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Fed up with pushchair- advice please

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Calling all experinced ladies out there. My ds is 4 mnths and im really struggling with his pram. Icandy cherry. He hates the carrycot (cant lie flat due to reflux) but can not sit properly yet without the carrycot.. This stuuupid (for us) pushchair has just turned out to be impossible for me to use. The only way i can use it is with the car seat, clearly not ideal.

I need a new one ans will go second hand most probably. But what do i do? I dont want a carrycot this time. As we will be flying alot it would be a bonus if it can fold without taking the seat off.

Shall i just get a mclaren maybe? Or a second hand bee?

I dont know, help please?

Any advice on flying with prams/strollers?

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I would definitely suggest a Bee, especially if baby hates lying flat as even the flattest position is slightly at an angle. Easy for flying with too. Personally, I only use Mmy Mclaren for very short trips only (leave it in the car) as I find it hard t lo manoeuvre. Good luck!
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Hejsan! I have a bugabo bee plus and a maclaren quest - you're welcome to try both in exchange for a fika ;-)

I have to say, the bee is by far my favourite out of the two, you can easily push it with one hand whereas the maclaren is a bit of a struggle, especially now I'm 8 months pregnant with a heavy 2-year-old. Also the maclaren doesn't have much of a shopping basket underneath and doesn't recline that far, I think the XT reclines further but it's quite a lot bigger - don't know if you're looking for a small pram or not. Both are great for travelling, flying etc and fit in to the boot of my very small car.

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Ooooh yes defo babyjogger! I've had it nearly 4 months and still marvel at how good it is and cheap!! Much better than the bugaboo I got. And so easy to fold so long journeys really easy. U should be able to pick one up new for under ?200...
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I've gone and got myself a Baby Jogger City Select. Bit more money, easy to fold, but I really wanted one where my little fella could face me. Anyway, I love it.

Midivydale, I can't go to Crooked Well in the morning as we're making an early start up to the grandparents in Lancs. Have a lovely weekend.

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I have the bee and love it. But we are looking for something with bigger wheels and an easier fold for travelling later in the year. Have narrowed it down to micralite, baby jogger or the nipper 360. Need to go for a try out.

And re the sling, you might find he likes it more when he is bigger. My baby has just started to enjoy being in a sling, he is almost 7 months. S don't give up on it yet!

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Just checking - have you tried the pushchair on the icandy cherry? It's not flat and is officially recommended after 6 months I think, but if you're considering a maclaren and the little one can't lie flat anyway...

We have the icandy cherry and little cashew was much happier once I put her in the seat cos she could see everything, and it does recline quite far back.

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Another vote for the Babyjogger City Mini - we've used it since my daughter was 6 weeks old (she's now 18 months). It's fantastic - relatively cheap, very light and the one-handed fold is genius. I bought it after seeing it on Peep Show!!
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