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Posts posted by Wino

  1. Not having a pop Sweetgirl, but do you think that you should be able to park right in front of your house in inner London?

    There are far more car owners than spaces on most streets so I have always taken it as given that sometimes I get a place outside my house, sometimes I am a few doors down, and every now and then I have to park on the next road. If I am very anal I can usually pop out and move my car to a closer space within anything from 5 mins to an hour.

    I can't speak for your particular concerns about the garage but I would say that it has been there for quite some time and that it would be something that I would consider in the pros and cons of moving to that particular street.

    Edited for late night spelling

  2. JenSpen Wrote:


    > Reading through everyone elses posts and due to my

    > own experience we seem to have a common

    > denominator - Somerfields Lordship Lane!!!! I very

    > rarely use my cc and have never experienced fraud

    > before, however after using it on 5th August in

    > Somerfield I got a call on the 7th to say that

    > someone had tried - unsuccessfuly - to withdraw

    > ?250 from a hole in the wall using my cc. I guess

    > the reason that they picked this up is that I

    > never ever withdraw money using my CC. Funnily

    > enough, and unlike everyone else experiences, this

    > was attempted at a Nationwide cash machine, so in

    > the UK I guess?? The annoying thing is that they

    > made me cut up my credit card, however I had no

    > money in the bank, hence why I was suing the cc.

    > They assured me they would transfer some on

    > Friday, which they didnt, and now I have gone

    > overdrawn and may face charges :-( I think we all

    > need to spread the word about avoiding possible

    > fraud hot spots!

    As per my previous post and possibly supported by ianr's report of the Radio 4 broadcast, I don't know if it is such a simple case of deduction.

    If there has been a massive cloning operation in an outlet in East Dulwich in the past few months and it is only now that the stolen details are being used then it is highly likely that the fraud alert would seemingly occur after a trip to Somerfield, particularly if you shop there every day/few days using a card.

    I may be very wrong and it still does not get away from the fact that there is highy likely to have been some cloning activity at some point in East Dulwich.

    For the record I have been using the HSBC machines regularly ( at least one twice a week) and have used my card in Somerfield on occasion. Luckily, I have not had any problems so far.

    I will of course report back if I have now jinxed myself!

  3. Obviously this whole cloning thing is a right royal pain in the arse, but I don't know how reliant we can be in trying to 'trace' where it happened.

    I have no knowledge of the technical side of cloning, but surely, once it has happened there is no necessity to immediately use/sell on the info apart from greed?

    If I was running some dodgy machine at a garage I would happily store up a few weeks worth of card before starting to use the info in an attempt to fuzzy the trail back to me.

    So when people are saying "I just used my card at ...... and it was cloned" it may just be that the crim has just started using your info that was garnered some ago? I for one use my card at least once a day for atms, food, fuel whatever so the timing could just be coincidence? This doesn't detract from the fact that it must have happened at some point but it is possibly less easy to say where?

    Just a thought.

  4. I live on Lacon Road and have done so for past 8 years or so. Really have not had problem with parking. Sometimes during the day I have to circle a couple of times and (very rarely) I have to park on Northcross for an hour or so. Tunrover of spaces is pretty regular and there are usually a few spaces between 5-7 when the Lordship Lane users depart. Can get a bit busy during prayer time at the NX road mosque, but this is only for a half hour or so.

    ladywotlunches Wrote:


    > ???? - reason Felbrigg is so easy is that there

    > are only houses down one side of the road for a

    > lot of it - as Shawbury and Bawdale roads houses

    > side onto it.


    > Saying that - you've prob just made it a lot

    > harder for yourself!


    > I used to live on Lacon Road and it was regularly

    > a nightmare - whenever I tried to park. Drove back

    > down there on Friday to nip into NX road and

    > remembered what drove me mad - just as I was about

    > to reverse into a space the Royal mail screeched

    > up beside me gesturing for me to go past - then

    > parked up in the way of the space, put his hazards

    > on and jumped out to make a delivery. Grr.


    > Just moved to the 22/23 borders - loads of parking

    > (mainly due to living up a very steep hill!) AND

    > HOP/Forest hill are on the tube map now. OK, so

    > its only the East London line, but its a start!

  5. rob Wrote:


    > right - just got the answer-phone the last couple

    > of times I called, so it made me wonder...


    > Thanks

    The last time I went in the Irish chap was all by himself and so the answerphone was going full pelt. I think he said that the receptionist and the other dentist are sometimes off some afternoons so he is left on his own. Can't remember which afternoons I'm afraid!

  6. You mustn't call them traffic wardens anymore... Their new funky title is Civil Enforcement Officer. I do believe that fascist, scumbag, "little Hitler", inhuman, troll, satan's little helper and demon spawn are all still applicable terms according to the highway code, though I can't remember what page exactly......


  7. Asset Wrote:


    > I know exactly how much parking on my street is

    > from outsiders. Weekends there are 2-3 cars,

    > weekdays completely full. Possible picture

    > evidence to follow....

    Not disputing what you see/say Asset, but none of us know exactly who owns the cars and what their reasons are for parking in our streets. I agree that the pattern on your street would suggest commuter problems, but we can't be sure unless a proper study is undertaken. For example, it could be argued that the busy week/quiet weekend scenario where you are is in part due to residents using their cars at the weekend, rather than during the week when they are left parked all day? It is of course complete speculation as we can only make our own, individual assumptions until we have some hard facts.

  8. Huguenot Wrote:


    > Has anyone got any valid stats that show the

    > impact of a controlled parking zone on local trade

    > in a similar urban suburb?


    > I understand that some people's gut feel is that

    > trade will drop, but there are equally plausible

    > arguments that suggest most shoppers will find

    > different routes to getting there and will spend

    > more time and money in LL when they get there.


    > Can the local traders who vigorously campaigned

    > against the bus lane and rush hour parking

    > restrictions on LL (because of similar concerns)

    > demonstrate that these two elements actually did

    > damage their business? Or did they (as it appears)

    > actually herald a new Golden Age?


    > Looking for cold hard figures here rather than

    > just another round of speculation....! ;-)

    As far as I remember the traders (and residents) fought and won for the rejection of the complete red routing of Lordship Lane. Instead limited time restrictions were brought in (or kept as is?) and appear to work for all concerned.

    CPZs tend to have a certain pay and display element to theoretically "help" trade. Obviously those who drive in and are thus on a time limit are less likely to spend more time and money.

    Not to belabour an opinion, but I do believe that people would be surprised how little of the parking on their street is from "outsiders." This obviously raises the question that maybe the Lib Dems should instigate a proper, scientific, traffic survey rather than a seemingly random, biased in terms of wording/slant, "survey"?

  9. CPZ's spread like a dirty little virus. Once one scheme starts the other streets/neighbourhoods are forced/coerced to follow suit. They are just not a solution. People using their bins to reserve their "space" are almost as bad as CPZs and certainly contribute to parking problems. If you use your car for the day and have "reserved" your space, then it means there is no parking turnover and therefore fewer spaces for everyone else throughout the day. I for one have no qualms about removing said obstacles. None of us have a "right" to be able to park right outside our house unless we own the space. This growing occurrence of bin reservation also means that fewer people are sympathetic and considerate when you may want to temporarily reserve a space for a skip/removal van etc.
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