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Posts posted by bishop

  1. Robb Stark. Obviously.

    And Eric Northam forevah. A pox upon annoying Vampire Bill. And wet and wimpy 'Sookeh', which, incidentally, is the most ridicolous name, ever.

    I can't really talk, my taste in TV crushes is pretty abysmal. This is coming from someone who watched every episode of Broadwalk Empire I could get my hands on and fancied...Nucky Thompson. Not Jimmy. Not, er, that Irish one (Owen, I think?). Even had a bit of a glad eye for Meyer Lansky. I am sick.

  2. Lovely breakfast and florals sorted by infants (and their Dad, I suspect, as they're 3 and 1...). Baby then sat on my pillow and her nappy leaked. Poo. Everywhere. Now I am at work, but plan to duck out early to go home and go to sleep.

    I left the 4 loads of washing to my husband, he'll be SO PLEASED.

  3. midivydale Wrote:


    > This brought back memories of when I first turned

    > up in the UK from Sweden to start university. I

    > had saved for two years and was so excited for my

    > future.

    > At the welcome session our faculty dean started

    > with.

    > "in front of me today are some of tomorrows most

    > wellpaid bankers, and some of the prettiest wives

    > to be"....


    > I was crushed!!

    WHAT!? That is OUTRAGEOUS.

  4. BellendenBear Wrote:


    > Surely it's still worth investing in your

    > daughters' education so that they go to the best

    > schools and universities and increase their

    > chances of meeting the most successful potential

    > husbands?


    > That's supposed to be a joke.

    There were a few girls on my course at Uni who freely admitted that they were at Uni for that exact reason! We did an education based degree. 45 girls, 3 boys. Not exactly a sausage fest.

  5. Can I be feminist and a stay at home mum?

    Ah, the million dollar question, and one that I have felt conflicted over since I was pregnant with my first! I haven't come up with an answer yet (for me).

    The main breadwinner thing is a weird one in my house. My husband works full time, me part time. However, if I worked full time (40 hours a week), I would earn about three times a much as him.

    However PTA Mum's attitude reeks.

  6. LondonMix: I had my first at 24, became pregnant at 23. On purpose (we tried for a bit, nowt happened, so gave up and then found out I was pregant). Had my second at 25. All on purpose. I was married when I was 24 too (also on purpose ;)).

    Everyone, from MWs to SHO on the labour ward, assumed that I was an accidental teenage mother until they cast their eyes over my notes. Everyone also makes assumptions about my 'social' class when they hear this.

    So stick that in your pipe and smoke it. HTH.

  7. My now three year old went through this aged 20mo-25mo iirc. Tired but WOULD NOT sleep. We eventually got round it because his baby sister started having a long nap at 1ish, and I'd lie down on my bed with him and he would fall asleep. Job done. I ended up having to cut his naps out when he was about 2.5 because he would sleep easily in the day but then be awake till 10pm in the evening.
  8. Gill&Joe, I am the first out of my group of friends to have children and they just didn't/don't get it. I think they thought childcare was free because when I said I couldn't afford to go back to work (initially) I got loads of 'huh?!' faces. Also they thought child benefit was about 8x as much as it is. Some of them are now pregnant, and have lofty ideas such as 'Well, of course, me and Partner are quite adaptable so I reckon we'll be fine on only six or seven hours of sleep...' (Someone actually said this to me...I asked if they meant six or seven hours over the course of three days. Reality, they are about to get a dose of it.)
  9. ALSO. Me and Mr Bishop have been invited to loads of weddings over the past two years or so that have stated No Children. Fine for our toddler who we were able (for the most part...) to leave with grandparents for the day, but not so easy with our breastfed baby. And yes, the no children rule did often extend to her. Poor baby. Therefore, I have a special kind of hate directed to couples who state no babes in arms at weddings...or expect breastfed babies and Mothers to go into a special room/cuboard to feed so as not to offend guests ( I may be projecting...)
  10. How often does she feed in the day? My youngest, also 19 months, was still breastfed up until very recently. She woke up 6-9 times from 7pm-7am. She fed on demand during the day, and pretty much was filling herself up with milk and not eating anything much or drinking any water, so was awake constantly at night from hunger etc. The moment I cut down/out her bf intake during the day, she got a lot better- still waking once or twice but nowher near what she was up to previously.
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