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  1. If your garden is a dark, private spot at night you might want to consider installing a security light- the type that is triggered by movement.
  2. In Spain Lacon is the cured foreleg of a pig. The rear leg will be the Jamon and the foreleg the Lacon- like our Ham Hock. Probably irrelevant, but a good name for a road anyway- always makes me hungry when I drive through.
  3. Is it true that owning a dog has the same carbon footprint as owning a 4X4?
  4. Why would you begrudge a person earning a salary and owning a nice car just because they choose to live in a different type of accommodation to you? If you do choose to own or inhabit a building you must enter into the mortgage/rent/council tax set of responsibilities that come with it. Otherwise, you don't. Living in or owning a building is not a prerequisite of domicile in this country, or in any of the cities therein. If you work, you pay tax on those earnings, and if you own a car, it must be taxed. Otherwise you will be punished. You are not prohibited by law from living in a vehicle. Those are the rules, and are there to protect and benefit everyone, not just those of us lucky enough to own property. It is no different in the countryside, the rules apply there too.
  5. Well said KidKruger, I would not choose to live in a vehicle, I like my creature comforts, security and privacy too much. However, I take my hat off to those who can be adaptable in this very complex city. There are many types of human habitation throughout the world, from igloos and tents to gated apartment complexes and private estates- all those who reside within are in essence the same- human. It is all to easy cast judgement on others from the sterile anonymity of the virtual world, but why should everyone be forced to exist as part of the bewildered herd? As Kidkruger said, why not try to get to know these potentially interesting people rather than scorning them? Different strokes for differents folks, remember?
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