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Posts posted by Jacks50

  1. This is all really useful, thank you so much!

    we have sky at the moment but the internet isn't good enough, virgin promise much faster internet at a cheaper cost but it sounds like they might be over promising!

    Thank you again, very much

  2. Hello,

    I just wondered what your experience is with Virgin? We're thinking of swapping from Sky to Virgin as they seem to be cheaper and have faster internet, but wondered what fellow locals think or Virgin?

    Thanks so much

  3. Hello,

    I wonder if anyone might be able to help with this.

    We're organising our school fair and want to avoid all the waste from plastic 'glasses' and coffee cups.

    One option is biodegradable cups/'glasses' but I can't find out how to actually get rid of the biodegradable products.

    I phoned southwark and they said its either recycling, or its rubbish, so I guess they can't take them.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Thanks so much

  4. Hi Dodo1,

    My son is at Trinity, y2, (Y8) but he started in the first year, so I haven't had any experience with the jbugs, but felt bad that you hadn't had a response! I do know they do go on a bonding trip in September for 3 days, and also that a friend of mine has a son in the jbugs this year and he's really happy and so are the parents.

    When my son started, the settling in process was great and not at all stressful for my rather worried son!

    Not sure if that helps at all.

  5. We used Science boffins for my sons 7th birthday a few years ago and they all loved it.

    More recently my daughter went to a 6 year olds party who also used Science boffins so would have been 5 and 6 year olds there and it went down well.

    Worth talking to them and finding out what age they recommend - they were really helpful.

  6. I feel slightly silly putting this on the forum but my young female dog has just come into her first season and I've been reading online about what your supposed to do and most people say keep them in for 3 weeks or walk them in places where you won't find any other dogs.

    The prospect of keeping her in for 3 weeks is slightly terrifying - a young excitable dog kept in and 3 children on the run up to christmas!

    So My question is what do you do with your un-spade dogs? Are there any places to walk semi-locally where not many dog walkers go? Or do you just keep them in?

    Any advice would be gratefully received.

  7. Does anyone know anything about the Sugarcraft Boutique at the top or lordship lane? My daughter is desperate for an Elsa cake for her birthday next week and the cake shop has been fab in the past for supplies and advice! (no idea where to start with a doll cake!) But every time I drive past the shop it seems to be closed.

    Does anyone know if it's closed down?


  8. Having spent an hour sewing in a name label and then realising I've put it in the wrong place (I'm not quite as hopeless as that makes me sound - they are big labels that have to go on the outside of sports kit! but still pretty hopeless!)

    I might have to admit defeat.

    Does anyone know of anyone who I can pay to sew them in for me?!


  9. Hope this isn't too late - I've only just seen the thread.

    I have 3 kids at Rosemead - Year 6, year 2 and Nursery.

    The first thing i would say is that the nursery is fantastic. There are two class rooms that all the nursery children use, and although the outside space around the class rooms is quite small, they are normally using the classrooms at the same time, so they do't have all the kids out there at the same time. Also, they often use the big playground. plus, the kids are little! they don't need acres of space.

    My daughter, who is in the nursery was incredibly clingy before she started there - wouldn't leave my side, but she has flourished and absolutely loves it. She skips into school every day and is very keen to go full time as she enjoys it so much.

    The pre prep years are fantastic. Its very nurturing, and the kids are very happy.

    Mrs Everitt, head of pre-prep is brilliant.

    Year 3 upwards gets a bit more serious, and sometimes I think its too serious, but then they need to get the results and it is a prep school, parents want the results so I guess it has to be.

    Yes, I think I thought the classrooms at elmcourt were a bit dark when we first started, but I don't think it matters a bit.

    There are plans in place to develop both sites which I haven't seen, but I've heard they look really good.

    The thing that I like most about Rosemead are the kids - they are really lovely children, who are happy, polite and really kind to each other across the year groups.

    Oh, also, lovely parents with a really good community around it.

    Hope that helps.

  10. If I remember correctly there's no sex in the twilight until they get married (spoiler alert!) which is along way down the road - maybe book 4 or 5. (not that I've read them all or anything)

    There's an implied sexual tension though but that would probably go over a 10 year old head.

    That said, it contains adult themes which I wouldn't think were appropriate for a 10 year old.

    Here's a few comments - http://childrensbooks.about.com/od/5youngadultbooks/a/Twilight-Series-For-What-Age.htm

    Very surprised its in a primary school library!

  11. Can anyone recommend a sleep training clock? One of those that looks awake when its time to get up and looks asleep when its still night time? (is that as clear as mud?!)

    We used to have one but it was so loud when it woke up that on the off chance my little one was still asleep, the clock used to wake him! not what I wanted!

    Thanks so much!

  12. Does anyone's little people have either a furby or a teksta puppy?!! my boys both really one either one of these for chrimbo but I don't know anyone who has one so I have no idea if they are any good. Or will they fall to the fate of most of their toys are be discarded after 10 minutes?!

    Any experiences with these delightful looking creatures would be must appreciated!

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