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Posts posted by LadyDeliah

  1. Otta Wrote:


    > LadyDeliah Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > Are most middle class couples in ED orgasm

    > free?



    > How do you propose we research this?


    > And by "orgasm free", are we including solo

    > efforts or sticking to bunk ups with partners?



    > I don't actually believe for a second that you

    > have ever lacked the bottle to start anything!

    I think I'd have to stick to bunk-ups. I'm sure there is a fair amount of oneism in ED. Not sure how we'd research it though, but I reckon a compulsory cheek swab to test levels of testosterone might be fruitful. I hypothesise they is very little in ED.

    Yes, I don't usually lack bottle. Not sure if I did the one about female ejaculation I wanted to do though. I may have bottled it on that one, can't remember lol.

  2. We started doing pro-bono immigration work for some of the Kids Company clients and the contact we had with their staff showed they were a dedicated group of people trying to help the most disadvantaged kids in the UK in very practical ways.

    If they failed in some parts, attacking them in the media and forcing their closure was the wrong way to fix whatever failings there may have been.

    The lifeline they provided was genuinely needed and the gap in provision will be felt enormously.

  3. Ok, I have avoided learning Salsa for years now, but I feel the time has come for me to put away my fears of the funny half steps that confuse the crap out of me and actually take a few lessons.

    Suggestions please for a good totally-shit-beginner class somewhere near SE22/SE15 areas if possible.

  4. Jah Lush Wrote:


    > DulwichFox Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > Problem is that *bob* is not as good as taking

    > the

    > > piss as he thinks he is..

    > >

    > > Most people that selectively take the P can be

    > > funny.

    > >

    > > *DulwichFox*


    > He's making me laugh.

    Me too. Snorting like a stuffed pig, startling passengers on the number 12!

  5. KidKruger Wrote:


    > We don't want riff-raff in our cinema, so sod the

    > benches idea.

    Lol, and as a Peckhamplex patron, can we introduce a test to determine whether the hopeful entrants of said fine establishment know the proper meaning of words such as 'blud', 'shank' and 'ratchet ho' so we can keep the twats out?

  6. Try blender/badoo, or grindr if you are gay.

    Good for hook ups, not sure about finding the love of your life though.

    I am of the opinion that once the child rearing years are over, we are no longer biologically programmed to fall in love anyway and life-long monogomous love is unrealistic for most people as we are generally not built that way.

    Hook ups, however, can be way more satisfying than searching for something that only exists in fantasy, so go for blender.

  7. Salsaboy Wrote:


    > I'm ambidextrous by the way lol.


    > LadyDeliah Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > Lol, thanks for your kind offer Salsaboy :-)

    You'll need a snorkel.

  8. Dopamine1979 Wrote:


    > I think the world would be a much more peaceful

    > place if everyone 'took care of themselves' on a

    > daily basis.

    Agreed; with or without a dildo, according to their own preference. I don't usually bother using mine as it's quicker by hand :-)

  9. I've got an HTC m8 mini and it's about the same size as my old iphone 4, just a little bit bigger. I can't be doing with holding what is effectively a tablet to my ear to make phone calls, so the mini is perfect for me and looks gorgeous too. Plus it is easy to use and feels pretty solid. I'd never go back to apple after having an HTC. Can't comment on Samsung tho.
  10. maxxi Wrote:


    > I confess to being delighted Simon Hughes lost his

    > seat. He was a venomous snake who deserved to be

    > dumped a long time ago. I lived in SE1 for 8 years

    > and had some contact with him in various roles re

    > housing and tenants associations - he was a self

    > serving egotist and a snide.


    I agree. I'm delighted he lost his seat.

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