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Posts posted by kemurf

  1. That's absolutely disgraceful - surely that's discrimination, particularly if the child's needs have not even been assessed. I can't think how that makes you feel as a parent.

    But why would they decline you like that?

    I have no experience of private schools, so I'm interested to hear.

  2. Hi Lucy

    My daughter wouldn't take to a bottle for ages - I think it took me about 2 or 3 months until she got it. I have no idea what did it, but certainly my husband giving her the bottle instead of me helped. (Although actually I wished I had breast fed longer now...)! There are lots of discussion threads on the forum about it if you do a search, with lots of ideas and tips.

    Perseverance, a lot of patience, and being as calm as possible won in the end (not sure 'won' is the right word as it took so blinkin' long and I got so frustrated by it!). I think you have to keep at it if that's what you want unfortunately.

  3. I have just bought a Baby Trend Expedition jogger - ?100/?110 from Amazon although you can order direct from the supplier. It's a jogging buggy but I got it for my 17 month old. It is fab, lightweight, slim and fits into the boot of our small car. And it hold a basket full of shopping underneath.

    My nearly 4 year old fits into it brilliantly - she threw a massive tantrum this week in the park and I could get her into the buggy, walk uphill pushing her (without much physical effort), whilst carrying the toddler.

    Ahem, just call me Supermum...

    So I recommend this buggy.

  4. The Fitting Studio is a MUST - Kyra and Anne are lovely and exceptionally good at what they do. They are very near the corner of Dartmouth Road with London Rd, 2 mins walk from the bus stops and BR. You're best off ringing them - they usually run on an appointment basis but don't let that put you off - it's so they can help you properly while you are in the changing room. They don't do the hard sell either.

    Support your local business!!

  5. My 3 year old had her pre-school booster booked in last week and wouldn't go into the nurse's room at the surgery. She was pretty scared. I bribed her with sweets, she came into the room but got upset so we decided not to give her the jab. Then she sees our 1 year old gets hysterical after one of her 3 MMR jabs. So, only one jab was given to our baby at the appointment and none to our 3 year old. I now have another appointment booked in for Saturday for them both (which I'm really looking fw to...). My husband is coming too.

    So, how did you get your 3 year old to have jabs? She knows what to expect as she had her MMR booster a few months back; she'll be scared.

    Please, any tips welcome.

  6. I used to have a Silver Cross Pop and the wheels used to kick out; I didn't really like it. It was nicked so I bought a 2nd hand and hardly used Maclaren Triumph. V light, easy enough to push, fits into the boot of the car etc - it does the job as a good stroller. Have a look on ebay - I got the Maclaren for ?70 but I'm sure you could get something similar from someone off this forum.
  7. Definitely have a list of 3 or 4 contacts who your 3 year old is familiar with, who are prepared to step in when the time comes; send them all an email, with everyone's contact numbers etc and have a bag of clothes, toys etc ready that she can take with her. If your 3 year old is at a nursery /childminder it's worth talking to them to see if they could help out. Someone might even be prepared to stay over at yours if you go into labour at night, so as not to wake your little one. I had an elaborate contact list for my second and it worked out well; it was a Sunday evening, my sister stayed over, I went into Lewisham Birth Centre at 10pm, baby was born at 3am and I was home by 9am! Very lucky. And it all seems to have worked fine for my friends with their 2nd /3rd babies.

    Good luck!

  8. We went at the end of June and our 3 year old loved it. Lovely water park (take a cossie), playpark and some queues for the rides. I was nervous going - I hate 'theme parks' and I couldn't believe I was buying in to Peppa Pig World, but I surprised myself and loved it too. Tons of buggies like someone else said, but a definite thumbs up from me.
  9. Your firm should be contributing to the cost of independent legal advice where they offer you a compromise agreement - check with them if this is not already happening. Make sure the cost of all your benefits (healthcare, gym membership etc) are included in the compromise. This is often done up until the point of the end of your employment but sometimes it can be negotiated beyond. Good luck, it can be a horrible time and I hope some good comes out of it for you.
  10. Soft play is really good - try Beckenham Spa (Buzz Zone) or Rascals in Bellingham (by Bellingham BR). Both ?4.70 (ish) per session. Big climbing area, slides, ball pit - brilliant for toddlers upwards. I started taking my daughter when she was 2.5 - she loves it. And you can join in and climb up with them. Or, leave her to it and get a coffee....good when there is a group of you...!
  11. I've just moved our 7.5 month daughter E in with our nearly 3 year old eldest daughter P. We took the view we would trial it and it has gone better than expected. We started last week.

    I held off as E has never slept through, relies on her dummy to soothe her and I was also worried that she would wake P and then we'd have to deal with 2 crying little ones.

    In fact, E seems to be sleeping better, or maybe she's sleeping the same and I'm sleeping better; I don't wake up every time she grizzles, turns over etc as she is in the other room. And I'm surprised how P sleeps through E waking up - I had not expected that.

    E still does wake early-ish and gets in with me and her dad, but I don't mind so much as I've had a decent sleep.

    And tonight I've put them to bed together and it has worked - again!

    Oh - and it's lovely to have my room back, read with the light on (I could go on with more reasons...!)

    Good luck.

  12. There is a brilliant LOCAL shop called The Fitting Studio, based in Forest Hill; http://www.thefittingstudio.co.uk/

    They are fantastic - Kyra and Ann, and fit D cups plus with great stock.

    I've been a customer since they opened about 5 years ago and can't recommend them enough.

    You should call to make a (free) appointment. They will look at you and know pretty much instantly what your size is. I was in there yesterday and Kyra told me that lots of Health Visitors are recommending them - lots of their customers are currently pregnant or breastfeeding mums.

    They are a minute's walk from Forest Hill Station.

  13. We went to Dunn Street Farm, near Ashford a couple of years ago and plan to go back. It's a farm, shared fridge, washing machine and freezer facilities. Two large fields - the one with no cars is perfect for kids to run about and make friends. No website, but here it is on the UKCampsite; http://www.ukcampsite.co.uk/sites/reviews.asp?revid=2732

    It's always good to get recommendations - I've bookmarked Palace Farm recently, and am about to look at Stubcroft. Brilliant!

  14. Your advice please, especially if this has happened to you.

    My nearly 3 year old has been using the toilet since December but will not poo on the loo - she wants a nappy. She will only poo at home so waits all day at nursery, until we get home and then wants asks to do a poo in a nappy. If we say no to a nappy, she holds on, sometimes for days - she once did not go for 6 days. She uses a nappy at night so usually waits until this is on her before she does it. She always tells us before she does it so we know.

    And then there is the build up - moaning, being uncomfortable, wanting to sleep before she actually gets the nappy on.

    She has pooed on the toilet a handful of times - ie when she has been caught short at nanny's or a friend's house, and she was so pleased with herself. But even with loads of praise, treats, bribery, star charts - she went back to nappies.

    So having used different tactics to encourage her to use the toilet, I'm now just waiting for her to ask for the nappy and then putting it on her with no questions, instead of having the whole 'let's try the toilet' etc.

    What did you do, if this happened to you?

    I'm not too bothered by it now, just curious to know how long this might last and when it might stop!!

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