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Posts posted by Jacks50

  1. Thanks so much everyone!

    I really appreciate your suggestions.

    Saffron the info on play schemes was really interesting. Quite hard to pin point what they are but its a really good way of thinking about the way they play.

    I was thinking about a dolls house, and she loves pretend play so I guess we'll be going down that route.

    Sbot - love the lawnmower!! very sweet. I asked my daughter what she'd like and she said cake! I guess that's a start!

    thank again everyone!

  2. My daughter will be 3 in a month and she's still in a cot. I've thought about moving her to a bed but she's still napping at lunchtime and I really don't want that to end! She's a monster from 4pm onwards without it.

    My two boys were out of the cot by this age but I'm not ready to loose the lunchtime nap. Also, I potty trained her a few weeks ago (well. loo trained, she won't go on the potty!) and she's also gone try at night - she just yells at me that she needs a wee and I go running. I have a feeling if she was in a bed she'd still yell at me - she yells at me for most things!

  3. I heard a tip recently that if they have a regression then try to get them to clean up the mess when they've had an accident. maybe not the poo but if they've had a wee accident they have to put their pants in the washing basket, etc I suppose the idea is that if they have an accident then they have a small chore to do afterwards which isn't so much fun.

    I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not but might be worth a try?!

  4. I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your advice. The love bombing sounds really interesting and I'm going to order the book. No idea how we'd fit it in with my other two children though!

    We are trying to fit in the 1:1 time, and he does really enjoys it and we must do it more often.

    I have just had a lovely evening with him without one argument and I felt like I had my boy back. hope it lasts!!

    Thank you again!

  5. Hi Canela,

    Just wanted to say thanks so much for this. I've had a long think about it all and he's defiantly over tired. He's suddenly decided that staying up late is cool and just won't go to sleep! So that's not helping.

    And you are right, he spends so long being good - school isn't overly strict but hes terrified of getting into trouble. He also doesn't eat very well at school (school lunches only and he's really fussy) so he's tired and hungry too at the end of the day.

    We recently talked about house files and came up with a list together - he enjoyed doing it and being part of it, so I'm not sure if its an issue.

    He does need more one on one time though, its just very hard to fit in with two other little ones. We'll have to work harder at it!

    Thanks so much once again

  6. I'm having a nightmare with my oldest son (I've got 2 other children) he's 8, nearly 9 and he's having some kind of a meltdown just about everyday. I call it the red mist. Its like something comes over him and he turns into a complete nightmare. Screaming, shouting, this evening he threw a couple of pictures off the wall onto the floor and started banging on my daughters bedroom door (who is asleep and not well!) When he gets in his mood he can be really horrible to the other two children, and he says awful things to me - this evening he just told me I was an ugly person, the meanest in the world and he hates me.

    It always starts because he's done something wrong and got into trouble. I've tried everything from trying to be kind and talk to him and try and reason with him, to being really tough on him, but nothing gets through. I've taken away privileges, we have a reward chart (house points) which he's really likes the idea of because they have them at school, and it helps a bit, but when he's got the mist he doesn't care.

    He doesn't do it nearly as often when my husband is around, but he's not around very often! Its making my so unhappy and I feel desperate that I don't know how to make it better. I'm obviously really worried about him and I hate him being so unhappy.

    On a positive note he's extremely well behaved at school, and with other people. They can't believe it when I tell them how he behaves with me.

    I'm really sorry for the long post, just feeling really desperate and could do with some advice and wondered if anyone else had experienced anything like this?

    Thanks so much

  7. We go to Chatsworth playgroup on a Wed in West Dulwich/west norwood. great big hall with loads of ride-ons and other toys, plus a separate room for painting, playdough, puzzles etc. Much easier to be at a playgroup with a toddler and a baby as your toddler is contained and entertained, and there's always another pair of hands if you need help!


  8. My 8 year old is still really fussy. almost scared of new food. at school they have to have cooked lunches and he hardly eats anything - a bit of bread and cheese on some days. I really thought he would have grown out of it by now and I'm beginning to think he's not going too. The only thing that has improved is the way he deals with it - instead of having a tantrum about the new food he just says "no thank you"!!. My middle child isn't much better.

    I'd love some advice if anyone has been through the same through the same thing with an slightly older child!

  9. I wondered if I could get some advice on nursery/pre schools.

    My first two children went to a day nursery before starting school as I worked but I got made redundant and I'm now a stay at home mum. My third child is 2.5 and I'm wondering what options there are for nursery or pre school? I'm sure she'd benefit from a few hours a day a couple of days a week, especially as she's a September baby so she's going to be at home for a long time!!

    Any suggestions that don't cost a small fortune would be gratefully appreciated!

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