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Stuck indoors on a sunny week. Boo.

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My daughter cut the bottom of her foot yesterday, prompting a short trip to the children's emergency dept of Lewisham hospital. They cleaned it and steritripped it, no stitches.

However, they said don't get her foot wet for 5 days! She can't wear shoes over it, so no trips to the playground etc. She's supposed to be staying off of it until tomorrow. Well, try telling a 2 yo to sit down all day!

So far we've managed puzzles, sewing, and sockpuppets before resorting to an afternoon of Wallace & Gromit on DVD.

How can I waterproof her foot, so we can at least go in our own garden? Or do we just have to tough it out for the next 4 days? I'm thinking of putting a nappy sack over her foot, then putting on a thick sock with a hair elastic at the ankle.

Anyone else housebound with toddler in this glorious weather?

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I did offer to take her out in the buggy to run some errands which need doing anyway. I even tried to tempt her with the offer of crisps from the shop, but once she'd settled into W&G, she didn't want to go out. It's probably best that she (sort of) rested today. The cut foot was simultaneously accompanied yesterday by a fall off some play equipment. I imagine she's feeling a bit bruised and battered today. I'm wondering if by tomorrow I could at least get her into a little house shoe, like a soft leather slipper? Then I could take her for some indoor activities like Horniman. Anywhere localish selling toddler slippers? She's a 7.5/8 shoe size.
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Do Soup Dragon do the soft baby shoes in bigger sizes? Probably not cheap though.

Could she get away with a generous sized welly with a soft sock? I know you said no shoes buy maybe a welly wouldn't be as close fitting?

I can imagine it must be frustrating.

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Hi saffron. Omg last night I was up a&e kings as my 4yr old broke her toe by a glass chopping board falling on it. She cannot go to school as she cant walk very well just hobble! So I'm stuck in also as she can't wear no shoes. We have a back garden to go in but went to cut the grass today and the cutters stopped working so we can't use the garden cos the grass is knee length. So drawing and painting will have to do for the next few days. Totally know how your feeling. Vanessa.
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Made it out today -- hurray! Went to the new children's shoe shop on Brockley Road, called Gently Elephant. http://brockleycentral.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/gently-elephant-opens-today.html I found some soft soled maryjane style shoes for my daughter that don't hurt her cut when she walks.

We opted for grassy areas in our local park and stayed out of the sandpit. So I think we're not doing too badly with her foot. However, the dreadlocks building up from no bath/hairwashing are our next hurdle to tackle. Husband suggested I hold her upside down and dip her in the toilet, but I had to admit that my back is not up to it.


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