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Everything posted by emza78

  1. *Potty training novice* - we also need to take the plunge and try potty training in the next few months, perhaps I'm being really dim but why can't they wear the big knickers over nappies if they're potty training? Just because it takes too long to get them off in a rush? I was on the lookout for some big knickers (mothercare?), am I about to make a foolish error?!
  2. I always think its such a shame the water has been turned off since late last year, anyone know why? Just looked on Lewisham Council site to try and find someone to ask but no idea what department!
  3. Despite all of this I think we do have to question whether measles itself is as serious as the government like to make out, we're consistently told that one in 15 COULD have serious complications and of course I wouldn't wish this on anyone but actual figures from the recent outbreak seem strangely absent. Although I don't agree with all of the points in this article, I do think it offers up some real food for thought http://www.jayne-donegan.co.uk/measles-2013
  4. TE44, interesting you are looking for stats, my uncle has recently made 2 FOI requests from the DOH requesting the same info, ie number of cases which were vaccinated/unvaccinated. It's easy to do if you want to do the same, the link is here http://transparency.dh.gov.uk/foi-making-a-request-for-information/ Or I'll keep you posted on the outcome. Interestingly, stats from a measles outbreak in Ireland in 2000 suggested up to 33% of cases may have already been vaccinated (12% were vaccinated, 21% were unsure) http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/35/1/84.full
  5. Really don't want to spark up another debate, we've made our decision, was just a question. Admin, can you delete this post please? Thanks
  6. There's quite a lot of free parking around there anyway, ie no parking restrictions at all down a few of the side residential roads so I'm sure you'll find somewhere if you don't mind a 5 minute walk.
  7. My little one loves the jigsaw ones- fish puzzle and shape puzzle, both free. Also a fan of inch wincy spider which has jigsaws and singing etc. My little piano lite also recommended by music teacher granny!
  8. They do and it's brilliant! Not been to gambados to compare but this one is 3 "storey's" high, rope swings, ball pools, slides etc, my 2 year old loves it and it seems to keep the older ones entertained too.
  9. It's been mentioned before on the EDF which is actually where we got the idea but Puerto Pollensa in Majorca last year was amazing! We did self-catering but the hotel it was part of had activities for kids in the evening, we didn't really use it much to be honest - just took her out to restaurants with us and she happily ran around (was 18 months at the time - it's very family friendly, kids everywhere.) Also had a big procession thing in the square every night which was entertaining. Word of warning though - we got a 1 bed apartment thinking we'd put her in the travel cot in the bedroom whilst we sat up in the lounge/balcony then transfer her to the lounge when we went to sleep. However, travel cot wouldn't fit through the door so she ended up having the bedroom for the week whilst we had to take the cushions off the sofas and sleep on the floor! (She's a very noisy sleeper so no chance we were all sharing the same room!)
  10. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for your help, we implemented the new routine tonight, she took milk from the beaker for the first time so it's bye bye to bottles ( I don't know if I'm happy or sad?!), teeth got brushed and she went down like a dream- whole thing took 40 minutes, brilliant!
  11. I wrote in and complained about the last minute platform changes to the 830 to Victoria, it ALWAYS goes from platform 1 so why say platform 3 up to 828, at which point there's a million people on the stairs and its impossible to get back to platform 1! I got a reply from southeastern saying it was down to network rail and they'd forwarded on my letter, still hasn't changed anything yet tho!
  12. Thanks all, this has all very useful. The main thing I've noticed is we do teeth in the bath before milk - I blame the last dentist we went to who claimed it wasn't terribly important to do teeth after milk as long as they were brushed at least once a day. I think I'm going to try milk in a beaker with a book in the lounge just after pj's are on. Then brush teeth, book in bedroom, then night night... to be honest on the days she's at home with no nap she's so exhausted by about 530 I don't think she'll care what's going on!
  13. I didn't think they were allowed personal toys in nursery so at first I insisted baby was left in the car which she was VERY unhappy about! Then I got speaking to another mum who said her LO always brings in baby and from then on much happier mornings!
