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Everything posted by Jacks50

  1. Is there a meeting at school at some point towards the end of term? my son is in Nursery at Rosemead at the moment, and there was some kind of meeting in the summer term where we met lots of parents. We passed round our email addresses and I tried to organise a few get togethers over the summer hols. Might be worth a try?
  2. i was in jo partridge this morning and I heard them saying its really quiet so you might get in there?
  3. I have a bag of toys that my children no longer play with - does anyone know if any of the charity shops on LL take toys? including soft toys? and if not, do you know what I can do with them? any playgroups that might want them? Thanks very much!!
  4. Can someone remind me of the website that someone created showing what there is to do in east dulwich with small children? Can't believe I've lost the link - its such a useful site! Thanks,
  5. It worth going along to the south london sling library - you can try lots of different ones and find one that suits you best. Emily, who runs it, is brilliant - really helpful and able to give you lots of advice. http://southlondonslings.com/
  6. We've been told by son's teachers (he's at nursery within a school) that its really important for them to understand rhyming before they start learning the letters sounds. So read lots of books with rhymes, get them to try and finish the sentence, make up silly rhymes together, etc etc. have fun with it!
  7. just re-read my last post and I'm not actually worried about the dog using the bathroom!! but I am a bit worried about ZOG!! sounds like the ramblings of a slightly unhinged mother! Goodliz - your mr gum sounds great! I might stead a couple of ideas to finish it off with in the morning. And well done for winning the price!!
  8. we have a zog (although he's not orange) which I cheated on and bought a dragon costume on line, and a mr gum - an old trench coat, orange beard, black hat and a great big santa belt. slightly worried about how dog is going to use the bathroom but other than that, everyone is happy!!
  9. Please help! my two boys need to dress up for world book day as a character from a book (surprise!)) and I am so so rubbish at coming up with ideas for dressing up. they are 7 and 4. one wants to be mr gum, the 4 year old quite wants to be zog but I think he can be persuaded! Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated! Thank you
  10. I have no idea where to post this strange request but a friend of mine is a stylist and needs to borrow a corgi for a photo shoot for vogue. does anyone have one or know anyone who has one who might want a picture of their dog in a magazine?! I'm expecting lots of silly responses to this but I promise its a real request so pleas help if you can!
  11. Congratulations!!!! my little babies loved this mobile -http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tiny-Love-464-Classic-Mobile/dp/B002BSHTS0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1329258428&sr=8-1 (or something very similar!) seemed to keep them entertained for a good 15 or so mins, from quite a young age.
  12. http://www.dulwichmagic.com/ They're supposed to be good!
  13. My daughter was TT but it wasn't picked up until she was 8 or 9 weeks. She found it easier to bottle feed then bf. She had the tt snip at about 12 weeks and it was awful and I wouldn't do it again! If I remember correctly kings will only do the snip if its going to help with bf, not bottle feeding. I'm sure its worth trying to talk to someone about it though. I think babies who have been bf often refuse the bottle. Some people suggest you introduce it early - around 3 weeks. but then you have the whole nipple confusion thing, so you can't win! Maybe the clinic at Townley road will be able to give you some advice - and they'll defiantly refer you to the clinic at kings if they think baby needs it. Good luck!
  14. We have a split level house including 3 stairs going down to our kitchen, plus two older children so we didn't stair gate for my now 17 month old girl. it was a pain to start with but she very quickly learnt to always turn around, and became really good at going up and down. We did the same with my middle son too and it worked well. I read somewhere that you're not supposed to trust children to go up and down the stairs on their own until they are 5 so I'm a really bad parent to let my 4 year old and my baby go up and down on their own but (touch wood!) they are managing fine!
  15. I like the name. and I loved the group too, but I've only been able to go once. And I don't see much wrong with the term yummy mummy, someone called me a yummy mummy once and I thought it was quite nice of them! So I second bluesuperted. Keep up the great work Richard
  16. my experience with the TT clinic at kings was that once we had been referred there by the BF clinic, we were seen really quickly - I think within a week. And my daughter was feeding ok and gaining weight, and quite old in comparison to a lot of the babies they normally see, but they were (in my opinion!) quite keen to do the cut! So unless they've changed a lot since we we're seen a year ago, if you are having trouble feeding and baby has a tt, they'll do the cut. But if someone can come to your house to do it, sooner that you can get to a bf clinic, I'm sure that would be preferable! Good luck Hope it all improves really soon
  17. Thanks so much Saffron - I've rearranged it for next week - hopefully she'll feel better by then!
  18. My daughter has her MMR booster booked for tomorrow but she's got the tale end of a cold. I know they say its ok to give them the booster if they have a cold as long as they don't have a temp, but I always thought it seemed a bit mean, if they are feeling a bit grotty! I just wondered what your thoughts were? Thanks!
  19. Hi Bee, So sorry to hear you are having a nightmare. The first weeks are so hard!! I just wondered if you were swaddling your baby? All 3 of mine didn't like being put down and if they fell asleep on me and I tried to put them down they always woke up, but if they were in a tight swaddle it really helped their sleeping. Just a thought! Good luck, hope things improve soon.
  20. I've no idea if this is the right section for this! So sorry if it isn't. I need some help with my first attempt at making chutney! My question is - do I need to put a wax disc over the top of the chutney and then tie it on, or can I put a metal lid on the jam jar?! I thought I had to do the wax lid thing but I've just seen kirsty on that christmas programme and she just put a metal lid straight on it. Sounds ridiculous but any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  21. poor you!! sleep problems seem never ending. Just incase cuppa teas suggestion doesn't work, you could try making the morning nap much shorter. my daughter is 14 months and she still needs a morning nap, but I wake her after 15 - 20 mins. then she'll still nap at lunchtime (more like from 1 or 2 for a couple of hours) if I let her sleep too long in the morning, she won't nap in the afternoon, and is beside herself with tiredness at the end of the day. and then she'll wake at night - not for long but she has disturbed sleep. hope you get it sorted soon.
  22. I went on their waiting list at about 6 months and very soon got confirmed a place. good luck!! I totally agree - they are wonderful.
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