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Posts posted by rachp

  1. I would imagine that if you did a quick straw poll with people who have sat in Dulwich Square, many do not live on the wealthy streets you refer to. And like most of Dulwich Village, it?s precisely because it?s a ?nice area? that it?s a destination for people from further afield. That?s how nice places work.
  2. This happened to me a couple of years ago, I convinced myself it wasn?t like this before but on checking data, there didn?t seem to have been much of a change. I think it was a case of once you notice something, you are just more aware of it all the time. It probably has increased relative to the most recent period but not compared to pre-COVID.
  3. The reality is that thousands of people are not just going to wake up one day and have a crisis of conscience that is so great that they give up a deeply embedded habit such as regular driving- human beings don?t work like that as a general rule. Changing variables, very often beyond our control can trigger change. I was pretty much addicted to a daily coffee from a coffee shop, making my own just didn?t compare as an option. Lockdown changed that as we had to make coffee at home and now I prefer my homemade coffee and on the few occasions I?ve bought one since, I really haven?t enjoyed it. I?m coming at this from a behavioural psychology perspective, we are often driven to change by having our hand forced by an external variable, or by our current reality being more uncomfortable than the prospect of change. And of course, the carrots that make change more appealing help too.
  4. We stopped driving as much when we moved to just off the busy section of Lordship Lane because parking is so difficult in our road. We basically couldn't be bothered with the hassle. We now really only drive when taking a trip out of London. But if it's local, we walk/bike/scooter or use public transport. And now it's just become our way of doing things and we prefer it. It's been a bit more tricky during the COVID period as you are more reluctant to use public transport but hopefully things will start to get back to normal on that front soon.
  5. Just to be clear, someone on this post said they saw 5 rats coming from Domino?s. I have suggested they might be coming from the train station which was definitely infested with rats when I was there, probably due to several decades worth of rubbish that has built up behind the fences next to the platform.
  6. This is residential. The shops seem to have a pretty good, daily service. So whilst it is on the pavement in bags, it gets cleaned up quickly and is usually bagged up well too. So it doesn?t end up all over the pavement. Unlike residential (above shop) waste.

    Nigello, I have a hot line through to the environment team to report this stuff. I am just appealing for a more proactive approach to prevent it. If you have too few bins, not emptied regularly enough, and a weekly collection service for residents who have no wheelie bin, you are going to have a rubbish problem somewhere as busy as LL.

  7. Building on my earlier post, here is an example of where we need to get back to basics with waste management routines.

    These are the bins near Spinach restaurant on LL today (Thursday 30/04). The bin has been overflowing like this since Tuesday morning and the rubbish bags have been piling up all week. It's a miracle that the foxes haven't got into the bin or the bags and strewn it everywhere, as they have with bags just a long the pavement.

    Adding more bins in busy areas or more regular emptying, plus extending the daily domestic waste collection to this stretch of the road seem like viable options which wouldn't involve a great deal more resources. I also think on a busy road like LL, this is a pretty basic level of waste management service to provide. We're not talking about getting hanging baskets, just the basics.

  8. Agree with Nigello, best thing is to contact goose green school as it sounds like it was one of their pupils. Chances of the message getting to the parents this way are slim. We also don?t know what those parents are dealing with, they could be juggling difficult work shifts and not have the option of affording childcare. Life is very tough for some parents. I will let the school know.
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