  14. Hehe, we have in the cot: Dumbo, bedtime bear, bunny, big bunny, spot, cat, bear, kitty and caterpillar - I don't know how she fits in! I was wondering whether to cut back on her milk but she's started dropping daytime nap and will usually do a 13 hour stretch when this is the case so loathed to stop the milk incase this affects it! I think maybe it's time to swap to beaker though, she has just started happily taking milk from the beaker in the morning so maybe it's the right time. On another note - interesting you say about taking random things to childminders as the last couple of days she's insisted on taking her baby to nursery with her,didn't think about it being a transition thing, I just thought she'd become extra fond of baby all of a sudden!
  15. Just being nosey really.. and I feel that ours needs a re-jig. We always used to bath, then into the lounge for pyjamas and books, then to bedroom for quiet bottle in dark then bed. Lately she?s been too busy hopping around over sofas to really concentrate on the books but I found if we read them in her bedroom she?s much more focussed. (She's 27 months btw.) However then we have the problem of milk, I?ve been giving her the bottle as we read the book but she can?t interact with mouthful which is infuriating for her. So we read book without milk then I turn off light and give bottle but she insists on ?more books? and we have a battle of wills for 15 minutes where she refuses to take milk and I pretend not to care. I?ve found that she is more willing to take the bottle in the dark if I make up a story and tell it to her but to be honest I?m rubbish at it, there?s only so many adventures in an ?enchanted forests? my brain is capable of inventing at that time of night! So I?m thinking - read entertaining kids book first, then I read to her from a book with no pictures (enid blyton or something) whilst she has milk. It means the light isn?t switched off but hopefully that will be enough for her to wind down (she gets pretty hyperactive!) Anyone do similar? Does it work? Question of bottle vs beaker is a whole other can of worms!
  16. To be honest I had no idea the 2 year old sleep regression even existed until this thread so did some reading up on it earlier. Then as if on cue tonight, absolute refusal to go off at usual time of 7 (she had a 1.5 hour nap at nursery.) After about 20 mins of messing around and taking it in tuns to settle, thought it was probably time to resort to a bit of sleep training again. I favour the "gradual retreat" method (is it super nanny?) so sat by cot without interacting whilst she threw every single toy out then had a tantrum about it. After about an hour she finally went off. Hoping it will be easier tomorrow, tho she probably won't nap at all so will probably go off like a dream at 545!
  17. We've had the same problem for the last 3 weeks or so. I must admit that lunchtime naps were becoming so difficult and distressing for both of us that I've just let her drop it now (She's 27 months). We sit down in front of the tele or read books between 1 and 2 so she has a bit of a rest, then I put her in the bath at 515, she's asleep by 6 and sleeps through till 7 the next morning. Must confess I'm quite enjoy the long evenings! I do wonder if it may be a phase as well though as she's still sleeping fine at nursery and she has had times like this in the past...
  18. Anyone tried "Slim Rice"? Had ok reviews on Holland & Barratt, apparently a mere 8 calories a bowl, too good to be true??!
  19. I've been fast-dieting for 4 weeks now, lost 5 pounds in the first 2 weeks (again despite complete blow out at weekend - wine, fry-up, roast, desert - the lot!) but last week (week 3) had actually put 2 pounds back on again and nearly gave up. However, I thought I'd persevere and today tried on some work trousers I haven't worn since pre-Christmas and they are amazingly loose! I think the thing with this diet is it's inches rather than pounds, I have been running again a couple of times a week and know the old muscle weights more than fat thing but running has never stopped me losing pounds in the past. Anyway, my faith is restored again now - so much that I'm going to fast tomorrow on Valentines Day (and have a lovely guilt-free meal and bottle of wine friday instead!)
  20. Does anyone know how it works with Health Visitors at The Gardens? At the moment we're DMC/Townley Road which is very convenient for us but wondering whether to make the change.
  21. Thinking about it you could right, though I never seem to recall having trouble hearing even over the babies screams antantant Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I thought the volume was lower than normal to > protect the babies ears?
  22. There is no etiquette, let them scream all they want-they all seem to at one point in the movie! And luckily the volume should be turned up a bit louder so nobody will miss anything, oh how I miss those days!
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