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Posts posted by bishop

  1. My son has just turned three and has recently started asking about death; mainly because we were stuck in traffic over the Christmas period, right outside a graveyard and he asked about it.

    I find it really tricky because we don't have religion/heaven to fall back on when explaining it, which is how me and my husband had it explained to us. We're a mixed house in terms of religion having both had religious upbringings which we've since come to feel kind of 'meh' about (my screen name references the pub, nothing to do with anything church-y, sorry).

    We have explained that people die when their bodies can't work so well anymore, but we have been steering clear of 'going to sleep forever' because our boy is already scared of going to sleep. We have said that we will all die one day, and he was fine with this until he asked about his sister and said 'But she only a baby!!'.

    My father died when I was very young, in a bit of an unusual/difficult to talk about way. My Mother was always very honest with me about it, and always answered my questions on it with brutal honesty. Some might think it's a bit inappropriate that a four year old could say 'My Daddy's funeral was a long time after he died because of the inquest', but it worked for us.

    In short, I haven't a clue either and I'll be watching this post with interest.

  2. I did, but I was PT to begin with and on a temporary contract which basically meant that when I went on mat leave with Baby 1 I was made redundant (sort of). Went back for 9 months in between babies, was again made redundant but I am going back in Jan with much more full time hours (30 hours a week, but over evenings and weekends) but I will be a PERMANENT member of staff this time.

    I work in Law/Academia.

  3. Bit of an update; Little Bishop seems to have dropped one or two feeds of her own accord, and when apart from her, I'm not getting anywhere near as engorged as I used to. Still chomping away at night though, really want to get this sorted. When I divert her attention in the day (EG, she'll point at me and ask 'Boob for me? Boob there?' and I'll say 'you can have some at naptime...') she throws huge tantrums but these are short lived and she generally gets over it in a few minutes. I have decided I will no longer be feeding her in public anymore, and diverted her attention away from feeding in a waiting room yesterday. This is a real milestone for both of us!

    Esme; she won't take a bottle, never has, and over the past few weeks has refused her 'sippie' cup and will only drink from a proper cup with no lid. Absolute nightmare if we were to offer milk/water in one of these overnight. She doesn't like cows milk, goats milk, rice milk, soy, or oatly either. Tricky baba! We'll get there.

  4. Thanks to everyone for your input and advice.

    AnnaWF, your post really resonated with me. When I really think about it, I think I would be quite distressed if I totally stopped feeding Little Bishop. She may be a cheeky and sturdy toddler, but she is still very much my baby. It has made me really think about what I am, and am not, happy to do. I really think the time has come to nightwean, and luckily my OH has some time off coming up, so we can tackle it head (or boob) on. If I can get that, and the terrible engorgement when away from Little Bishop, under control, then I think I'll be much happier to continue to breastfeed her in the day. (As I've been typing this, she's been sitting underneath the computer desk requesting 'plss, the boob?'. Hmm.)

  5. Depends on the child/family. My parents asked me several times a

    week when I was 16ish when I'd be "finding a place..." as that is what they did. This was the summer between my GCSEs and A-Levels starting. Yeah, thanks.

    When I moved out for good, they made sure I knew I was welcome back for visits ONLY.

    My OH's parents on the other hand, have what I think of as an "open door policy". Never had any expectations of when they're kids would/should leave home and their children know they could move back any time, if needs be.

    I hope mine never leave, but hope they sleep through sometime in the next 25-30 years.

  6. I'm a regular, but I'm using a different screen name because I know anything BOOB RELATED is a hot topic.

    My baby is 16 months old and loves to breastfeed, morning, noon, night. I have had enough. She is fine when she's away from me, but at this age I feel it's ridiculous that I have to express every 2-3hrs or risk getting awfully engorged and lumpy boobs.

    She also wakes at least 3 times at night to nurse and I am so tired. I know breastfeeding is recommended till 2 years, and i am extremely pro-bf and always said I would let her decide to wean...but I just can't do this anymore. It's the twiddling and demanded to have access to both sides so she can swap back and forth between...argh!

