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Camberwell or East Dulwich???

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I am moving to the area with my 5yo daughter who will be attending Dulwich Ducks. I want to sanity check that Grove Park in Camberwell is a decent area/commute to Dulwich college? I can't find anywhere decent to rent in East Dulwich, have found somewhere gorgeous off Camberwell Grove but as a single parent new to the area I am a bit nervous that it's a bit isolated up there when I want to be meeting new people. A good friend of mine living in ED thinks it's too far out. (Saying that, ED is a bit couply perhaps?) Any thoughts?

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We live near that area. I think it's lovely. Do you know about Lettsom Gardens? That will be right on your doorstep.

IMO the key advantage of living in Camberwell is that you have much better transport links into town. That's important if you want the shortest commute possible. If commuting into town isn't important then I guess you might prefer to be in the thick of it in East Dulwich. I would agree that the Grove Park area seems a bit quiet so perhaps could feel more isolated.

Don't know anything about commuting into Dulwich College though.

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I live near there too, and think it's very nice, even if it's not ED proper. I suppose it depends which end of the Grove you'll be. It's not a long walk to Lordship Lane for meeting up with people and going to the shops, if you're towards the DKH end, rather than Camberwell, and easy enough to get a bus up the hill if you're tired on the way back. Maybe you could try the walk from the new place to ED and see how long it takes?
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I guess it depends how you're thinking to get to Ducks, IMO Camberwell Grove, whilst absolutely gorgeous, is a bit too far away from DC & Ducks to be anything like convenient. If you're thinking to drive it won't be pleasant - especially at school hell time - too many other school runs between you and DC; and whilst you may find a bus that goes straight up LL and round the south circular, I can't think of one (anyone?), so you'll probably have to change. If you really want to live there & depending on your circumstances you'd probably be better getting your daughter into Dog Kennel Hill school if you can. For ED life I don't think it's too far away, but for day to day logistics I think you'll be making your life harder than it need be.
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I think it is possible to do Camberwell to Ducks but only by car not public transport. The drive will not be pleasant but perhaps you can link up with another family to share the school runs. There will certainly be other families going from camberwell (and much further afield).

Can Ducks give you an address list for your class to see if there are any families living close to you?

If you are looking for an easier life though live closer to school or at least on a direct bus route. Both P13 and P4 will drop you off close to Dulwich college and then its a quick walk up the hill.

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We live very nearby. Grove Park is LOVELY - and there are families there with school age children and younger. Also it is certainly not difficult, or time-consuming to get to Dulwich College area by car (I do it everyday - not to Ducks, but to childcare nearby).
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Hmm, interesting cloudnine. Can I ask what your route is, what time you do the run and how long you allow for the commute? I'd imagine that it would be a very tricky one with all the other schools you pass on the way. Am fascinated that you say it's not difficult or time consuming. We live on part of the route (depending which way you go) and on the very rare occasion we drive the less than 1/2 mile to our school (really, really rare - honest!) it takes us a good 20 mins through the school traffic. Other times of day it's 3 minutes in a car.
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I live opposite Ducks and the area is absolutely jammed up with parents dropping for Ducks and DC between 8 and 9. It's solid. It takes me about 20 minutes to get just from Ducks to the bottom of the road, about 200 yards, before 9.15 at the earliest. What's more all the roads, south circular, Dulwich village, are just at standstill around these times so any drive into this area would be a nightmare I imagine. Same with buses. Cycling would be a better option certainly but all year round might be a pain. If I was you, I'd try it one morning when the schools start up again in September and see for yourself but it's not going to be easy.
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