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DulwichDIY is SeanofDulwich


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I responded to your post as Sean of Dulwich for handyman work - the emails are still there on my account - how would Dulwich DIY know I live in Whateley Road if you are not the same person ????? Of all the roads in Dulwich you somehow magically guess where i live ? People should not be able to hide behind new user names, this is my point.
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you went back to 2016 - says it all really - I am entitled to give feedback, this is what the forum is for and I don't like people pretending to be some-one else - last time you were caught out for doing this you responded in exactly the same childish way with the same terrible spelling. I've said my piece and will not respond any further.
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Their are a number of dubious characters on here who purport to be trades people and are in fact multi traders looking for any work they can get. It makes finding trustworthy trades people so much harder to find and takes double the time.

I agree it would be useful if from time to time Admin can have a purge of such postings and especially supposed self recommendations, or partner recommendations/ However with a bit of searching and detective work it is not hard to find proper trades people, but it should not be like this. They should take pride in what they do and how they interact with current and new customers, because if you provide a good service, they are likely to use you again in the future or recommend you to others.

What is worse is when trades people agree a time to come and provide a quote, do not turn up, do not have the courtesy to let you know or apologise or even try to re-arrange.

If Admin can keep a list of trades people and their IP address which should be unique, they can help highlight trades people to be wary of.

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Jasminetea, I suggest you post whatever evidence you have that supports your assertions.

It takes only two clicks of a mouse and five seconds for anyone to see your Whateley Road mention. http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/search.php?12,search=Jasminetea,page=1,match_type=AUTHOR,match_dates=0,match_forum=ALL

DulwichDiy, your lists just make the thread harder to read. Can I suggest you edit them out and include only anything needed to make a specific point.

A list of all posts containing "Sean Of Dulwich" can be seen using the search http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/search.php?5,search=%22Sean+Of+Dulwich%22,page=1,match_type=ALL,match_dates=0,match_forum=ALL.

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