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Posts posted by Peckhamnearbe

  1. I am sorry but I cannot be enthusiastic about voting for Labour here.

    What happened to selection process candidate, Mr Maurice McLeod (and I must say a lot of other BME and non-BME candidates up and down the country) has been nothing short of a national scandal. In case you do not know about this, I recommend looking up Maurice's name - there's information in The Guardian, The Voice, Skwawbox.

    In the last, I read that the people of principle and due process in this CLP, the Chair, Procedures Secretary and one other who were on the Selection Committee resigned in protest. There's something profoundly wrong with the direction the ''new-look right wing'' Labour Party has taken. The major documentary,The Labour Files exposed a lot that is cause for concern.

    I don't like this Government but there are more principled alternatives. When I saw this endorsement for the ''approved'' candidate, my mind immediately turned to the writings of Frantz Fanon.

  2. Thanks for sharing- sheer arrogance from LP and tbh if they can treat their own members in so nasty a manner and lie through their teeth so often flip-flopping on policy, they don?t deserve any trust. And this perhaps explains the lack of door-knockers and enthusiasm:


    Shared by a friend- it?s the same everywhere. LP a punctured and deflated tyre.

  3. Not in Labour - imo, Starmer is Tweedledum to Boris?s Tweedledee, agreeing with and supporting the Govt line on almost everything. As someone has commented elsewhere, the Govt has removed my right to protest, threatened to take my citizenship away, given the security forces immunity from prosecution, is working to privatise the NHS, has allowed 150,000 to die but Starmer has said not a tweet on these matters and given his backing to most policies. However he does tweet about the office party as if that really is the thing to be upset about! And also there?s fulsome congratulations on Boris?s further contribution to the overpopulation problem. Readying himself to be the safe, continuity sock- puppet. That the CLP has people who oppose this sorry state of not ?moderate? but right wing drift is surely a good balance. Richard Burgeon or John McDonnell are on that side of politics too but no, it?s the young Asian woman who is picked on - why? She seems to doing a good job of challenging the Government unlike her Leader.
  4. Amazing sight (for me) this morning. Black cat on my shed roof trying to get at something from under roof and robins buzzing it and twittering furiously. It nearly fell off as almost upside down trying to claw out whatever it was. When I focussed my phone camera on the front of the shed the cat had moved there and was determinedly trying to get at something - something inside the shed: a baby bird. It came to front trying to get it as the baby had now squashed itself against the shed window - all the while robins agitatedly buzzed the cat and tweeted. The bird needed to be rescued so put down my phone, caught it and put it on roof of the shed where it flew off. I never knew robins could be so plucky! Video a bit too large to attach
  5. Update re: side effects. I had my AZ jab Friday morning. No ill effects all day but overnight really felt unwell with chills, sore arm, nausea, aching joints, feeling weak and generally unwell. Slight cold symptoms. Didn't feel ok-ish until later on Saturday afternoon. Not sure if the nausea and bout of vomiting was to do with the jab or coincidence. All ok now. The medic in the family who'd had a similarly bad reaction to first Pfizer jab had the second one yesterday and so far so good. No ill effects.
  6. Having reported on 4 members of my family receiving the Pfizer vaccine, only one of whom suffered some side-effects, (most likely because he had been exposed to covid last year), today I had my jab. My friend and her daughter (serious auto immune issues)had theirs yesterday. For me and my friend - AZ vaccine. Slightly sore arm and not feeling 100% but I am ok. My friend who had covid and it became long covid is still experiencing side-effects 24 hours after the jab (rash, temperature, flu symptoms). Her daughter who, unlike us, was given the Pfizer vaccine is ok so far.
  7. 4 family members are in the health field and have been vaccinated with one dose - all Pfizer. All had hardly anything of note in the way of a reaction but the nephew who was on-call the same evening after his late afternoon jab was different. He suffered shivers, headache, joint pains and really we don't know how he got through the evening. He sounded so poorly we wanted to pick him up after shift as he didn't sound like he should be driving home. He did get home safely and after 12 hours in bed and some tlc, made a full recovery.
  8. Could anyone advise? There was a police road block in central London last Saturday at Hyde Park Corner/Park Lane in the afternoon and traffic skirting the Congestion Zone were forced into it by the police. Where can one get confirmation of this in order to ask for congestion charge to be waived. The person affected had to be in north London and should not use public transport. TFL are asking for proof to deport the appeal.


  9. peckhamguy

    '' but the articles they have put up are all true as people have been prosecuted for all offences labelled on there, ''

    So, public-spirited as you claim they were, was there a reference also there to Leigh McMillan the EDL high-up jailed for 17 years for grooming and rape (and which the high ups in that fascist organisation ordered members to avoid highlighting?) Somehow I doubt it so clearly this is not about genuine concern for the public but a menacing and threatening development which has rightly been reported.

  10. hi

    Within the last half hour 10:30 onwards: took an old watch to the watch repair shop for a new strap and it's fallen out of my pocket between there and The Gardens. Cycled through Morrisons and along Rye Lane. It's in a clear plastic bag. Had had this done for a friend. Let me know please if you come across it. Thanks.

  11. This b/w cat with distinctive black snout which makes it appear to have a moustache has been hanging around HOP and in our garden a lot. When in the sun it's coat looks burnished brown - I remember reading of a cat like this somewhere. Seems sorry for itself and hungry but keeps a distance.
  12. Great work! Would this be of interest? Received from a friend and happening tonight (Tuesday)

    Refugees are currently living in atrocious conditions in parts of Europe. Cold and wet weather mean new born babies are suffering with hypothermia and aid agencies struggling to cope, do not have enough blankets to give them. Makeshift camps do not have proper shelter, warmth and sanitation. Thousands of people have drowned this year, escaping, war, poverty and persecution.

    As Winter approaches we must do more to help refugees:

    rally and fundraiser tonight-Catford SE6

    tickets available on the door: more info here


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