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I wondered if anyone had any advice or recommendations on alternative medicine for my 3yo daughter. Since November she has had 6 or 7 viruses, only getting around 1 week or 10 days break before the next one kicks in. Her immune system isn't getting the chance to build up because my family put me under so much pressure "go to the doctors" or "get back to the doctor she needs more antibiotics". I'm completely done with that now so wondered if anyone has any tips on alternative medicine I could give her.

She's burst a blood vessel in her throat due to coughing so much. The hospital said she needs a chest x-ray but various GPs are saying she's perfectly healthy and normal!

Many thanks.

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Just to reassure you on two accounts-- First, it can be completely normal for children to go through phases of multiple respiratory infections. Second, antibiotics don't stop your immune system from developing. They work with the immune system, not against it.

That being said, if your daughter had VIRAL infections WHY was she given ANTIBIOTICS??? Unless your dr suspected secondary bacterial infection, antibiotics are inappropriate.

Personally I would go ahead with the chest x-ray because it could help rule out lingering pockets of inflammation, structural anomalies, or presence of a foreign object (rare but does happen and people don't always know they've inhaled something!).

If you haven't been seen by a paediatric respiratory specialist, consider asking for a referral?

Alternative therapies may provide some symptomatic relief, but I don't know of any alternative treatments that will improve pulmonary outcomes where there is a serious underlying pathology. xx

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Hi Saffron, thanks so much for your message. She's had 2 swabs taken from the back of her throat over the last few months to determine whether bacterial or viral and both have came back showing viral infections. I honestly know nothing about what should be prescribed so I'll glad of your message. I'll do some research and your info will give me some ammunition to go back to the GP. Thanks again x
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It sounds a bit like your daughter has been at the really unlucky end of the spectrum for what is normal, but repeated infections with lingering cough could also be early indicators of asthma or allergies. If everything serious is ruled out, then symptomatic treatment is definitely the way to go.

Fwiw, my daughter was coughing basically all last autumn, frequently to the point of making herself sick. She did finally get over it this winter only to get another cough this spring. Argh!

We've found antihistamines, simple linctus, humidifiers etc help. Some people think cranial osteopathy helps. We haven't tried it. There isn't much empirical data to support it, but maybe worth a try. You can also make your own simple linctus with local honey. xx

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Thanks a million Saffron! Sometimes it feels never-ending but have to remind myself it's my daughter who's sick, not me! She loves honey lemon and garlic in some warm water when she's sick so hope that's helping in some way. Hopefully when summer makes an appearance, we will all feel better 😀
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Being second guessed by family members is particularly annoying. My MiL was convinced my daughter had a lazy eye (she didn't). I ended up going to the GP just to have some backup! Cough is much harder bc the symptoms are complex. I definitely agree with you that antibiotics are not the solution for every cough, but it can be hard convincing concerned parties otherwise.

Your plan sounds good. Hope all is better soon. xx

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If you are thinking of seeing a cranial osteopath, make sure you see one who has paediatric training. There's a lot of anecdotal evidence to the use of osteopathy in this way but not all osteopaths have had postgraduate paediatric training (as far as I'm aware all osteopaths treat adults and they don't have to prove that they have any specialist training to treat children so not all cranial osteopaths have done this).

If you can travel there, the best place in London for paediatric osteopaths is the OCC (Osteopathic Centre for Children) (Wandsworth or Shoreditch) www.occ.uk.com They are a charity so their fees are lower than average. You usually get to see more than one osteopath for an opinion and the supervising osteopaths who work there are very experienced. Otherwise there are several osteopaths in this area who have been trained by the OCC and some of their supervisors also work in SE4 and SE15.

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