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Posts posted by fapl

  1. I have a maclaren volo which I love. I think it only weighs 3.7kg without all the accessories (hood etc.), but what you sacrifice is extra functions e.g. it does not recline. I think you can use it from 6m+ but because of no recline feature I would recommend for a child a little older. It is not a perfect buggy, but the best for things like short trips eg. school or nursery run, and also travelling on public transport, you can fold it up in a second to get on a bus that already has 2 buggies on it, it also fits on the overhead luggage rack on the train. If there are steps, I can kick my toddler out to walk the steps and fold it up and carry it over my shoulder. It is a brilliant 2nd buggy to have if you have a bigger bulkier buggy for long day trips where you may want to use the buggy as storage for all your stuff (the volo will just fall over if there is one bag and no toddler sitting down). Probably not great as your only buggy though.
  2. I have also used the Ikea Antilop and tripp trap, this was for a very strong baby that was able to sit up well and we went down the path of baby led weaning, as others have said the cushions seem ridiculous as they would just need to go in the wash after every (very messy with BLW) meal. Also, the idea of the Tripp Trapp is that the baby sits at the table with the family, hence why it does not come with the tray. Apart form the baby set, there really are no other accessories needed in my opinion (even the straps I would say most children would not need and they are a faff unless you have a serious Houdini)

    The Antilop I would say is great for 6m+, and the big tray is fantastic for early stages of BLW, and I would say a couple of months later in my opinion for the tripp trapp (although would also be fine from 6m really if you only wanted to buy one chair).

    If you are weaning earlier than 6 months and spoon feeding, I can see why these high chairs would not appeal to you.

  3. As with anywhere it is luck of the draw as to who is on shift. I actually felt better cared for on the main labour ward in Lewisham hospital when I was induced than in the birth centre where I was left under the charge of an incompetent student :( It had nothing to do with being too busy, I was the only person in the birth centre!

    It is a lovely environment and getting discharged from the birth centre and never having to see the post natal ward is a bonus. Overall I would still recommend it even though my experience was not so great. Some of the midwives who attended to me with my first birth on the labour ward (pre birth centre days) were fantastic and now work in the birth centre.

  4. I have just got a Phil and Teds double buggy, Vibe, and I need to take my 2 boys out tomorrow which will involve a trip on a bus and a stint on the East London Line. The East London Line I am not worried about because I know there is step free access at both stations I am using. I am mostly worried about the bus.

    I have never taken more than an umbrella fold stroller on the bus, I am quite nervous about it because the phil and teds feels like a tractor in comparison.

    Are there ant tips, which door to use etc?

    My boys are 3 months and 2 year 10months. Unfortunately for my own health reasons a sling is out for the baby I am afraid, it would have been my preferred option :(

  5. There is the South East London Dads group which is more based around Greenwich/Lewisham, but do seem to meet up in many places. On their list of future meets is afternoon coffee at Caf? on the Rye in May. That leads me to think there are some members of the group based ED/Peckham Rye way.

    SE London dads

    They have lots of outings and things all over the place, they seem much more adventurous than my NCT group who always argued because everybody wanted to meet at the cafe or park on their own doorstep.

  6. From the book "inside Out" by Michelle Kenway on spin classes:

    Avoid using heavy resistance through your legs.

    Stay seated if the class includes out-of-the-seat/saddle-climbing tracks.

    Activate your deep abdominal muscles gently, not forcefully, when leaning forward and riding your bike.

    The sub title to the book says "A complete guide to pelvic floor safe exercises for women". It is not a cheap book to buy in the UK because it is not really for sale here in the UK, but you can buy it on ebay. Supergolden if you want to borrow it from me get on touch (sorry can't be lending it out to everybody :)) Cheaper than buying tena pads for decades though.

  7. I would only embark on running if you are 100% certain your pelvic floor is in tip top condition, which it probably isn't so soon after giving birth. Anything high impact is REALLY BAD for a weak pelvic floor. You can probably adapt a lot of things like Zumba to leave out high impact stuff. There are even some things in pilates and yoga that put stress on your pelvic floor, so best attend classes especially for post natal women or at least speak with your instructor about modifications that need to be made.

