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Everything posted by LUVED

  1. Another thumbs up for Aria and Dan. As always quick, friendly and professional service. The job was a little bigger than initially expected but communication was very clear on the pricing. Would highly recommend.
  2. So glad he is home where he belongs :-) Xx
  3. Hi, I have seen a cat very similar to Fester over the last couple of days around Abbotswood/Shaw Road. I have messaged Chuff but just wanted to post here as well so people around the St.Francis estate can keep an eye out. Many thanks, LuvED
  4. It was driving me crazy too. Can you please share contact details of who I need to get in contact with. Many thanks :-)
  5. That is great news :-). Thank you for letting us all know. So glad Boris made it back home to you
  6. Hi Ben, So sorry to hear Boris has gone missing. I got the note you posted at the weekend as I live on Shaw Road. I have checked my shed and no sign of Boris. I will keep my eye for him on my travels around the St.Francis estate. Although Boris is chipped sometimes chips aren't reliable and can become unreadable by scanners so it is worth checking (if you haven't already done so already) with the local vets and animal charities to see if anybody has taken him in. Hope Boris comes home soon. LuvED
  7. Hi Lila108, I am so sorry to hear about Tiggy. I have sent you a private message. LuvEd
  8. Filled in the Southwark Council noise form as I can't get through on the phone. I will also be emailing DHFC. Derwentgrove, I too would be happy to join any efforts. I really feel for anybody working nights and trying to sleep through this din.
  9. I'm on the St.Francis estate and struggling to hear my TV. So much for a quiet, restful Sunday. Will be getting in touch with the council as this is not the first time.
  10. LUVED

    Boiler Advice

    Bsand, thanks for the advise. Echo red devil's question. Is Kevin Gas Safe registered ? Price seems awfully low.
  11. LUVED

    Boiler Advice

    Hi, Not sure if this is the right area to post, so I apologise in advance if it?s the wrong one. Looking for consumer advise/guidance/experience on buying a new system boiler. Unfortunately mine has seen the last of it?s days and I now need a new one. Problem is that my current (now dead) boiler is only 480mm in height which fits neatly into a cupboard in the kitchen. I have searched and searched and spoken to boiler makers and it would seem in the last 15 years, whilst everything has been getting smaller, boilers have gone the other way and got larger (in height) over this time. I do want decent boiler, but if I don?t have to, I really don?t want to have to pay out extra on cabinet work to make it neat and fit into my fitted kitchen. I am also reluctant at moving the position of said boiler due to extra cost involved. TBH I don?t think I would be able to get a replacement kitchen cabinet anyway as the company who installed my kitchen is no longer around. So looking to see if anybody else has faced this quandary and how they overcome it. Many thanks in advance, LuvED
  12. Hi Greece, Aria's number is 07739 734895. LuvED
  13. Another recommendation for Aria and Dan. I've had a couple of plumbing issues over the last few weeks and Aria and Dan were quick both times to respond and work out what the problems were and sort out them. Both were polite, professional and got the jobs done without any hassle. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them both and will use them again if I needed.
  14. Well done Cakey on taking the cat to the vets for a microchip check and making the happing ending happen.
  15. Best of luck Dan & Paul for the future. I will certainly miss Seacow on Lordship Lane. I will be looking out for your Seacow van in the fields and at festivals :-). LuvED
  16. Seems I was worrying for nothing as he has just wandered in.
  17. For those around the Abbotswood Road area would you mind having a have a look out for my cat Baloo. He does spend a lot time outside especially when it's warm but I am getting a little worried about him as I he doesn't seem to have come home for a few days. (I say seem, he may have come home in the night as the cat food was eaten, but that could have been another cat who sometimes breaks in and eats the food and his usual sleeping spot doesn't look slept in either. As I was popping to the shops yesterday afternoon I saw him briefly at the end of Shaw Road and thought he was heading home, but when I got back he wasn't here. I may be worrying for nothing as he doesn't like being in the house when it's hot weather, but if you do see him can you please let me know. He is a small long haired tabby with a very bushy tail. He doesn't wear a collar but is microchipped. If you do see would you mind letting me know, my number is 07979 502902. Thank you so much. Photo is attached.
  18. Great news Dulwichgirl. I hope he's not too stressed after his adventures.
  19. Hi Dulwichgirl, So sorry to hear Arthur has gone missing. It is such a worry when your cats don't return home when they should. I'm on Shaw Road so will keep an eye out for him. LuvED
  20. I was on the same train Monkey and have to say it was a shambles, apart from the very informative and helpful train driver. I wish there were more like him. Please let me know if the email is correct as I would like to let him know how frustrating travelling to and from the station is but also let him know about the great train driver we had tonight and they should employ more people like him.
  21. I spoke with him a couple of weeks ago and he mentioned he was going away for a short while. I'm sure he'll be back vey soon.
  22. Lots of free parking in East Dulwich. Be careful of Grove Vale though which has time restrictions but is clearly marked. Also the parking bays at the end of Melbourne Grove may also have restrictions, just get your friend to check.
  23. Really feeling for your cat and you, what a stressful time for you both. I second what The Minkey says. See if Celia Hammond's can do a neuter and return. An neutered male is far less likely to fight and have territory battles. It will also reduce the population of unwanted pregnancies and it happening all over again. They will talk through the best procedure to capture the cat and offer assistance. You may want to try Feliway as well to calm your cat. It's not cheap and doesn't work on all cats but have a look into it. I have used it with success but make sure you put it in a room where your cat spends most of its time. Good luck.
  24. Hi upthefoxes, I've lived in the area you mention for 10 years. Yes, as reported on EDF, there were a spate of break-ins along with a lot of East Dulwich. I haven't heard of anything recently happen though, and fingers crossed may this long be the case. In the years I have been here this is the only spate I know of. I know my neighbours very well and we look out for one another. As it's a bunch of cul-de-sacs you see the same people and get to know them which are mainly families and professionals. From the best of my knowledge the building you mention is residence for local doctors and nurses. I'm in close proximity of it and it has never caused a problem. I feel safe here and love where I live, although my friends tell me it's a little Brookside. Hey, if I can park my car outside my house, give me Brookside any day of the week ! Hope this helps but feel free to private message me if you have any other questions. LuvED
  25. This is a piece of genius. Good work.
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