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Posts posted by uptime

  1. We have just put our toddler down for a place when one becomes available because we probably won't be able to get into our preferred closer primary schools - state and private. Seems to me the whole purpose of this school (and DCPS etc) is to get kids into the good private schools so not that surprising that is pressure cooker like. Our friends have kids there and they are thriving.
  2. I haven't been to SL recently, but have just been to Italy and we did not get a car seat in the right size for our toddler at the airport pick up (despite having been assured of it by a highly reputable kid-friendly travel agent when we booked). So I definitely don't think taking one is ridiculous. It will probably be a necessity. At least in Italy, the taxi driver was able to beg one in the right size off one of his mates, but in SL I very much doubt you will have that luxury. Can you take one that you can use as a buggy seat so you're not carrying two bulky items?
  3. Well done Grotty. I'm doing reasonably well and definitely the lightest I have been in a long time. Still wouldn't fit back into my wedding dress but hey that might be unrealistic as I was about 8 stone then! I am swimming twice a week and then have a one hour session with a trainer. The pro point counting has fallen by the wayside though...
  4. This is weird. My daughter (20 months) has broken out in a horrible rash on her face. She also goes swimming regularly (Jags and Latchmere) though I hadn't thought they were the source as presumably both are chlorinated. Large circular white spots which have now become red: dry and scaly in parts and shiny raw in the middle. Originally thought it was linked to a rash in her nappy area. The doctor last week said both rashes were thrush and we were given canestan. That has got rid of the rash in the nappy area but her face has got worse not better. We are going back to the doctors this afternoon so will let you know.
  5. We have a Bee for our now 20 month old and while we love it's size, weight, manoeuvrability and look, we have had a few problems with quality. Shimmying wheels, broken handlebar lock and difficulty removing the seat. The first two are common enough problems that they have readymade ?fixing kits? which they send to you if you complain. Make sure you keep your receipt somewhere safe. We lost ours and had a nightmare showing proof of purchase which they said was absolutely necessary before sending us any of the kits (which was galling when you see the kits probably cost them less than a pound to make).
  6. It's often said that frozen peas taste as good as (and are as healthy as) the fresh variety. Are there any other tasty frozen veggies out there? I really need to increase my veg consumption and the 'fresh' stuff I buy at the weekends has usually gone off by the latter half of the week. Sorry in advance for such a mundane question, but I reckon there must be some other time-constrained mums out there who have reliable freezer fallbacks.
  7. One further question for those who went to the basketball arena. We want to take our travel booster seat - one of those classic black ones with the brown, red and black spots and straps. Would the seats in the arena take such a booster seat and could it be strapped on? I can't see it falling foul of security because it turns into a bag. Thanks in advance.
  8. Female Cameroon football player. At least it would be warm and sunny there.

    Strawbs, I tried Dukan on the recommendation of friend for whom it was very successful. I lost 4lbs within a week, which was a nice kick start to my post-preg weight loss, but ultimately I found Dukan totally unsustainable. I'm a foodie and do a lot of after-work events, so it was tricky for me to stick to the boring protein-laden food. I have found WW much easier to fit around my life and have lost more through that, in conjunction with increased exercise.

  9. Thanks for the top tips scareyt. We are taking our 20 month old to the basketball arena next week, which apparently has a buggy parking area. Am worried about how long she will sit still for but hopefully she will be alright and my husband has agreed to take her out if she causes a distraction to other spectators. If anyone else has any feedback or tips on taking toddlers to the olympics, please do share them.
  10. We got a maternity nurse in between 3 and 5 weeks because like you I was going to pieces. Costs of a maternity nurse and night nanny was about the same but the maternity nurse basically moves into your house and can help with other stuff during the day. It did help but more from the perspective of getting more sleep rather than training. The baby was brought into me for BFs but I didn't have to do any of the changing or settling. It cost a fortune but a small price to pay for my sanity. When she left I did panic about the situation reverting but the baby was that bit older by then and could take on more milk so the time between feeds got longer and hence I got more sleep. I found that and the introduction of a night time routine at about 10 weeks were the real turning points for me in terms of sleep issues.
  11. I've lost 8lbs since starting WW and have had several 'weeks off' owing to holidays and work trips abroad. Have started swimming at lunchtimes which has been great but it's hard sticking to points on nights out and at the weekends. Am starting to get some compliments though on how I look, which definitely helps. Keep at it Grotty and hope you can get back on track soon. It is hard but am sure it will be worth it in the end...
  12. Just a view from the other side. I employ a nanny as do a lot of my friends in ED and elsewhere in London. I have not come across one instance of a nanny being treated as a slave. Far from it. Our nannies are regarded as highly valuable employees and, as much as possible, treated like part of the family. I am sure that not every nanny views their workplace or employer as completely perfect, but how many of us non-nannies feel that. Maybe there are also other parents who treat their nannies like slaves but surely they must be a minority and be pretty nasty individuals generally. That sort of employer exists in the non-nanny world too.
  13. I am a bit stuck having lost 6lbs. Ideally I'd like to lose another 6 at least I just can't motivate myself to stick to the points and really struggling to find time to go to the gym at lunchtimes. Maybe I just need the weather to properly cheer up and the threat of exposed flesh to kick start things again...
  14. I didn't know that fennel helped constipation but I had heard it was good for wind. If you'd rather not give it to your baby direct you could drink fennel tea yourself and hopefully its properties might pass through your milk. Caveat: I have no idea whether this would actually work but I drank a lot of fennel tea while BFing on a recommendation from a friend.
  15. Can I recommend that none of you read Caitlin Moran's book How to be a Woman as there is a hilarious story in there about the c word and a small baby. Personally I like a bit of gratuitous swearing and am dreading the day (very soon) when I have to curb that. It sounds as though you're not too bothered about losing this friendship but if you do want it to continue then best to be completely honest with her. Certainly that's what I would expect to hear.

    PS I am confident we don't actually know each other DofD...!

  16. I finally got back into double figures on the weighing scales this morning after working really hard to keep to my daily points over the past two weeks. First time since pregnancy. I'm so pleased with myself, I think I'll celebrate by having an ice cream!! Going to the gym today to make up in advance for a slap up lunch at J Sheekeys tomorrow. Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well.
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