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Everything posted by rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrqwef43

  1. Seriously. I've never been on one. And lately I've been thinking it's about time... Cheers! (This is me, by the way) (Or was, until I removed it ;-)
  2. "Make my hole weak"? ug - that's not smooth and/or palatable. Anyways, I'm not entirely sure civilisation has begun. How do you define it?
  3. Man, if I was the OP for this post I woulda run a mile by now. Imagine asking fairly innocent questions about an area you're thinking of moving to and having 'your' conversation taken over by people who want to argue about statistics and point out random and sensationalist crime stories, jeez...I should think they were more interested in the vibe in general, whether it's 'on the whole' nice or not... Anyways, I'm about to move here to after working in the area for six months and I'm very excited and can't wait to get settled in. Been living in Brixton until now - very nice, actually, pretty quiet and mellow - but ED's where I really want to be. Just seems...well, there's some saying about London just being a collection of small towns - and when you find a place like East Dulwich, I can actually see what they mean. Not that I'm any expert, of course. Cheers!
  4. Hi there, I'm moving to East Dulwich next weekend and wonderfully stumbled on this excellent forum and thought I'd throw my hat in the ring and see if y'all can help get me up and running. So... 1. I like sports. Any tips on cycling/squash/football and where to play them? 2. I need a job. I can probably do most things. Any good places to pick up some extra work in the area? 3. I've written (and published) a couple of books. They've been really well received but getting the word out there hasn't been easy (read: nigh-on impossible). Is there anywhere local I could sell them? I was even thinking of a little table in a street market, that sort of thing. 4. Someone told me there's a great organic veg place in East Dulwich; haven't seen it yet though. 5. I like building sheds. Anyone need a shed built? 6. Are there any open mic/acoustic nights around? 7. I think that's probably enough. :-) Many thanks for reading and, of any answers and input, much appreciated. Cheers! Rory
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