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Mrs T

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  1. Hi, We lost a crochetted baby blanket in Dulwich park on Wednesday. It's made up of multicoloured pastel squares and was crochetted by my mother in law. If anyone has found it please let me know - otherwise I will have to recreate it or there'll be in trouble! Thanks
  2. They only test you for the things you think he might be allergic to. Our son had a reaction after eating egg and peanut butter, and dairy. I was pretty sure that he wasn't allergic to peanut butter but avoided it after that just in case. My friend (who's a bit of a worrier!) had her son tested for lots of stuff - some of which I don't think she had any reason to think he was allergic to. Mind you he was found to have a severe peanut and egg allergy and has to have an epi pen with him at all times so she was right to have worried! I'm not recommending you lie to the doctor though obviously!!
  3. Had the test today. Turns out he's not allergic to peanuts (yay! peanut butter on toast for lunch!) but he had a slight allergic reaction to milk and egg. I'm allowed to try him on milk and if he has a reaction then I should wait 6 weeks before trying again. Because he'd had a worse reaction to egg previously and still shows signs of it, we're to avoid egg til he gets retested at the hospital in 6 months. So not too bad a result. Although I would have been a lot happier if I could have given him eggs on toast instead of peanut butter as it's a lot harder avoiding egg/milk. I'm glad I wasn't wasting their time at least!
  4. My 10 month old son has a similar problem to yours. He had a rash on his face the first few times he had dairy (milk, yoghurt) so I avoided it for a while then I tried it again a few times (chocolate spread, cheese) and he had streaming eyes but no rash - not sure why the change. But he does seem to be able to cope with small amounts - butter on toast, croissants, licks of icecream. He hasn't had a reaction for 3 months now so he may be over it. We have an allergy test next week at Kings. My friend's baby had allergies and didn't want to wait for their King's appt so they had a private test done which they said was very good and they got it straight away. So you could do that if you want to find out soon.
  5. I haven't been on the 63. But I went on the 37 twice today and it had the same problem. These must be new buses as I've never had a problem with the 37 before. Both times I was told to get on the middle before I even boarded. I hope the driver you had Clare C doesn't ever drive the 37!
  6. Hi Amy, I have a soon-to-be 7 month old boy and would be keen to meet up with other mums and babies in ED. We already meet up with mums from our NCT group but they mostly live in Herne Hill so it would be great to meet mums who live a bit nearer. Btw all but 1 of the babies in my nct group are boys so perhaps in 16 years time we can match them up with your glut of girls Radha! I'll PM my details over. We're on hols at the moment but will be back at end of April and would be happy to meet up soon after.
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