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Posts posted by londonloves

  1. Valentine was a Roman priest killed for marrying people when the emporer had outlawed it-see where love gets you! Prior to that 14th Feb has always been a pagan fertilty festival so you could always head to a sperm bank to celebrate-you don't technically need another person.....or you could do what i'm doing and spend it with your best mate-while my other half sits at home watching tv
  2. Tarot

    Themaninbalck is correct-the banks call it a management fee instead of interest as earning or paying interest on a loan or account is against many muslim's faith-not just those that abide by sharia. Many banks offer muslim accounts-this is not supporting sharia law it is offering a bank account that some people who abide by sharia may choose to use as well as other people. It's exactly the same as a supermarket selling halaal meat-people who follow sharia law may buy halaal meat,people who do not may by it-but that doesn't make Tesco's/sainsburys/morrisons etc supporters of Sharia law. So in conclusion Tarot-carry on as usual!

  3. just wanted to point out my last post was in response to NickW first comment not the last comment! Anger at woman who had strange man push into her and her home inappropriate-anger at people for being intolerant of those who have life hard somewhat apprropriate.

    Although I must say that whenever I have worked with troubled/disaffected children or young people the emphasis of the organisation/charity has always been on respect-respect others and eventually you respect yourself. Ignoring this lad's behaviour will not help him, and getting angry at the person he mistreated will not help him either.

    But seriously NickW head over to the lounge and have a good rant-you'll feel better.

  4. People who chew gum with their mouths open, especially if audibly...the clacking sound and waft of mint/juicy fruit on the bus of a morning.....the horror?..one day I'll crack, I've already developed a Chief Inspector Dreyfus style twitch in my left eye, surely it can't be long before I attempt to strangle some poor gum chewing moron on the number 12? Of course I?ll go quietly when the police arrest me, and as a first offence the Judge will probably take that in to account, it will most likely be a charge of GBH not attempted murder I?ll be up on. I?ll be making a pretty good case for myself, suitably regretful and ashamed ??I don?t know what came over me your Honour, it was completely out of character, I?m a very non violent person, I guess I?ve been under a lot of stress at work, not sleeping well?..? the Judge will smile benignly and the jurors will start to soften towards me?..then from the public gallery a distinctive sound will reach my ear, and what?s that I can smell..is it?spearmint??..my head will ratchet round 180 degrees and my stare will be met by the familiar chomping motion, flash of teeth and pink wet tongue?the spasm on my left eye will begin?the vein will pop out in my neck?the red mist will descend and before I black out the last thing I?ll remember will be the court police wrestling me to the ground as they prize my fingers away from another gum chewers throat?..

    I also don?t like people who put their feet on the seats.

  5. Can all the people who don't like liquorish, please post where they do like so I can slag off the things they enthuse over? that's the first time I've been positive-it was just an experiment-next time someone asks for recommendations of where to go out in ED I will ignore them and go into my usual Charlie Brooker style tirade of where not to go.

    P.S Roll Deep-nice to know I've been hanging out with the metropolitan elite-I must remember to tell that to the people who keep mistaking me for a badly paid, working class oik. What reverse snobbery pigeon hole does your local fit into?(no pun intended by the way-I'm assuming your name is because you're a big grime fan not a pigeon fancier)

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