    How do I do this? What do I do about the inevitable engorgement? I've had mastisis twice this year and have no desire to revist it :(

  7. Thankyou to everyone for your kind words, advice and PMs.

    MadDad39; I haven't the foggiest idea what you're on about...

    The main thing we want to ask Victim Support/CPS for is a seperate room for me and the baby to wait in. I don't want to have to chance sitting opposite the defendent with my baby, trying to feed. Pretty much my worst nightmare right there...

    Again, thanks everyone.

  8. Next month, I am acting as a witness for a hearing at Camberwell magistrates court. My husband was the victim, and the defendent is pleading not guilty.

    What is the procedure involved on the day? We have childcare to worry about too- Toddler will be dispatched to his Grandma's for the AM only, so godknows what we'll do if it's a long day. poor Baby will be in attendance though (for boob related reasons).

    All advice and experience will be gratefully recieved!

  9. I do see what you're trying to achieve here, and whilst it's great that you have put so mch effort into MM, and organising things, you do realise you are alienating a helluva lot of People?

    It is okay to only want to talk about Baby Stuff, and its okay to only be able to think about that kind of stuff.

    Harsh truth time: if you have a baby, your life will never go back to how it was. This is not necessarily a bad thing. You don't have to be creative and cool and trendy and pulled together, its fine to NOT knock yourself out trying to be exactly how you were pre baby.

    Come over to the darkside, we have leggings and farley's rusks.

  10. Hi forum,

    I have a 20 month old son, and his Mother and I are becoming quite concerned about his speech- or lack thereof.

    He understands us when we speak to him, and can communicate his needs clearly through gesturing/pointing and the occasional use of 'there' and 'that'. However, that's pretty much the extend of his spoken language. My wife and I were not worried until we saw him with his friends, all of whom were at least able to say 'cat' or 'water'. His friends are a mix of girls and boys, and we are aware that typically boys develop at a slower rate than girls. We also know that comparing one's child to another child is a bad idea anyway, because inevtiably you end up drawing comparisons between them, even if you don't mean to.

    Apart from all this, he's getting very frustrated when he can't make himself completely understood. He's had a fairly large change in his life recently, and his tantrums and frustration have hit an all time high, poor bugger.

    Is it worth a visit to the GP, to ask about referrals to a SLT? We'd ask our HV, but she's been pretty much useless (handing out ridicolous and outdate3d advice to my wife ad myself since our son was born- such as, give the baby a bottle of formula, perhaps with rice cereal in, to help him sleep longer stretched, when he was around 12wks old)

    Or is it worth waiting another 4 months and seeing where we are after he turns 2? His hearing is fine, and his receptive language is great, it's just getting him to SAY something which is a bit of a no-go.

  11. Hi Pearcesa.

    Sorry to hear about your mail. Royal Mail customer services only seemed to be interested when I mentioned that I had packages from over a month ago that were yet to turn up, and that I had been receiving other peoples post.

    At first she just told me that I needed proof of postage I explained its a bit hard to get this when I'm not the sender! She then reluctantly went on to raise a note which would in turn get a query sent out to the east dulwich sorting office asking what the situation was.

    I then asked her how I would be notified as to the whereabouts or possible delivery of my mail, and she said I would be sent a letter! So I guess i won't be getting that letter :(

    I would def recommend giving it a shot and calling them, If you hear anything let us know !

  12. Hi, I live along Colyton Road and pretty certain I'm not alone on this one. Since the beginning of October I haven't been receiving some items of post. One thing I have been receiving is other peoples. Which I have returned, but needless to say shouldn't even be arriving at my door especially considering that some items are for completely different roads!

    I'm pretty sure that this is either the postal workers fault (incompetence?) or sorting office but does make you wonder about the quality of service, more worryingly are the implications of personal items of mail ending up at some one else's door. Already I'm missing Octobers bank statement. I'm also missing a few packages and credit card.

    I found this forum through a forum some one on Colyton road has actually setup regarding this issue.


    Has anyone else had other peoples post turning up or just not receiving their post? (6)

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