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Warning: Dog loose bellenden road area (Monday May 1st)

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Warning:A large tan coloured dog(not sure on breed) was/is running around the streets between bellenden road and nutbrooke street.this dog has already killed our cat so please becarefull with your pets and if you come across it. I have spoken to the 101 helpline but unfrotunatly haven't been able to get through to Southwark warden.
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We've just seen it attack another cat on Marsden Road (just after 10am). We've phoned 999 - the police had logged it but hadn't sent anyone out yet! They are now on their way to the area with a dog van. Be careful - it was acting really aggressive.
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many well trained dogs wont chase a cat,but yes given the chance a lot will. there is however a massive difference between a dog chasing a cat and said dog killing 2 cats as currently known.
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Are you sure this is a tan coloured dog as I know of one and itis often allowed to do its own thing but it is brindle. I was told a couple of years ago that it killed a cat and rspca visited to take dog but she gave it to someone. I've noticed its back in the area again. The one I'm talking about is never on a lead and I had to hide in someone's garden with my dog last week as the dog was out on its own.

PCs could you please tell me the colour of the cat it attacked in marsden road?

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It was brindle in colour and was wearing a wide leather collar. The police didn't catch it unfortunately but have passed the info to the RSPCA who will hopefully look at CCTV footage. If anyone knows, or suspects, where the dog lives, please report to the rspca as they can investigate. It's obviously a very dangerous animal. The cat the dog attacked (and killed) on Marsden Rd was black. The dog left it wounded on the pavement and the cat's owners were with it when it died shortly after. Sorry to be graphic but just so no one's worrying there's an injured cat hiding somewhere.
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This is terrible it's the owner of the dog that's the problem sadly there are irresponsible owners the dog learns from them and they should be not allowed to keep pets dogs chase cats but do not attack normally

So sad to here of your cats being killed just to distressing


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Relieved to say our cat found (albeit rather traumatised so may have had a run-in with said dog) but remain appalled by what happened to other cats. Beyond the cats, having a dangerous dog on the loose is obviously a risk to people as well as cats and dogs, and it can't be that everyone waits until, god forbid, a toddler is attacked until something is done about this dog?
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"FOUND: Large ginger cat with white paws. new

Posted by RegMorley April 30, 09:06AM

Caught him crying outside our bathroom window around 8:30am this morning.

Large ginger cat with white paws, pink pads & brown eyes, small white fleck under left side of his nose - very kind and sweet natured "

Perhaps your cat ?

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Just found out the black cat lived between homes, he had a rough life and in the last few years was being looked after by two neighbours was a cat I knew the school kids passing knew him and named him jake. I'm sure I know where this dog lives, I spoke to rspca , as always beyond useless. Have cad ref now off police and ringing them tomorrow wth address, ringing dog warden raise my concerns re this dog, as it is always out without supervision, hasn't been in area for few years as I was told rspca turned up to take it away but owner moved it onto someone else, in last few weeks, it's back in area, can't accuse this dog, but 99% sure this is the one. If anything, owners need to be given a control order, or whatever it's called, to keep it on a lead, and if seen killing a cat it certainly needs to be put to sleep. Not a dog hater, prefer animals to people but a dog that kills cats needs to go. Really sorry bigdan about your poor cat. Would you recognise the dog if you saw it again?
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just browsing glad to hear you have found your cat safe. sad to hear that 2 friendly cats had to go in such a way, while it is also worrying to think what else this dog may have done in its number of hours running wild. the fact that the dog was not found, so could and from what ive read may regularly get out and do this type of thing again does not sit well with me. delainie, unfortunately the police seem to have passed the matter to rspca, but id suspect they wont hae much luck, I believe I would probably recognise the dog and will be keeping a look out.
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I'm not being flippant with these cats' suffering, but our cat took to attacking dogs. He would sit on the wall and then swipe them as they passed. Unfortunately he went for a big dog once and it nearly took his leg off. It stopped that game, however.
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