    My 2nd was born 23 Jan so I am in a similar position of wanting to lose the weight, but I know if I don't take the right care of myself now I will be incontinent or have prolapse later in life (might end up with either anyway, I know I am at really high risk having had an episiotomy and forceps delivery with my first baby). I am going to try swimming and I have ordered an exercise DVD to do at home, it hasn't arrived yet so I can't personally recommend it yet hab-it

    There is also another one called pfilates.

    You might think it is not that relevant to you, but if you want more kids take it seriously, I didn't realise how important this stuff was after my 1st, and only after my 2nd which was very straightforward I am realising how weak things are. If you are having any problems speak with your gp as they can refer you to physio. I didn't know this until a friend told me when I joked about taking shares out in Depend as I think I might be needing it a lot when I am older.

    Also, there will still be a lot of the hormone relaxin in your system while breastfeeding so another reason to take care of yourself and exercise right. Good luck with the weight loss, I think I am going to need it too!

    (also DO NOT STRAIN ON THE TOILET one of the worst things you can do for your pelvic floor, I don't get why they don't tell us this stuff when so many pregnant women end up constipated, go to your doc for lactulose if you have a problem with that, plus eat loads of fibre and drink loads of water)

  8. That is great you have the money theasidonio but when it can cost a few hundred pounds or more to attend each wedding and you have a few invites, for some there may be tough decisions to make. I would not have wanted any of the guests at my wedding to get into debt to attend. I am starting to wonder why you are on the family board when so many of your opinions are so family unfriendly.
  9. I know it is up to each individual couple what to do and who to invite to their wedding day, but I feel really sad that people would want to get married and not have children around. If you are worried about cost, choose a less expensive venue. It is too much about the wedding day and the photos. It should be about declaring to your family and friends you are serious about your partner and want to enter into a lifelong union with them. Throughout a marriage there will be tough times when you need family and friends around you, and those families and friends have children. It is not surprising divorce is so common when there is this sort of attitude around weddings.

    I also feel it is really arrogant to say you want your guests to get a baby sitter so they can have a good time. I have a great time with my children around thank you very much. I wouldn't be going anywhere without my 3 month old at the moment, and I wouldn't even want to go to a wedding without my 3 year old to be honest, he is usually the life and soul of the party and brings joy to many people (and if he doesn't behave we take him outside so as to minimise bother to other people).

    My husband has gone to one wedding without me where children were not allowed, and it does make me feel I do not share the same values as these 'friends'.

  10. I am so sorry to hear about this. One of the most damaging things is losing a feeling of safety in your own community.

    Although you have blocked the phone, it will still work in some countries abroad so it is not useless. I think these professionals target particular handsets and ship them abroad, so they do probably make good money.

    For numerous reasons, including not wanting to make myself a target of thieves (and not wanting a 2 year old to throw/flush down the toilet/get addicted to youtube on an expensive phone), I use an old Nokia 3210. It can make calls and texts, although granted it can't take photos and videos. Some of the old Nokias have great battery life, and people make loads of comments about how they used to have the phone :))

  11. About 2 years ago HSBC gave my son a quite nice metal money box that was like a safe. It could be one of those things where it depends on the staff in the branch and if they can be bothered to keep these items in stock and hand them out, so maybe drop by the branch and enquire before you get your son excited and drag him in only to find there are no presents.
  12. It might be a bit far away but classes at Ladywell Gymnastics Club based in Bellingham Leisure Centre are fab. The kids use all the equipment, bars, high beam, trampoline, big foam pits etc. In the 2 year old class you attend with them, from 3 they go in on their own. Class is short, only 45 minutes, but if they need to exert any more energy afterwards Rascals is on site, which if you get the leisure centre membership is only ?2.40 entry. You pay for the whole term for the gymnastics class.
  13. Ladywell Gymnastics Club based in Bellingham Leisure Centre is excellent. Parents must attend the 2 year old class, there is some warm up stretching at the beginning, then mostly free play on all the equipment, bars, foam pits, high beam etc. and the coach will call over the children individually to learn a skill, hanging on the bar, walking backwards on the beam for example. Just enough of an introduction to a formal gymnastics class, with mostly free play. Then if they are not worn out you can always take them straight into Rascals.
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