so subjective. Unless there's something you can point to that is actually unlawful or unethical, this line of attack just feels like smear and innuendo.

    Dogkennelhillbilly Wrote:


    > legalalien Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > Looking at Linked In, TH qualified 18 months

    > ago

    > > and is in the private client department of a

    > city

    > > law firm. He?s probably is having a fair amount

    > of

    > > pro bono work given to him, based on my

    > experience

    > > - partners in loads of other departments

    > looking

    > > for free help for charities that they and their

    > > clients are involved in ?as a favour?. Junior

    > > lawyers always end up doing this stuff!

    > >

    > > But yep, he?s probably giving some tax planning

    > > advice to some rich people. And charities by

    > the

    > > look of it. Hardly sinister.


    > Macfarlanes is well-known in the biz for having a

    > "high net worth individual" practice with a

    > significant oligarch slant. That's who needs

    > cross-border tax and estate planning. The firm is

    > not paying associates (?100,000+ a year for

    > newly-qualified 23 yo ffs!) to spend their time

    > doing pro bono work for charities. I'm not

    > criticising the Tory candidate for doing that kind

    > of work (I don't know if what I do makes the world

    > a better place...), but let's not create fairy

    > stories about it.


    > https://www.thelawyer.com/macfarlanes/

  8. Lol. And I hear the rotters want to use fines from the cameras to fund a zero emissions electric community bus.

    Spartacus Wrote:


    > Ktg love the image of Tristan and Clive they used



    > The boards around their necks are just missing

    > "HMP Brixton" and numbers to paint them as the

    > true criminais they are for wanting to reverse

    > parking charges in parks...


    > Oh the joys of non official groups trying to play

    > politics

  9. Not a leaflet, but Clean Air Dulwich broadcasting a partisan message in the public square (as it were) that is clearly political in the run up to an election? Yes.

    sanda Wrote:


    > None of those groups you mention are sending me

    > election literature telling me who to vote for or

    > who not to vote for. That is the difference. And

    > the fact you can?t see that is what is really

    > concerning about what is happening to our

    > democracy.

  10. Sorry @spartacus I didn't see your post, hence making one of the same arguments. Agree with your point about consistency.

    Spartacus Wrote:


    > Sandra, you forgot to add groups like Clean Air

    > Dulwich or Friends of Dulwich Square to your list

    > of groups that aren't transparent.


    > It seems to me that locals who want to be vocal on

    > matters regardless of side should be either

    > A) all made to list their names

    > Or

    > B) all allowed to be anonymous


    > Claiming that one group is "shadowy" for

    > protecting their identity is also viewing the

    > oppression in the same light


    > It has to be one rule for all.

  11. @sanda "shadowy groups". Honestly. More one-sided finger pointing and innuendo. Are they only shadowy when you disagree with them but not when you do? I don't recall you ever having asked who is behind Clean Air Dulwich, for example, which also characterises itself rather loosely as a "a group of local parents". You rather reveal your hand when you insist on transparency from only one side.

    As ever, if you want to figure out who to vote for, look at what's in the party's manifesto, check out their local record, what they say on the doorstep, who is standing and their links to the community. If you have an interest in a specific agenda be it cycling, air quality or business viability, check out campaigning groups for that. Then use your judgement.

  12. @sanda not sure quite what your beef is with the two Dulwich candidates. But on the face of it, all you seem to have is smear and (evidenceless) assertions about VTOM being a Tory plot, which makes no sense when they've been making supportive noises about the LDs in ED. Isn't the simplest explanation the most likely one - that the Dulwich LTN is a divisive issue, and a group of people (perhaps members of parties, perhaps none, *none* of us know) have come together to campaign against the incumbent party who implemented the schemes?
  13. @Rockets I'm not sure about yr analysis. It looks like three or four long-standing (and quite well respected?) LD cllrs are standing down in the north of the borough so I'd be surprised if most effort didn't go into holding on to those seats.

    Frankly the LD performance in Dulwich isn't trust or confidence-inspiring (anti LTN message sometimes, to some audiences, but no mention of that in their manifesto), which will be further compounded if they don't put in a serious candidate in ED, where I suspect they could have won a seat or two. The calculation to put all their eggs in DV is weird. A real gamble compared with apparently fielding and then not fielding James Barber (whatever your politics a bit of a class act) in ED. I don't get the sense of them responding to blood in the water, more chaos in their political calculations.

