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caro ed

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  1. I walk from East Dulwich Station to Dulwich Library - normally stay on Lordship Lane but interested to know if any of the back roads are covered. I kind of agree with those saying it wouldn't necessarily have an impact on the likelihood of something happening but still, good to know.
  2. Any replies on this? Thinking about going for Sunday lunch today.. that or Crooked Well - food in CW looks great but pretty pricey at ?14.50 for a roast..
  3. We just had someone knocking on the door an hour ago from Macro Energy, saying they were helping people claim their grants for loft insulation.. Given we actually do need to insulate the loft we thought we'd see what he had to say. Greek guy, well dressed, name badge etc I asked him on the doorstep how he was paid (hate to admit it, but years ago while at uni I did door-to-door for a few months for Powergen before it completely destroyed any sense of self-worth I had..) and he said by the company, regardless of how many homes he visits etc. So we let him in, he measured the loft (not very convincing it has to be said.. seemed a bit lost) and then he started to tell us what the insulation guys were going to do for us. Told us he was a chartered surveyor, but I doubt it. At this point we reiterated that we weren't committing to anything there and then, he said "oh don't worry, I'm not selling you anything guys, i'm just giving you info" so we chatted some more. Long story short, he tried to get us to sign something and when we said no way he got rather agitated and said the usual of "but if you don't sign now you won't get the benefits" etc.. Needless to say we let him go on his way without a signature. We've just googled Macro Energy and also the government grant thing.. There is a website for Macro Energy but it's a US company, and as for the government grant - probably all fine.. but we suspect they're just a loft insulating company using the government grant thing as an excuse to sell their wares.
  4. PeckhamRose Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Why, what were you thinking of doing? ;) haha! Nothing that exciting sadly.. J ust saw something on TV the other day about CCTV's in somewhere like Middlesborough which they have speakers attached, and the operators can spot people droppping rubbish and tell them to pick it up.. ended up getting into a chat with the boyfriend about whether we were being watched in ED or not! I was thinking that actually it would be quite good to know which streets do have cameras from the perspective of feeling a bit safer as a girl walking home late at night.. any ideas?
  5. are there any cameras in East Dulwich?
  6. Well said electroblankets. My one gripe would be that some people do seem to use it as a means of nitpicking at any opportunity and being a teensy bit small minded (at the risk of probably being attacked for saying that..), but otherwise it's a great resource and great for the community. thanks Admin :-)
  7. DulwichFox Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hardly worth putting on extra buses. > Seems to me people here expect a bus just for > them, just when they need it. Given the huge consistency and number of people saying the same thing on this thread that there aren't enough buses, I don't think that's exactly a fair comment DF.
  8. Agree with all the above comments.. - given this is the only route from SE to SW it is a really important bus route but also very unreliable - as they saying goes, i have often waited over 25 mins for a 37 bus and then 2 have come along together. Would be good to have a reliable and much more regular service. More buses needed. - in a car it takes approx 15/20 mins to get from ED to Clapham Junction, yet on the 37 bus i have known it take best part of an hour.. Just an idea but if there were more 37's put on, could there be a 'speed service' which doesn't stop at so many bus-stops (as the trains do)?
  9. hmmm no caterpillars or poo/vomit smell, Bob. Going to see if leaving some Guiness in a nearby bowl results in a slug massacre in which case I know who the culprits are!
  10. Seriously? Animal poo & vomit?! Blimey, i didn't realise gardening was so harrowing :-) Thanks for the advice Bob, i shall go have a look as just watered it earlier.
  11. Hi all, wow wasn't expecting such a good response! Having already killed half of what I planted (novice gardener.. who stupidly went on holiday without making arrangements for watering of the garden..) I'm not sure now how much extra I will have but will stay in the loop.
  12. Novice gardener, so sorry if this is obvious, but I have a couple of young beech plants and also a shrub that are being decimated by something.. is it slugs?? If so, I can't follow how they only go for one of the beech saplings when the 2 on either side are pretty much untouched?? It's literally like something has systematically chomped through every single bit of foliage on the beech, and the shrub (think it's called Viburnum) which is actually not planted anywhere near the beech is looking like it might go the same way... HELP!
  13. try this http://www.gbbo.co.uk
  14. Would anyone be up for doing this sort of thing? I think we're going to have loads of tomatoes and beetroot in a month or two and were wondering if anyone was in the same boat but with different veg! Tom and Barbara :0)
  15. Zeban/Lucy Just reiterating that I would like to be part of this as well so please keep me in the loop - looks like it was missed on my last post! :-)
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