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  1. Perhaps the cat is now a flying drone monitoring the plagues of double buggies and ill dressed/mannered estate agents of Dull Eastwich? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2154283/Cats-away-Artist-turns-dead-pet-flying-helicopter-killed-car.html p.s I love cats, they are much nicer than the residents of ED.
  2. Oh whats the point? I hope you pathetic chinless morons do get robbed, and soon.
  3. I have reported this to the Safer Neighborhood officer. I think somebody else may be checking out houses to break into on Crawthew Grove today. At 2pm, and now just again at 4pm our bell was rung, and on going to the door, nobody was there, nor could anybody be seen on either side of the house. Nor could I hear the sound of kids running away or laughing. Most of the kids on this road and surrounding area are infants or those in their mid-teens. We do not have kids playing out in the street and I cannot recall the last time I saw a group of kids here young enough to be bothered to play "ring the bell and run like hell"... All I can surmise is that either there is a very impatient god-botherer out there today [they usually wait and keep ringing till you answer anyhow] or someone is checking to see if the house is empty or not. So, yeah, if you live on Crawthew Grove, keep an eye out, there may well be scum out there hoping to burgle a house or two as lots of people leave this road on Bank holiday weekends. Lets hope it is some kids, but it sure doesn't seem like it.
  4. @James - I DID in fact call the police if you bothered to read my reply to Loz - THEY didn't reply and it WASNT an emergency. Thanks for the far more useful reply ClareClare, have filed a report via email.
  5. I did, no answer, and it wasn't an emergency so I wasn't about to dial 999
  6. A black male [for identifying purposes, I'm not racist so don't even go there trolls], late 20s-early 30s, wearing a red zip up jogging top, dark blue jeans and trainers was going up Crawthew Grove, supposedly putting leaflets in doors. Except he did not have a bag for his leaflets, appeared to have barely a handful of cards - I watched him go into the garden of the house at the end of Crawthew Grove [the one next to where there used to be a garage] and squat down like he was looking through the letter box, I watched from a distance, and he went from house to house on the same side of the road spending far more time than any leafleter I have ever seen in the garden of each property, he appeared to clock on I was watching him at the top end of the grove and ran across where Crawthew meets Worlingham, he didn't come back down the other side of the road either. I checked in my house and he had not put any cards or leaflets through the door, all I can think of is that either he loves staring at houses from their gardens or he was scouting for places for him/people known to him to burgle. I know that 2 houses on Crawthew Grove near each other were burgled not too long ago, and quite a few people in the area are of the odd habit of keeping high hedges and/or not having curtains or blinds so all their possessions are in clear view of thieves... I will make a report to the Police.
  7. Had one young very scruffy looking bloke doing Crawthew Grove around 6pm, same story, 50p spiral notepad, could barely remember his pitch properly, very pushy and one of the most shabby cons I've ever seen 0-10 for effort.
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