    Rockets Wrote:


    > Labour will retain control of Southwark but I

    > wouldn't want to be in Cllr WIlliams' shoes if I

    > presided over a collapse of the Southwark red

    > wall. It's clear the Lib Dems smell blood and they

    > could easily get enough seats to make things more

    > uncomfortable for Labour moving forward.


    > Keir Starmer has put a lot of focus on these local

    > elections in May and, given the utter contempt for

    > the Tories it will not be a good look if Labour

    > loses share in any traditional stronghold areas -

    > those local results dictate the national agenda.

    > And given Southwark Labour's hard-left leaning

    > tendencies a few key seats lost may force Labour

    > HQ to take a closer look at what's going on. Party

    > infighting has always been the Achilles heal for

    > Labour and we may be about to see more of it break

    > out if the results in May don't go well.

  14. Though it should be noted the LDs had a chance at scrutiny, and "calling in" the decision on the Dulwich streetspace scheme, and fumbled it.

    kissthisguy Wrote:


    > Good point. Whoever wins, the prize for residents

    > and businesses is accountability and proper

    > scrutiny.



    > CPR Dave Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > Actually, some new councillors from any

    > different

    > > party would be able to have an impact on the

    > LTNs

    > > immediately because they would have access to

    > > every bit of information that has been

    > collected

    > > and be able to open the kimono on what has been

    > > going on.

    > >

    > > That might rock the boat quite considerably.

    > >

    > > (It might not too but I, for one, and no doubt

    > > many others, have lost all confidence in the

    > > labour councillors and the employees of

    > southwark

    > > council responsible for our LTNs).

  15. Good point. Whoever wins, the prize for residents and businesses is accountability and proper scrutiny.

    CPR Dave Wrote:


    > Actually, some new councillors from any different

    > party would be able to have an impact on the LTNs

    > immediately because they would have access to

    > every bit of information that has been collected

    > and be able to open the kimono on what has been

    > going on.


    > That might rock the boat quite considerably.


    > (It might not too but I, for one, and no doubt

    > many others, have lost all confidence in the

    > labour councillors and the employees of southwark

    > council responsible for our LTNs).

  16. There's no point having two useless people adding to the uselessness that exists.

    Your argument would hold water if the LDs had a strong track record on this issue. They don't. Their manifesto *doesn't even mention* LTNs.


    Goldilocks you say Raghav and Richard have been clear on LTNs. Look at this on the LD website: https://www.southwark-libdems.org.uk/dulwich_village_candidates

    Anyone with memories of the LD tuition fee pledge will rightly be cautious about a party that says one thing in the ward and another on the website and elsewhere in the borough.

  17. You're not alone in this @firstmate

    first mate Wrote:


    > I am not a natural tory or even LD voter but the

    > behaviour of the Labour council has been so

    > appalling that something must be done to break

    > their stranglehold.

  18. Goldilocks you've been such a doughty supporter of LTNs I'm surprised you're not voting Labour and urging everyone else to do so too! Isn't this flurry of LD fandom because you think the Conservatives are going to win?! I think they will too, btw.

    PS LDs came 3rd in 2018 (cause: unambiguous policy on Brexit), 4th (!) in 2014.

    goldilocks Wrote:


    > I'm sad that the Labour councils have implemented

    > Tory policy but imagine that voting Tory would

    > 'shake the arrogance of the incumbents' is a

    > pretty odd take.


    > Why not vote Lib Dem in the village - its a) not

    > the Tories, b) they also want the LTNs removing

    > and c) would be able to form part of the Lib Dem

    > contingent on the council rather than being the 2

    > sole Tories in the whole borough.


    > heartblock Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > I imagine locally voting Tory in the Village

    > and

    > > LibDem in ED/Goose Green is the best way to

    > shake

    > > the arrogance of the incumbent Council, but it

    > > still makes me sad that the Labour Party I

    > > supported for over 50 years has implemented

    > Tory

    > > Central policy.

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