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  1. What evidence do you need? Banks are collapsing and being nationalised. Railways too. Workers being sacked to shore up the rich. Homeless families given no options but the street while we sell off council houses. The politics of people is now the politics of the few with money. The rich own 93% of the wealth and keep gobbling up more at the expense of the poor. I mean come on. Capatlism has failed. The planet is about the explode. And East Dulwich is arguing over Waitros and who will win the upper class sport played in front of Royal Elites. What planet are you on?
  2. Hate me if you must, I'm used to it frankly. But the website speaks the truth and the movement it is sparking is far above me. It's not my website or my postings, but I fully support it and think it is one of the few local websites and movements to speak truth. That is why it is catching on so rapidly. Even if you all take the piss out of the fine people in the video who didn't ask to be posted here by the way. A cheap shot. They get full support from SE5 and Camberwell blog so that should tell you something. And them not me, I am a mere supporter so if you hate me for speaking the truth here you cannot grudge them because they get support from reasonable sources and for that you should change your tune. Loon is such a cheap shot and lazy.
  3. Keef at least you agree with my initial point that the BBC is biased in honouring paid killers as some kind of heros. The 7/7 is hard to swallow. But so many of you spout for the cause of the poor and exploited mass MAJORITY in this country but can't break the chains and really support a radical mass distribution of wealth and system that would not say spend millions on a silly tennis tournament when families just off Lordship Lane are forced into cramped living conditions and told if they don't work soon they want get any benefits, despite the fact that they have young children to look after. I know one such family. A single mum and her teenage daughter, who just had a baby. They are stuck in a 2 bedroom flat and told 'sorry nothing more available' and 'your child is 1 year old so why aren't you working a deadend job'. All while a single lady lives next door with 3 bedrooms because she 'bought' her lease, even though the flat was owned by the PEOPLE and I wasn't asked if I wanted to 'sell'. It is OUTRAGEOUS. But enjoy your tennis and pimms that you buy at Waitros.
  4. Yes we are manipulated everyday and fed lies. You got it. And we must change it by revolution from the grassroots and mass distribution of wealth back to the PEOPLE not the ruling elite. Finally, the defenders and enlightened masses are stepping up here. Thank you.
  5. Yes but apparently being rich is
  6. You sleep while all around people are desperate. Why do you think innocent people resort to knife crime? Desperation brought on by being poor, robbed of any opportunity by the giant pyramid scheme that keeps the small white elite rich and the rest of us poor. WAKE UP
  7. And Peckham of course. Eileen is fighting the good fight on Sustainable Communities and wholly endorses giving it over to the PEOPLE. Now who is laughing?
  8. The voice of the PEOPLE is still a big joke in rich East Dulwich. Meanwhile a web movement in Southwark is attracting more sober voices and radically changing the way PEOPLE are heard by a COUNCIL too long ignoring the plight of the poor and excluded. At least the good people of Camberwell and Walworth are smart enough to endorse helping the plight of the majority while you all fight over wiatros.
  9. Thanks antijen for showing some intelligence. I'm tough as old boots so no harm done here. I also know that for every one person here who shouts down truth, there are thousands forced onto substandard south london estates with no access to the internet and barely able to feed their families. No wonder they resort to weapons to be heard. But yessir we have to find out about that waitros!
  10. Flying is equally immoral. As a parent, you have no excuse. We ought to start facing up to the hard facts and say what must be said instead of being polite.
  11. I think the fairminded among this group are reading in agreement. It is the blind who choose to mock.
  12. Consider the Communities Sustainability Act fiasco. This was supposed to be about PEOPLE choosing development projects and guidelines locally. And now Southwark is packing it with COUNCILLORS and ignoring what PEOPLE are suggesting. Can?t you see how the will of the PEOPLE is being ignored. Another step downward.
  13. Of course I do and any person keen to know the truth, and who can understand the truth, can find them and act accordingly. Those interested in propping up our failed captalist regime will never see the truth even when it is placed in front of them.
  14. Follow the money. Where does the BBC get its money from? The Government. The majority of people in this country have no say, only if they are the very few with money.
  15. Indeed grabot and an excellent case study for local, independent shops. So many unemployed people on my estate have no chance of a decent quality of life because Lord of the Manor Sainsburys was born lucky.
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